Daily Wisdom Saying

Co-arising with body, consciousness is seen as endemic to life, extending beyond the realm of the human in a psychic continuity that relates the human being to other creatures and summons him to live in nonviolence, concord and compassion.

-Joanna Macy.

Hey Snoops, I don't know too much about her. What I do know is that she has a book entitled, World as Lover; World as Self. The title in itself teaches! Fricken Rad!! I think that she may be a professor of something-or-other somewhere; probably highly intellectual as well as spiritual. Formidable. ;) :)

I need to read her myself. I got the quote from Mary Pipher's Writing to Change the World. If you haven't already, check out JoannaMacy.net - Welcome to All Beings

Right Pathless, read the Macy book; now to follow that up with some Prof. F. Rad I think.

a poem from Du Fu

South of my house and north,
all spring long there is water.

Day after day I watch the flocks of gulls return.

Fallen petals on my path are never swept for guests,
and only now is the thatched gated opened - for you.

Food so far from market must be simple;
The wine in this poor house is home-brewed.

If you are willing, we'll drink with my old neighbor.
Let me call across the fence before we drain the last cup.


Right Pathless, read the Macy book; now to follow that up with some Prof. F. Rad I think.



Here's one from Derrick Jensen's Endgame Vol. I: The Problem of Civilization

Another problem I have with Buddhism is that Buddhism, like other "great" religions of civilization (including science, and including capitalism), isn't land-based. It's been transposed over space, which means by definition it is disconnected from the land, and also means it values, by definition, abstraction of the particularity of place. A religion is, I think, supposed to teach us how to live (which, if we're to live sustainably, must also mean that it teaches us how to live in a certain place). Also a religion is supposed to teach us how to connect to the divine. But people will live differently in different places, which means religions must be different in different places, and must emerge from specific places themselves, and not be abstracted from these places.

(pg. 295)
"The tribes always treated water as a medicine because it nourished the life of the earth, flushing poisons out of humans, other creatures and the land. We knew that to be productive, water must be kept pure. When water is kept cold and clean, it takes care of the salmon."

--Levi Holt, member of Nez Perce tribe
"The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new."

- Pema Chodron.
"It is not through the great skill of the hunter himself that success is achieved, but through the hunter's awareness of his place in Creation and his relationship to all things."

--Thomas Yellowtail, Absaroke (Crow)
To throw ourselves fully into one act here and now is to let go of the past and the future, to relinquish all views, and to free ourselves from all hindrances. This is the simple insistence at the heart of the Buddha's teachings.

- Michael Eido Luetchford.

The significance of the key notion of ”casting off the body-mind” in the context of Dogen’s life and thought was that zazen-only, as the mythic-cultic archetype, symbolized the totality of the self and the world and represented that in which Buddha-nature became embodied. To cast off the body-mind did not nullify historical and social existence so much as put it into action so that it could be the self-creative and self-expressive embodiment of Buddha-nature. In being “cast off”, however, concrete human existence was fashioned in the mode of radical freedom – purposeless, goalless, objectless, and meaningless. Buddha-nature was not to be enfolded in, but was to unfold through, human activities and expressions. The meaning of existence was finally freed from and authenticated by its all-too-human conditions only if, and when, it lived co-eternally with ultimate meaninglessness.

-Hee-Jin Kim.
For those who are ready,
the door to the deathless state is open.
You that have ears,
give up the conditions that bind you,
and enter in.

- The Buddha.

Majjhima Nikaya.


Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
"You should regard him who became angry with you three times without addressing any bad saying to you as a true friend."
-Ja'far al-Sadiq, the sixth Imam
I respectfully urge you who study the mystery
Do not pass your days and nights in vain.

-Sekito Kisen.

Although ultimate truth is formless, form is required for its expression.

-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Snoopy.


PS Don't know if it's "wisdom" but it just came to me and I felt the urge to share the thought. :)
