if hell was real

moseslmpg said:
...But isn't your reasoning circular as well? You say God cannot lie because His word says he cannot, but this assumes that He does not lie, which is based on the Bible that says He cannot lie, etc.. My "circular logic" does allow for an end, which is God can do whatever He wants, which includes lying and killing.

That was not my reasoning...I was expounding upon your original point, way back at the beginning of this thread. (lol)

And now, I'm done.
the thought struck me.. isnt part of the unpardonable sin attributing the deeds of Christ as evil? Be careful..whether you believe it or not.
I'm not attributing the Christ as being evil at all, just discussing hypothetical circumstances. I'm not much worried about the unpardonable sin though, not anymore anyway.

Quahom, my reasoning was that there is no reason God cannot do what He wants, that's all. You're the one who was using the "Word cannot come back void" or something. No need to reply though, if you are done.

Terrence, I would say the feeling is mutual but it really isn't. You can believe that the truth is absolute if you want, you can believe there is something wrong with postmodernism if you want, it doesn't change the truth...or maybe it does. Like I said, the example of names was not a good one to use to illustrate this, since I do not believe that a name is determined by a piece of paper whereas you apparently do. Do you believe that truth is knowable? Because I have no definitive belief either way; whether it is knowable or not does not matter so long as it exists.

Do I exist? In what context? I exist relative to everything else, in that I can sit on a chair or watch TV. Whether I exist in an absolute sense, I do not know, but it is inconsequential.
when we get to heaven or hell. how old will we be?
You know a lot of your questions don't really mean anything. I mean, they're borderline nonsensical. Presumably our age would not be altered in any way after death, if age even exists.
is hell gonna be like boiling in oil for all time or what?

I wonder if we breath the boiling oil in or if we get to breath steamy hot ir or what, maybe demons will hold us under the oil so we are drowning and burning at the same time
Well my arent we a rude one.
I resent that, slightly.

Shadowman knows I'm not being rude to him, but some of his questions are hard to answer by the nature of their formulation. Might as well ask what does purple smell like in winter.

Shadowman, I believe hell is supposedly brimstone, liquid fire, and gnashing of teeth. And possibly the normal kind of fire, but it gives off no light. And according to most people's opinions, it goes on forever and ever for the rest of eternity.
Hi Everyone,

brimstone, liquid fire

I think that's sulfuric acid.

I always thought Hell was supposed to be being/living with the absense of God. That would make sense if:

1 John 4:8
Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love

Just my opinion.

I resent that, slightly. My apologies.

Shadowman knows I'm not being rude to him, but some of his questions are hard to answer by the nature of their formulation. Might as well ask what does purple smell like in winter. I agree with that.

Shadowman, I believe hell is supposedly brimstone, liquid fire, and gnashing of teeth. And possibly the normal kind of fire, but it gives off no light. And according to most people's opinions, it goes on forever and ever for the rest of eternity.
Your First 6 Days in HELL
so i wonder if it will be hot enough to make my eyeballs melt. or not. i guess it wont matter since i wont need to see anything ever again. maybe ill evolve blind eyes like those fish in the caves
If hell is real [and it is], then Jesus is the ONLY way to escape. Why? Well, he was the ONLY person to ever not sin once, not in thought or action. He lived a perfect life, thus fulfilling God's Law and then died a perfect sacrifice, thus satisfying God's wrath for all those whom will trust in Him as their atonment sacrifice. So you see what can occure? The Holy God of the Universe who hates sin and kills people for it, has in love sent His Son into the world to pay the cost for those who has broken the law. Now, those who trust in Christ and repent, can have their sins imputed to Christ on the cross, where He suffered and paid the cost for it, and they (those who trust in Him) can have His perfect life imputed to their account, making them justified before God.

So yeah...Hell is real. It exist because God exist. Hell is God's Hell. He will NOT tolerate sin nor sinners who spurn His grace. Please repent and put your trust in Jesus. He has promised if you come, He will NOT cast you away. He delights to love and save sinners. What a great God, huh?!
How ironic. We want to help eachother see the truth (as we truly believe it to be), so the thought is sincere, yet so often our very words and actions cause eachother to stumble over the blocks we inadvertantly place in front of one another.

That's what i was thinking too...:(