Alternative christian sects section?

Quahom1 said:
People who want peace and tranquility get along with each other because that's the nature of being the ultimate human.

There is no such thing as an alternative Christian. Christians are known by the fruit they bear, not by their title.

There is a them, and an us in this world, sadly enough.

Jesus wants total compliance with the will of God. No deviation, no exceptions. What the will of God is, is now the arguement.

He speaks to all according to their capacity and those who speak of him are recognized by their speech.
Faithfulservant said:
Nah the old man is us before Christ. :) The worldly fleshly part of us.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Amen! We walk forward, reborn daily, fresh, forgiven and forgiving.
Prober said:
Amen! We walk forward, reborn daily, fresh, forgiven and forgiving.
that sure sounds a lot better than the mantra that we are filthy rags.
cyberpi said:
Hmmm... Christ (pbuh) not a Christian? Lead not by example? The Lord is not thy servant? Oh, how I disagree with your sentence, "Christ was not a Christian". Perhaps it is a difference over the definition of 'defined'. I don't think a Christian can define all his days. It goes against the whole definition of 'Faith' as I know it... like that of being a servant.

Jesus was a Jew...where have you been? I thought everyone of any kind of knowledge knew that.

care less how you think of my version of Christ (pbuh). lol You insult, deliberately... And it is not appreciated.
Quahom1 said:
Jesus was a Jew...where have you been? I thought everyone of any kind of knowledge knew that.

care less how you think of my version of Christ (pbuh). lol You insult, deliberately... And it is not appreciated.
I'm sorry, but if anyone has been wrongly insulted here it has been Jesus Christ (pbuh). How many people on this thread think or say that Jesus Christ was NOT a Christian? How many people think Jesus taught out of Judaism rather than something new from God (swt)? How many people think Jesus was a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing another? It begs for what defines a Christian, but to have drawn such strong ethnocentric lines in the mind between a Jew and a Christian as to say Jesus Christ (pbuh) was NOT a Christian... simply defies me.

John 13:16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
John 15:20 Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.
John 3:2 Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.

How many people have drawn such solid ethnocentric lines in their minds between differences in religions to deny that Jesus Christ was a Christian? If Jesus (pbuh) or God (swt) did NOT define Christianity for anyone, then who did?
cyberpi said:
I'm sorry, but if anyone has been wrongly insulted here it has been Jesus Christ (pbuh). How many people on this thread think or say that Jesus Christ was NOT a Christian? How many people think Jesus taught out of Judaism rather than something new from God (swt)? How many people think Jesus was a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing another? It begs for what defines a Christian, but to have drawn such strong ethnocentric lines in the mind between a Jew and a Christian as to say Jesus Christ (pbuh) was NOT a Christian... simply defies me.

John 13:16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
John 15:20 Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.
John 3:2 Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.

How many people have drawn such solid ethnocentric lines in their minds between differences in religions to deny that Jesus Christ was a Christian? If Jesus (pbuh) or God (swt) did NOT define Christianity for anyone, then who did?

Jesus was a jew and He taught from the same scripture that the Jews learned from.There was nothing new other than His purpose on Earth and the OT was talking about that since the beginning...The first Christians were His disciples.They defined it because they walked in Christs steps.. They learned that through Him there is a personal relationship with God they learned by the Spirit that we are walking dead people without Jesus Christ... Jesus is our example of what We as Christians are supposed to be in our actions in our thoughts in our words... He is God in the flesh... He doesnt follow in the steps of Himself..

Now stop being rude, cyberpi. You can discuss without being provoking.
cyberpi said:
I'm sorry, but if anyone has been wrongly insulted here it has been Jesus Christ (pbuh). How many people on this thread think or say that Jesus Christ was NOT a Christian? How many people think Jesus taught out of Judaism rather than something new from God (swt)? How many people think Jesus was a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing another? It begs for what defines a Christian, but to have drawn such strong ethnocentric lines in the mind between a Jew and a Christian as to say Jesus Christ (pbuh) was NOT a Christian... simply defies me.

John 13:16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
John 15:20 Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.
John 3:2 Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.

How many people have drawn such solid ethnocentric lines in their minds between differences in religions to deny that Jesus Christ was a Christian? If Jesus (pbuh) or God (swt) did NOT define Christianity for anyone, then who did?
Well lets see Mary....Jewish woman.
God he was not Jewish but Joseph was.
Jesus was Jewish, was circumcised, went to the Temple and synangoue(sp) from a young age and taught at them.
Hell your own quote showed that John 3:2 who calls their teachers Rabbi.

If anyone offends Jesus it is all the people who keep discounting who he really was!
So who says that a person can not be a Jew and a Christian... besides Hitler is there anyone? Anyone here?
cyberpi said:
So who says that a person can not be a Jew and a Christian... besides Hitler is there anyone? Anyone here?
You miss the point, cyberpi. Acts 11 explains that the term "Christian" was not used until after the Gentiles started to become converted. Verse 26 shows the term was first used in Antioch.
26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.

Christianity is about showing that God is God of everyone, not just one group. In the early church, there was some cultural confusion and arguments regarding Jewish and Greek cultures. Christianity transcends culture.
Therefore, the term Jew or Gentile is really irrelevant when it comes to Christianity:
1 Corinthians 12:13
For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.

Galatians 3:26-29
26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Faithfulservant said:
There was nothing new other than His purpose on Earth and the OT was talking about that since the beginning.
I found a few things that were new. Make that quite a few things.

Faithfulservant said:
..The first Christians were His disciples.
Which was my point with the quoted verses. If his disciples were Christians then everyone that has come after in history does NOT define Christianity. As you've pointed out, Jesus (pbuh) defined Christianity.

Now stop being rude, cyberpi. You can discuss without being provoking.
Do I anger you, or do you choose to get angry over my words? Am I at fault for what you choose to be provoked by? I find the claim that Christ was not a Christian to be provocative. I find the claim that he was a Jew instead is another eye opener. I find the claim that he was God simply defies his words as quoted in the Gospels. So should I call you or Q rude or insulting for being provocative? Nope... and I forgive you for doing so.

I think I've found some beliefs here that belong in an alternative Christian sect section, but I'm not the one that defines Christianity... Jesus (pbuh) is.
wil said:
The funny twist is; many of them are exactly like the rest of Christianity...they think they have it right and the rest have it wrong!

This phenomenon is in every Religion, every sect thinks it is correct and other's are wrong.Every time a new sect is formed mostly for the fault of the exiting ones, the existing ones make a joint stand to ridicule it.
inhumility said:
This phenomenon is in every Religion, every sect thinks it is correct and other's are wrong.Every time a new sect is formed mostly for the fault of the exiting ones, the existing ones make a joint stand to ridicule it.
You have just shown the disingenuity and hyposcrisy of your own view Inhumility.

What makes you think that the formation of a new religion means that pre-existing religions have fault?

You don't need to answer that question because I know what you will say. You've been saying it ever since you got here.

seattlegal said:
You miss the point, cyberpi. Acts 11 explains that the term "Christian" was not used until after the Gentiles started to become converted. Verse 26 shows the term was first used in Antioch.
The terms 'gene', 'gravity', and 'electron' for example also came afterwards, but I still give God (swt) the credit for them.

seattlegal said:
Therefore, the term Jew or Gentile is really irrelevant when it comes to Christianity:
That was my point.

In college I learned math from a mathemetician, chemistry from a chemist, physics from a physicist, music from a musician, economics from an economist, and writing from a writer. So I am amazed to see that some do NOT think the disciples of Christ learned Christianity from a Christian, known as Jesus Christ (pbuh). I wonder if he finds it insulting that people say he was not a Christian... that he did not walk the walk that he preached... that he did not drink from the cup that was poured for him.
cyberpi said:
I found a few things that were new. Make that quite a few things.

Which was my point with the quoted verses. If his disciples were Christians then everyone that has come after in history does NOT define Christianity. As you've pointed out, Jesus (pbuh) defined Christianity.

Do I anger you, or do you choose to get angry over my words? Am I at fault for what you choose to be provoked by? I find the claim that Christ was not a Christian to be provocative. I find the claim that he was a Jew instead is another eye opener. I find the claim that he was God simply defies his words as quoted in the Gospels. So should I call you or Q rude or insulting for being provocative? Nope... and I forgive you for doing so.


yes Jesus established the steps of the church of His bride...But He is NOT His BRIDE He is the Groom...

What new things did He teach???? He came to fulfill the law He is the fullness of Righteousness which is the Law of God.

Jesus Christ cannot be your savior if He is not your Lord.

You are rude and your attitude on the Christian forum is rude... like you know something we dont know... I dont go on other faiths forums and tell them they are wrong.. if you have something insightful to share.. and we arent astounded by it... dont be shocked....there are many of you that think you know more than the Almighty God.
cyberpi said:
Do I anger you, or do you choose to get angry over my words? Am I at fault for what you choose to be provoked by? I find the claim that Christ was not a Christian to be provocative. I find the claim that he was a Jew instead is another eye opener. I find the claim that he was God simply defies his words as quoted in the Gospels.

Actually I find it rather hilarious that me saying he was a Jew which he was in every sense provokes you when you reject everything he is and did for mankind.
jesus followed the law as he was a jew, but he also explained what the law really meant, and he also fulfilled the law.
Faithfulservant said:
You are rude and your attitude on the Christian forum is rude... like you know something we dont know... I dont go on other faiths forums and tell them they are wrong.. if you have something insightful to share.. and we arent astounded by it... dont be shocked....there are many of you that think you know more than the Almighty God.
I think its a fact that I know something you do not. So if that is my attitude then it is accurate. Sorry you think that is rude. Tell me, what is the purpose of a forum if you already know everything that I do, and if I know everything that you do?

Dor said:
Actually I find it rather hilarious that me saying he was a Jew which he was in every sense provokes you when you reject everything he is and did for mankind.
I said that claiming Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew instead of a Christian was an eye opener. I think it was Q that claimed that. I agree fully that Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew... it is in the Gospels. A majority of his followers, the early Christians, were also Jew.

Why do you say that I reject anything that Jesus (pbuh) did for people? Do I reject anything by saying that Jesus Christ (pbuh) was a Christian who defined Christianity for people? Or does someone reject by saying that Jesus Christ (pbuh) was NOT a Christian? I do NOT think Jesus Christ (pbuh) was a hypocrite. I think he lived by his words and the words of God (swt). I think Jesus Christ (pbuh) was THE example of a Christian. Do you also find that rude and provoking?