wy do people think jesus was god


By the way, I have not seen anyone here being disrespectful to Jesus or stripping him of the title Lord. Lord and Master are respectful titles applied to teachers and people felt deserving of respect or in authority. It is a title such as Mr. in English and is translated from the word 'kurios' in Greek and can be made applicable to a translation of Mr., Sir, Master, Lord or God. The Greek word doesn't imply God but can be used for respect to one such as Jesus, royality, someone in authority or God . Check your Greek dictionary if in doubt. The English have many Lords and the King James trsanslators preferred using that word to denote respect as they did for those they respect in England from royalty that they called Lords or Dukes.

Just a tid-bit to consider.

Love in Christ,

You are wrong. If you call Jesus Lord you are calling Him GOD... Lord Adonai God its all the same.. in the OT and NT. You are so full of pride and wordly wisdom I bet it eats at you for someone to tell you that you might be wrong... am I right?
Joshua said:
Originally Posted by JosephM
It means self existent or eternal but you do not need me to tell you that. Why do you ask?

Love in Christ,

What does YHWH mean?

No offence Joshua but if you will not answer my question after I have answered your question then I also will choose to not answer yours.

Love in Christ,
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No offence Joshua but if you will not answer my question after I have answered your question then I also will choose to not answer yours.

Love in Christ,

Didn't think so, 'cause you know where I'm going with this.
we can certainly make the ATTEMPT to be Christ-like.. in fact thats what we are to do... but do we ever succeed in that attempt?? no way.

Like I said you do a word study in pride then read the bible... otherwise I suggest that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yes, we should all attempt to be like him, an we all fail to be at times. It is Love that allows us the opportunity. Not our works, not just faith, but Love and faith in the Love of our God. I wish no ill on any man, I only wish Gods Love would be center of heart. Love your neighbor, Love your enemies, and above all, Love God for it is by his Love that we are able to do these things.

I wish you well, faithfulservant...

Much Love,
Yes, we should all attempt to be like him, an we all fail to be at times. It is Love that allows us the opportunity. Not our works, not just faith, but Love and faith in the Love of our God. I wish no ill on any man, I only wish Gods Love would be center of heart. Love your neighbor, Love your enemies, and above all, Love God for it is by his Love that we are able to do these things.

I wish you well, faithfulservant...

Much Love,

You dont think that I love.. you think just because I get angry means I dont love you or Joseph or Wil or China.. see thats how far text takes you.. Jesus was angry many times when He was here on earth but you think that means He didnt love? God has been angered continually but does that mean He doesnt love? Man.. I dont care if I offend everyone on this board because I refuse to back down.. I dont want to see ANYONE go to hell because too many people were lukewarm and didnt tell them the truth...

If you dont accept Jesus Christ as your Lord (GOD) and Savior.. you will die in your sin and you will not spend eternity with Him.

and I say that with ALL love.
Didn't think so, 'cause you know where I'm going with this.


If you have something to say, why don't you just say it and tell us whats on your mind instead of playing childish games. I neither know where you are going nor where you have been. Speak honestly and plainly in love or be kind enough to stay silent. If you already know the answer to your question then tell us. I am not playing a game of win/lose. This thread is to share conflicting views that all may benefit. Maybe you would like to try being more open and honest. I for one would surely appreciate it as I have tried my best to answer all questions to the best of my understanding.

Love in Christ,

If you have something to say, why don't you just say it and tell us whats on your mind instead of playing childish games. I neither know where you are going nor where you have been. Speak honestly and plainly in love or be kind enough to stay silent. If you already know the answer to your question then tell us. I am not playing a game of win/lose. This thread is to share conflicting views that all may benefit. Maybe you would like to try being more open and honest. I for one would surely appreciate it as I have tried my best to answer all questions to the best of my understanding.

Love in Christ,

Taken from The Sacred Names of God - Mission to Israel

This name [Yahweh] has not been pronounced by the Jews.... Therefore, it has been consistently translated LORD.

In this translation we have followed the orthodox Jewish tradition and substituted "the LORD" for the name "Yahweh" and the phrase "the Lord GOD" for the phrase "the Lord Yahweh."

And God said more over unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Israel, YHWH God of your fathers ... hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. (Exodus 3:15)

Its an interesting read also of the Lords name Yahshua
You dont think that I love.. you think just because I get angry means I dont love you or Joseph or Wil or China.. see thats how far text takes you.. Jesus was angry many times when He was here on earth but you think that means He didnt love? God has been angered continually but does that mean He doesnt love? Man.. I dont care if I offend everyone on this board because I refuse to back down.. I dont want to see ANYONE go to hell because too many people were lukewarm and didnt tell them the truth...

If you dont accept Jesus Christ as your Lord (GOD) and Savior.. you will die in your sin and you will not spend eternity with Him.

and I say that with ALL love.

Thanks for your concern for our soul. I appreciate your well wishes and prayers that God fill me with the fulness of his understanding and keep us from being separated. Having said that, I might for your sake remind you that love is not easily provoked to anger.
1 Cor. 13:4-5
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, [5] Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

As Cage does, I wish you all the best and trust you will concenstrate and be lead by love in all things. God loves you greatly and so do I. Let not my words trouble you. They are foolish as compared to the knowlege of God.

May God's peace dwell in you richly is my prayer,
Love in christ,
Taken from The Sacred Names of God - Mission to Israel

This name [Yahweh] has not been pronounced by the Jews.... Therefore, it has been consistently translated LORD.

In this translation we have followed the orthodox Jewish tradition and substituted "the LORD" for the name "Yahweh" and the phrase "the Lord GOD" for the phrase "the Lord Yahweh."

And God said more over unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Israel, YHWH God of your fathers ... hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. (Exodus 3:15)

Its an interesting read also of the Lords name Yahshua

Thank you for sharing that information Faithfulservant. I have only limited knowlege of Hebrew and find your post useful.

Love in Christ,

Could you please tie that information into the discussion of the subject at hand for our benefit?

Love in Christ,
You dont think that I love.. you think just because I get angry means I dont love you or Joseph or Wil or China.. see thats how far text takes you.. Jesus was angry many times when He was here on earth but you think that means He didnt love? God has been angered continually but does that mean He doesnt love? Man.. I dont care if I offend everyone on this board because I refuse to back down.. I dont want to see ANYONE go to hell because too many people were lukewarm and didnt tell them the truth...

If you dont accept Jesus Christ as your Lord (GOD) and Savior.. you will die in your sin and you will not spend eternity with Him.

and I say that with ALL love.

I'm not judging anyone here, faithful servant...That is not my place. We all have Gods Love in us, but there are many who do not embrace it. I get angry at times, too; it is the human condition, but Love leads us away from anger into better places. Jesus too became angry, and like you his anger was brief and mild.

Thank you for telling me that you Loved me, as I Love you too. Please do not condemn me, however, as that is not for you to do. If I am to be condemned while Loving God, and sharing his Love with others, on the basis of not believing in my heart that Jesus the Christ was God himself, then that would be 'my' error.

I Love Jesus, faithful servant, and I believe he was Christ in the flesh...Gods Son. He deserves my honor, adoration and Love, and I give it to him, but Gods Love is my strength, and it was Jesus Christ that showed me the way to him.

Much Love,
May I also add to this.. my conscience is clean..Im not seeking to please men by lying and giving them falseness instead of truth. Im telling the truth as was given to me in His holy word and being convicted of it by the Holy Spirit..

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

There is also an antitype which now saves us--baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him.

For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man

God will not require your blood at my hands.

When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.

Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand.'

When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you shall surely die!' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.

Thank you faithfulservant,

But I am also well read in those writings for over 20 years and you need not bother preaching for my benefit. I know the words.

You need not justify yourself either for my benefit or yours. I know your intentions are founded in innocence. I will not judge you for your words or failure to say words.

Love in Christ,

Could you please tie that information into the discussion of the subject at hand for our benefit?

Love in Christ,

If you looked at the website you wouldnt ask the question.. Its self explanatory in tying Yah-weh to Yah-shua you also said in an earlier post that we call Jesus Lord out of respect as the english do.. which is clearly not true since the Jews called Yahweh ..Lord .. In Greek the word is kurios which is the title given to God and the Messiah.

or you can look at these

Crosswalk.com hebrew lexicon listing for Lord

Crosswalk.com greek lexicon listing for Lord
I'm not judging anyone here, faithful servant...That is not my place. We all have Gods Love in us, but there are many who do not embrace it. I get angry at times, too; it is the human condition, but Love leads us away from anger into better places. Jesus too became angry, and like you his anger was brief and mild.

Thank you for telling me that you Loved me, as I Love you too. Please do not condemn me, however, as that is not for you to do. If I am to be condemned while Loving God, and sharing his Love with others, on the basis of not believing in my heart that Jesus the Christ was God himself, then that would be 'my' error.

I Love Jesus, faithful servant, and I believe he was Christ in the flesh...Gods Son. He deserves my honor, adoration and Love, and I give it to him, but Gods Love is my strength, and it was Jesus Christ that showed me the way to him.

Much Love,

I am not condemning you, Cage.. the law of God condemns you. If you see my words as condemning then you need to ask yourself why.
So its ok for you to come here and preach.. but you think you are so wise to reject someone elses preaching.... this is the pride I speak about...

We should always pray for a teachable heart.. and not boast of ourselves

God makes foolish those who think themselves wise.
If you looked at the website you wouldnt ask the question.. Its self explanatory in tying Yah-weh to Yah-shua you also said in an earlier post that we call Jesus Lord out of respect as the english do.. which is clearly not true since the Jews called Yahweh ..Lord .. In Greek the word is kurios which is the title given to God and the Messiah.

or you can look at these

Crosswalk.com hebrew lexicon listing for Lord

Crosswalk.com greek lexicon listing for Lord

Hi Faithful servant,

On the contrary, I read the site quite well and thanked you for it but its did not prove what they implied regarding Jesus is God.
After reading.....
In my understanding, the name Jesus came from the Greek word Iesous, ee-ay-sooce'; of Hebrew origin [Hebrew 3091 (Yehowshuwa`)]; Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua)

More ever, I have no conflict with the link that spells Jesus’ name in Hebrew as Yahshua. When I research the name for its Hebrew meaning I find it means ‘God saved’ or ‘YHWH saved’ to be more accurate. When Jesus in Acts Chapter 9, 22, and 26 announced himself it seems to me he announced himself as ‘YHWH saved’ which is not the same as YHWH. When Paul said, “who art thou Lord?” it did not use the Hebrew word for YHWH as in the OT but rather ‘kurious’ which was just a respectful title for Sir or someone who had not yet identified himself as Jesus or YHWH saved until he spoke to Paul. Paul asked the question because all he saw was a bright blinding light and did not perceive who it was. I do not see that indicating Jesus was anymore than ‘God saved’ which we are also.

Love in Christ,

If you have something to say, why don't you just say it and tell us whats on your mind instead of playing childish games. I neither know where you are going nor where you have been. Speak honestly and plainly in love or be kind enough to stay silent. If you already know the answer to your question then tell us. I am not playing a game of win/lose. This thread is to share conflicting views that all may benefit. Maybe you would like to try being more open and honest. I for one would surely appreciate it as I have tried my best to answer all questions to the best of my understanding.

Love in Christ,

I am. Answer the question, and I'll continue. It's called the six degrees.
This thread is not for conflicting views. That is called the comparative studies forum (two doors down on the left). If I got anymore honest, and open, well...we'll leave it alone. As far as your answering questions, I suppose, conditionally, but you don't like to listen to the answers others give, particularly when they conflict with your own views.

And my dear Joseph I'm neither silent, nor childish, nor do I pretend to know more than everyone else. But I do know alot. ;)

Just ask me. :D


So its ok for you to come here and preach.. but you think you are so wise to reject someone elses preaching.... this is the pride I speak about...

We should always pray for a teachable heart.. and not boast of ourselves

God makes foolish those who think themselves wise.

You misunderstand me Faithful servant. We are discussing a particular topic and sharing. Preaching to us about condemnation and judgement and God requiring blood but not at your hands is unrealted to the topic and I was merely informing you that you need not preach of those things for my benefit as the topic discussed is being missed.

Love in Christ,