Christianity the only true religion?

I think hes just looking to harass Q.. He knows that Q is speaking the same thing WE all speak here lol. Flame on cyberpi.. you arent going to cause division here... sorry :)
Is that what my motive is? So why do you and Q strongly divide yourselves from an alledged liberal-Christian forum... while I called for them to be united? The only religion divided across two separate forums on this CR site is so-called Christianity. I don't see a separate Shia and Sunni forum. It would be interesting to see what Muslims would think with one under Abrahamic religions and the other cast aside under 'Beliefs and Spirituality'.

The title of this thread is: Christianity the only true religion? Make that the only truly divided religion across displaced CR forums.
Is that what my motive is? So why do you and Q strongly divide yourselves from an alledged liberal-Christian forum... while I called for them to be united? The only religion divided across two separate forums on this CR site is so-called Christianity. I don't see a separate Shia and Sunni forum. It would be interesting to see what Muslims would think with one under Abrahamic religions and the other cast aside under 'Beliefs and Spirituality'.

The title of this thread is: Christianity the only true religion? Make that the only truly divided religion across displaced CR forums.

In the case of the question you present above about the liberal Christian forum: "I" did not seperate myself from the forum. "I" was told point blank that "I" was not welcome there with "my" fundamental attitude. Or metaphorically, "I" was not part of that flock of birds. And since "I" am not inclined to fly through a hurricane of thoughts and concepts foriegn to the basic tennents of my faith, particularly when those thoughts and concepts are emotionally charged as they were, "I" altered "my" course.

In this case I can only speak for myself. ;)


Is that what my motive is? So why do you and Q strongly divide yourselves from an alledged liberal-Christian forum... while I called for them to be united? The only religion divided across two separate forums on this CR site is so-called Christianity. I don't see a separate Shia and Sunni forum. It would be interesting to see what Muslims would think with one under Abrahamic religions and the other cast aside under 'Beliefs and Spirituality'.

The title of this thread is: Christianity the only true religion? Make that the only truly divided religion across displaced CR forums.
The whole thing falls to how you define that word Christianity or Christian.

And FS I agree he has been harassing Q for quite awhile now.
In the case of the question you present above about the liberal Christian forum: "I" did not seperate myself from the forum. "I" was told point blank that "I" was not welcome there with "my" fundamental attitude. Or metaphorically, "I" was not part of that flock of birds. And since "I" am not inclined to fly through a hurricane of thoughts and concepts foriegn to the basic tennents of my faith, particularly when those thoughts and concepts are emotionally charged as they were, "I" altered "my" course.

In this case I can only speak for myself. ;)



Is it possible to quote from the actual occurence on the liberal christianity board. It is very sad all this backbiting between faiths, and in this case seen as one from outside the christianity forum, there appears more derisiveness here than any other where those who are not of the faith are concerned. I venture gently. If you yourself were hurt by the liberals then is it also right to hurt when you addressed another recently saying his thoughts were not welcome here. And it is happening again with Cyberpi who appears more than fare and respectful in his approach.Where does love thy neighbour and unconditional love merit in all this. Where does peace and humility live from those who look towards a gentle saviour. This is why many of us may not understand the concept of christianity presented here.

With respect for our differences and the wish for peace and understanding.

- c -
Is it possible to quote from the actual occurence on the liberal christianity board. It is very sad all this backbiting between faiths, and in this case seen as one from outside the christianity forum, there appears more derisiveness here than any other where those who are not of the faith are concerned. I venture gently. If you yourself were hurt by the liberals then is it also right to hurt when you addressed another recently saying his thoughts were not welcome here. And it is happening again with Cyberpi who appears more than fare and respectful in his approach.Where does love thy neighbour and unconditional love merit in all this. Where does peace and humility live from those who look towards a gentle saviour. This is why many of us may not understand the concept of christianity presented here.

With respect for our differences and the wish for peace and understanding.

- c -

I believe you can find the backlash within the posts of several, though one particularly comes immediately to mind "RubySera_Martin", and of which I believe, you also partook.

"Hurt" is not the issue or the problem. One can not be "hurt" by those who could care less. If I in turn "hurt" someone here by negating their thoughts, I must have done so for a specific reason IAW the COC, and not due to my personal preferences.

As far as pointing out particular thoughts that are or are not welcome within a specific forum Ciel, here, I monitor and moderate IAW the COC. Some folk, appear to have an agenda of disruption and confusion based on their writings. That in and of itself is irrelevant since those posting here are quite capable of dealing with issues on their own footing. However, I am still obliged to call attention to those that insist on some kind of veil of confusion, yet call it enlightenment for Christians.

Christianity on the other hand, is very tolerant of people, just not people's behavior when it deviates from the basic tennents of the Bible.

Hate the sin, love the sinner...

To a Christian, life is not a "free for all", what ever feels good, do it. There are a set of standards and rules that are not subject to interpretation, that many of us adhere to, and will not give quarter on.

Some say, "Don't be a stick in the mud". But when the "mud" is quicksand, that "stick" looks awful good to the desperate in dire straits.

I too Ciel, feel bad that there are those with hurt feelings. Doesn't mean I'm about to change my beliefs to accomodate their wishes. Nor does it mean I'll make acceptions to what "Christianity" fundamentally is.

Cyberpi is neither fair nor respectful...if that were the case, the dialogue between he and others would be more educational and communal, and less confrontational, and negative.

Not all Christians are white doves, waiting to be sacrificed...some have teeth that are very big and sharp. Others are quick to turn tables. Others still are solid rock. What we all have in common, is that Jesus is Lord and Savior and God of our hearts and lives, and He uses the talents we each have for the betterment of man.

You really don't know Christians very well, if you don't realize that.


I believe you can find the backlash within the posts of several, though one particularly comes immediately to mind "RubySera_Martin", and of which I believe, you also partook.

"Hurt" is not the issue or the problem. One can not be "hurt" by those who could care less. If I in turn "hurt" someone here by negating their thoughts, I must have done so for a specific reason IAW the COC, and not due to my personal preferences.

As far as pointing out particular thoughts that are or are not welcome within a specific forum Ciel, here, I monitor and moderate IAW the COC. Some folk, appear to have an agenda of disruption and confusion based on their writings. That in and of itself is irrelevant since those posting here are quite capable of dealing with issues on their own footing. However, I am still obliged to call attention to those that insist on some kind of veil of confusion, yet call it enlightenment for Christians.

Christianity on the other hand, is very tolerant of people, just not people's behavior when it deviates from the basic tennents of the Bible.

Hate the sin, love the sinner...

To a Christian, life is not a "free for all", what ever feels good, do it. There are a set of standards and rules that are not subject to interpretation, that many of us adhere to, and will not give quarter on.

Some say, "Don't be a stick in the mud". But when the "mud" is quicksand, that "stick" looks awful good to the desperate in dire straits.

I too Ciel, feel bad that there are those with hurt feelings. Doesn't mean I'm about to change my beliefs to accomodate their wishes. Nor does it mean I'll make acceptions to what "Christianity" fundamentally is.

Cyberpi is neither fair nor respectful...if that were the case, the dialogue between he and others would be more educational and communal, and less confrontational, and negative.

Not all Christians are white doves, waiting to be sacrificed...some have teeth that are very big and sharp. Others are quick to turn tables. Others still are solid rock. What we all have in common, is that Jesus is Lord and Savior and God of our hearts and lives, and He uses the talents we each have for the betterment of man.

You really don't know Christians very well, if you don't realize that.



Thanks for your reply Q.

Man is indeed known by his words.

So it all happened long ago in the days of Ruby Sera-Martin. No I don't believe I was participant, but what a fine spirited lady she was, sadly dismissed and missed. As others.
I guess I don't understand why it is so defensive here. You are strong people, no-one comes wishing to change anything. There were questions. But the questions were not answered without the defence mechanism.
I ventured gently, a brief interlude. A walled garden or another planet.
I am truly of alien intelligence in understanding. I shall return to my own earth in peace where the walls are not so high that you can't see over them.

- c -
Thanks for your reply Q.

Man is indeed known by his words.

So it all happened long ago in the days of Ruby Sera-Martin. No I don't believe I was participant, but what a fine spirited lady she was, sadly dismissed and missed. As others.
I guess I don't understand why it is so defensive here. You are strong people, no-one comes wishing to change anything. There were questions. But the questions were not answered without the defence mechanism.
I ventured gently, a brief interlude. A walled garden or another planet.
I am truly of alien intelligence in understanding. I shall return to my own earth in peace where the walls are not so high that you can't see over them.

- c -

...the "ghost" is still in the machine. And your "superiority" complex comes out full force (albeit in a benificient attitude), but could cause more disruption. I think you should stick to other than the Christian forum. You keep stuffing your foot in your mouth. I'd let things be...


...the "ghost" is still in the machine. And your "superiority" complex comes out full force (albeit in a benificient attitude), but could cause more disruption. I think you should stick to other than the Christian forum. You keep stuffing your foot in your mouth. I'd let things be...



How very very rude..................was that a moderator's hat ?
Or intended to be personal?

- c -
I almost laughed when I read Ciels opinion of cyberpi as being respectful.. sorry I wouldnt use that word. Boldly disrespectful I would say..

Cyberpi I seperate myself from the "liberal" Christianity because I AM seperate from a lot of what they believe there. I will have no fellowship with people that blaspheme my Lord.. everyone always has to deny Christs diety or the trinity there.. thats what makes it "liberal" it seems.. . both of those are a huge part of my faith. It offends me and I hate what my God hates..Evil.. the lies that are believed on that board are evil spread from the enemy of my God. so I hate the lies... this is why I seperate myself. Bet you never thought that hate was a Christian virtue.. :)

btw ciel I dont think cyberpi needs you to come jump to his defense.. I think he does fine on his own and ganging up on Q isnt needed.
another thing... did any of us conservative Christians go to the liberal Christian board and tell them they were wrong for believing what they believed???? no we didnt. So there was no drama and fighting.. the liberal board died out because the liberals came back here for the drama.. Does anyone see anything wrong with this?
I believe that was one of the discussions...comments on the liberal board regarding going to hell...

but so be it, I'll do my best to stay on my side of the fence.
I believe that was one of the discussions...comments on the liberal board regarding going to hell...

but so be it, I'll do my best to stay on my side of the fence.

Hey Wil, I am conservative Christian who hopes that you and other people with liberal views will continue to post on this side of the board. I really enjoy the dialogue. That is part of the reason I joined this site. Hope you to hear from you again DJ
I believe that was one of the discussions...comments on the liberal board regarding going to hell...

but so be it, I'll do my best to stay on my side of the fence.

That's one of the things I admire about your character Wil. You don't ruffle easily if not agreed with...:D

