It was a good thing that Kanou wasn't at the show (Ayase participated in a gag that might've gotten the emcee killed if Kanou was there to see it.)
"Why?" you ask?
Kanou is rather - um -
possessive of Ayase, and Ayase pretended to be a helluva lot younger than he is for the gag (as in still in middle school instead of a college student.) He (Ayase) wore his middle school uniform (the kid can still wear it with no alterations d@mnit) and everybody in the audience just
howled with laughter at the emcee's reaction to Ayase's last line in the gag ("I'm graduating middle school.")
Oh, and several of the guys performed while the scheduled performers were still getting ready (Cross, Lucifer and several of the other professional performers got bigger ovations than the people scheduled [much to their chagrin].) It was lucky that we didn't bring the non-humanoid delegation or the drag show would've had to pay the entertainment without them even setting foot on the stage (almost happened with the humanoid delegation, anyway.
) Pounce (the UWM mascot) had an impromptu performance of the
Pink Panther theme (although Pounce is black, not pink, but who cares?)
There were a couple of people signing in "English" for the hearing impaired while Tsukahara signs for Tooru (they "speak" Japanese Sign Language,
not American Sign Language), and the male interpreter was somewhat overwhelmed by "the guys" (although not as much as the female one...) I don't remember the man's name (I'm almost as bad at names as I am at faces) but he's had a couple of meetings with Tsukahara and Tooru since the event (they're teaching each other their mutual languages just in case they want to "chat" between classes or whatnot.)
Oh, and I was just reminded about the big news; "the clan" probably will end up moving out of the current apartment sometime this year (if my current caseworker gets her act together [and if grandma had wheels, she's be a bus...].) She (my caseworker) still hasn't gotten the stuff I need for my Homestead refund, and I keep reminding her to follow up on it every time I see her. *headdesk*
Oops, gotta go. Koru and Nora are looking at me in such a way that, if I don't tend to their desires, I might get banned from campus (bringing a full-grown jaguar can wreak havoc in public places...)
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine