All things are under Christs authority, (By God) and yes he is the ONLY way to salvation. That's is not being debated to my understanding. All things are palced under his feet, and if he's destroying evil then in my mind, he's not destroying actual people, but the evil that is in them, through him i.e his Spirit who is in the world NOW.
Faith is not being debated, either. My faith is strong, Luna's is strong and our faith both rests is Christ. All can be saved through Christ, and apparently all will as it is written that Christ is not willing for any to perish, and if all things are subject to his rule, then who can resits, "every knee shall bow".
It certainly doesn't happen in this life, but we know nothing of the life to come, so perhaps Luna is right when she suggests that all will be saved. I myself do not know, nor does anyone else with any certainty.
Sorry for jumping in like that. My stay is short tho, as my son is here; I just wanted to give my 2c's, lol!
That's the thing James, we do know. The Bible has already spoken on it.