This is crazy.. I have Q picking fistfights with Dor.. I have J23 calling people the devil.. The worst I have done was compliment someone by telling them they are as smart as my daughter.. ok so maybe it was a bit backhanded but it was the truth nonetheless.. Im sitting here on dors pc stalling him because I dont want him to get on here and say something without cooling off.
I think theres dirty fighting being played on here. I think ya'll mods are going to stick together even though its shady business. Im just going to go play Sims2 because they are easier to control..
Silas is my little spirit brother and Im trying to disciple him and ya''ll need to stop getting in my way

*insert a bit of humor*
Im am of the belief that Silas is walking in the path God wants him to walk because Silas is the servant of God and he belongs to him. I believe anyone that accepts Christ as their savior and Lord is on that same path that belongs soley to God.
However.. I also believe that all authority is given by God and whether he likes it or not.. ya'll have authority over him for a reason..
One sign of a true believer is the submission of authortiy ALL authority in their life.. including THIS particular forum...
What is bother me is what I see as bullying.. where everyone gangs up on him... Please someone tell me besides Dor that they see this as well. I will always be and am totally always for the underdog because thats who I am and thats how God made me.. I think there has been a bit of injustice on here and not just from mods. Thats all Im saying here.
I am personally extending a hand of peace because thats what Im supposd to do and its on my heart.
My apologies to anyone that I hurt or offended at anytime..
Im serious.