Quahom1 said:
Maybe it is a cultural thing, but I doubt it.
I think it can also just be the individual understanding that each of us has come to. For example, for me the
3rd aspect of the Trinity is the Created Universe ... as the ultimate physical expression (or "body") of God.
This portion of God could be described as Pantheistic, or Panentheistic.
The 2nd Aspect refers to Christ on Cosmic scale. Obviously, I will just shrug then, if a person insists that this manifestation
could ever have been limited to one man, in one specific place or time. It
does express in different degrees of perfection, however, as that scoundrel, rapscallion and general humbug of a false-apostle
Paul told us
- in his letter to the Ephesians (yeah, the ones whose
Mysteries he obviously understood) ...
ch.4, v.13.
And that's the kind of Unity that I think we're speaking of, when a person desires to "walk with Christ." Eventually the expansion of awareness takes into its scope
all men and all beings, and this is when our nice, lovely, rational minds just start to break down. We cannot claim to understand the
mystery of Love and of God's Oneness (UNITY) ... through the rational mind. Some insist that it's cultural, but it doesn't take an enlightened Mahatma sitting on a mountain somewhere to feel, know and share God's Love. Not last time I checked, anyway.
We could really stop right there. Nevermind the 1st Aspect. If we are still stuck on the 2nd one, then what's the point? I'd say that in the East, some of these Mysteries have been understood
implicitly for thousands of years before Christ Jesus ever walked the Earth, and LONG before Christian theologians ever began to wrestle with how a person can have a Love for
everyone, yet still be an individual - with free will, independence, and a truly
unique consciousness.
If someone pointed to a puddle of ooze, and said,
try really hard, and maybe one day you, too, can be a part of that puddle, I'd have to just laugh.
Of course that's not what is intended in the expression, "the dew drop slips into the shining sea."
I know, I know, we like to put a face, a name, an image, a persona - to that sea. But whether we call it Allah, Yahweh, Vishnu, Ormazd .... even
Great and Mighty Fred, it's still what it is. Having a "personal relationship" with the 1st Aspect of Godhead is exactly what we're all here for, in one way, yet I think it's equally true to say that
in normal, everyday terms - such a thing is impossible. But it doesn't mean we aren't supposed to try. And it doesn't mean Christ was just whistlin Dixie when he said, "I and the Father are One" ... and reminded the Apostles that to behodl Him,
was to behold the Father.
We just like to reduce everything to simple, human terms. Including God, and the greatest of all Mysteries. "The mind is the great slayer of the Real."