The Trinity of Christianity

Marietta said:
Hello BlaznFattyz,
Nice to have this opportunity to share thoughts with you. Are you aware that the bible has been manipulated over and over finally at the council of Nicia a theology was put together along with a translation to match it.
God didn't reveal this about himself, it is what those at the council of Nicia decided to teach. Then came the inquisition which began in the 1100's and lasted into the 1600's during which time anybody who opposed the teachings of the new found church were killed.
Please give me the reference in the old testament where God is referred to as the father. Also give me the new Testament reference you are speaking of, I have found most of the time that it is a mistranslation.
Thank you for your input.
Love and Light, Midge
God created man in his image, and women from the man.
Moses who talked with God referred to God with masculine titles
The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary which gave birth to the Son.
God revealed himself thru his Son, a man named Jesus.
Jesus refers to God as his Father.
The Church is the Bride of Christ, Christ is the Groom.

These are not concepts of male superiority, rather there are concepts of masculinity to assist in our understanding of Gods character. such as a bolt is female and the screw is male. the screw does not have gender, it is a way to describe authority, the one penetrating, power, strength, the head, protector, king, lord. It is the way to convey his nature in a way man could understand.

the same thing with the trinity, God reveals his nature through the concept of the trinity and the bible refers to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as He and Him in agreement throughout the bible.
BlaznFattyz said:
God created man in his image, and women from the man.
Moses who talked with God referred to God with masculine titles
The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary which gave birth to the Son.
God revealed himself thru his Son, a man named Jesus.
Jesus refers to God as his Father.
The Church is the Bride of Christ, Christ is the Groom.

These are not concepts of male superiority, rather there are concepts of masculinity to assist in our understanding of Gods character. such as a bolt is female and the screw is male. the screw does not have gender, it is a way to describe authority, the one penetrating, power, strength, the head, protector, king, lord. It is the way to convey his nature in a way man could understand.

the same thing with the trinity, God reveals his nature through the concept of the trinity and the bible refers to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as He and Him in agreement throughout the bible.

The Spirit of God reveals self to some, and to others there is confoundment. Maybe that is you and me, or maybe that is others, but it is impossible to explain from either side. There is no language, or common reference point.

What there is, when in doubt, is prayer for the truth, (that is for all of us to consider, even if we think we are right).


kenod said:
To me, the God of the Bible is a personal Being, not a universal force or energy. I see the story of the Bible as one of establishing a personal relationship between God and humans on an individual level - love, trust, hope, ...

I do not get a sense of these things by regarding God as some sort of cosmic energy that pervades the universe. I feel/believe that I know God personally.
I agree with you Kenod. God is a personal being. I can see God, and talk to God and feel God on a daily basis. He is not some inpersonal force or some state of consciousness.

Of course thats just the 2cents of some radical bible thumper.
In the words of Master Yoda:
"For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we... not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you. Here, between you... me... the tree... the rock... everywhere!"

George Lucas explains:

"I put the Force into the movie in order to try to awaken a certain kind of spirituality in young people--more a belief in God than a belief in any particular religious system. I wanted to make it so that young people would begin to ask questions about the mystery."

"... I would hesitate to call the Force God. It's designed primarily to make young people think about the mystery. Not to say, 'Here's the answer.' It's to say, 'Think about this for a second.'"

from "Of Myth And Men", Time Magazine
Does he ask too much? ;)

Love and Light,

Hello BlaznFattyz, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this with me.
My thoughts are as follow.

Lets start with the creation of man in Genesis 1:26, 27. Begining with the Hebrew word that has been translated as God, Elohim (ahleph, lamed, hey, yud, mem) (the English equivalent: a, l, h, y, m). This word translates Goddesses plural. ahleph, lahmed (El) is the Hebrew for God and ahleph, lahmed, hey is Goddess the yud mem is the plural ending. To make this mean Gods you have to take the hey out of the middle. Its like men and women, the female holds a more balanced polarity.

There have been rules applied to the Hebrew language that were not intended to be used when these original text were written and there were several letters that have been extracted from the alphabet. Hebrew is the only language in the History of the world that became extinct as a spoken language and then renewed again (in 1948 when Israel became a nation again). It was during the time that it was forbidden to be spoken that rules were added to the language to hide the truth contained within the sacred text.

Quoting from an English translation The New American Standard: Then God (Elohim) said, "Let US make man (Adam) into OUR image, according to OUR likeness and let THEM rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over the cattle. 27. Then God created man (Adam) in his own image in the image of God he created him MALE AND FEMALE he created THEM.

The word translated as man is Adam (aleph, daleth, mem) and means to be red or more literally gas from red blood and simply refers to red blooded mankind. There is another Hebrew word that means the male, or man. They were created holding both male and female energy in a perfect balance and more than one being was created. Not one single man from which all else emerged.

Please give me the specific chapter and verse you are referring to where Moses referred to God with masculine titles? If you study the history of the church you will find that before the Council of Nicea it was taught that the Holy Spirit was the Female energy of the godhead and son should have been translated as offspring because Jesus was born in purity holding a perfect balance of both the male and female energy.

When Jesus refers to his heavenly father the Greek word translated as father means progenitor of for-father and he was referring to the for-father in heaven not God. It would be best if you could give me the chapter and verse you are trying to quote so I can let you know the exact Greek word so you can look it up for yourself.

Everything you are stating is due to the fact that the Council of Nicea decided to make God a Male and put woman under subjugation of the male but this is not what the original text tells us.

According to the Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language the Hebrew word Torah (which is the first books of the OT) literally means a book containing all the sciences of the Universe shortened to the book of the LAW (the laws of nature, physics).

Google DaVinci's painting of the last supper and blow it up. What you will see in this painting is Jesus as a female looking figure this is because Jesus held the perfect balance of energy which manifests in a female body because it hold both XX chromosomes. You will also note that there are six women and six men and the men have shorter hair with beards.
When the Cystene chapel was refurbished and the loin cloths were removed from the paintings the church forbid the loin cloth of Jesus to be removed however many of the beings that were supposed to be male ended up female and vise versa.

You stated:
""The Church is the Bride of Christ, Christ is the Groom.""

Would you mind supplying the text that makes this statement?

You stated:
""These are not concepts of male superiority, rather there are concepts of masculinity to assist in our understanding of Gods character. such as a bolt is female and the screw is male. the screw does not have gender, it is a way to describe authority, the one penetrating, power, strength, the head, protector, king, lord. It is the way to convey his nature in a way man could understand.""

This statement is a very belittling statement to all of mankind both male and female. Saying that we are to dumb to understand God's nature unless this Perfect Source is brought into polarity and made into gender. I don't have a problem understanding that Source is everything and holds polarity in perfect balance. and is in need of NOTHING because this Source is EVERYTHING.

The bible states that the teachings are for the Mature who have trained their senses to discern good and evil (polarity).
Hebrews 5:12-14: For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For every one who partakes only of mild is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. Solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. (polarity)
It goes on to say to leave the elementary teachings behind and proceed to maturity.

Thank you for this chance to exchange ideas. :)
Love and Light, Midge
Marietta said:
Hello Wil, Thanks for the response. However, I don't understand what you are trying to say. Please clarify.
Love and Light, Midge
Wil stated:
Have been reported I believe...but studied and found that the offspring did not contain any chromosones that the mother did not have....I'd like to see that one...

You indicated there are recent reports of virgin births...I am inquiring as to whether these 'reports' have discovered that the dna of the mother and child are the same....if not what supplied the other chromosones not found in the mother?

Yes a number of religions previous to Christianity had a leader which was of virgin birth... this indicates it is a popular myth. The virgin birth is an anomally which creates a mystical specialness about the offspring. If you are indicating it happens with some sort of frequency, a. I'd like to learn more and see what the studies say...and b. think if true it severely diminishes the power of the myths.
Hello Quahom1, Thank you for your thoughts.
Why ask how long God will be at the door, Source will never leave us because we are part of Source and cannot be separated other than by not holding enough consciousness to realize it.
We are part of God how much closer a walk can one take than being always within the body of the Source of All things. Being able to literally hear a voice speak to you and answer your questions. We are NEVER alone or outside of Source because Source is in all and is ALL. Nothing ness that is everything ness is something beyond our 3-D perceptions.
The only way we give up ourselves is by losing consciousness that enables us to self realize who and what we truly are. Source has no wants, this implies a lack and Source is complete in need or want of NOTHING. Source created us to do what ever makes us happy and does not with to take our free will away in any manner. We are here to experience all that life has to offer as long as we don't take the free will of another away. Source has no need to absorb us because we already exist within the consciousness of Source.

You stated: """
That is the wonder of God, you see? But we don't give up ourselves. Give up our lives, give up our health, give up our freedom, but not ourselves, until, until we understand that God does not wish to absorb us. He wants to walk with us."""

I for one am not a mongrel dog, cat or any other animal, vegetable, mineral. I was created in perfection. Source does not need nor want any prizes, Source is everything and in need of Nothing.

You wrote:
"""Hate to bring this up, but we are mongeral dogs, who are being befriended by a good master. And we understand deep inside that it is the "Master". And He sees us as a perfect prize, for some reason."""

Why would a God of Love want anything much less what was created to come to it in fear, fear is the opposite expression of Love and releases your energy for the fallen ones to vampire. Why would the Source of all, want, or desire anything and especially our power?
We are just a shadow refers to the state of this 3-D existence we live within which is merely a shadow of what is in the higher dimensions.

You wrote:
So this God gives it to us in levels we can understand, to the point where we come to Him in fear, and Hope, and Trust, and He makes us "Men" again. (for lack of a better term). I think, we are nowhere near the "man" that Adam was. So much potential... (we are just a shadow).
You wrote:
"""But I don't think God wanted a wimp. He wants someone to walk and talk and commune with Him, as a Companion. From a different perspective, so to speak."""

Why do you think god is in NEED? Don't you think that the Source of All has all that is needed. Why would this Source need/want anything (such as a companion to speak to). Source is All things and communes with itself.

We are co creators with Source and have the ability to go where ever we wish.

I for one do not fear death. I look at it as the beginning of a new venture however death is not a natural process and I do not plan on dying, I plan on transforming bodily into another plan of existence as Jesus did.

In John Jesus said: I and the father are one and if you are in me and I in the father we are One. All of the teachings are about Oneness, becoming one in body and truth.

You wrote:
""""But at no time, in all of this did Jesus ever, or the Father ever, or the Spirit ever say, or imply "you must become one with me"."""

Free will is eternal, it is the divine law.

Love and Light, Midge
Dor said:
6 Jesus saith unto him,I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Does he ask too much?
Okay, Dor, relative to the Trinity ... what do you think was intended by this statement?

Hello Wil,
Our DNA is found in our energy field and the new spirit that enters the baby at birth holds its own DNA pattern and it braids with that of the mother. When a man and woman have sex they braid their DNA (weather or not a child is conceived) and therefore the mother holds some of the DNA of the father which is then breaded with that of the child. If the mother is a virgin than only her DNA is braided with that of the Spirit coming into the baby. If the mother has had sexual relations with a man she will pass her DNA along with the DNA she has breaded into her fields onto the baby.
I don't know how frequently this happens I only know that it happens.
Love and Light, Midge
Hello Quahom,
The Spirit is always there to reveal things to those who seek. However this world we live in is full of confusion and we are all in a state of confusion put there by design by the Fallen Ones agenda of control.
I totally agree that when in doubt go to the Source in Prayer. I want to testify to the fact that if you stay in a state of prayer (which is a heart longing for something, in this case divine truth) answers will come. However sometimes we don't understand what we are hearing and it takes years and years of listening and lining our little duckies up in a row and having them all knocked down and rearranging them to come to even the simplest of truths and then we still question and add to our ducks. This puzzle we are trying to put together at first glance seems small but the more pieces we find and put into place the larger the overall puzzle become until it in compasses all that is and can become overwhelming.

Love and Light, Midge
Hello Dor,

Are you speaking literally or figuratively?

You stated:
""I can see God, and talk to God and feel God on a daily basis. He is not some inpersonal force or some state of consciousness."""

Love and Light, Midge
Marietta said:
Hello BlaznFattyz, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this with me.
My thoughts are as follow.

Lets start with the creation of man in Genesis 1:26, 27. Begining with the Hebrew word that has been translated as God, Elohim (ahleph, lamed, hey, yud, mem) (the English equivalent: a, l, h, y, m). This word translates Goddesses plural. ahleph, lahmed (El) is the Hebrew for God and ahleph, lahmed, hey is Goddess the yud mem is the plural ending. To make this mean Gods you have to take the hey out of the middle. Its like men and women, the female holds a more balanced polarity
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Strong's Number: 0430[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Browse Lexicon[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Original Word[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Word Origin[/FONT]~yhla[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]plural of (0433)[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Transliterated Word[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]TDNT Entry[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]'elohiym[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]TWOT - 93c[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Phonetic Spelling[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Parts of Speech[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]el-o-heem' [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Noun Masculine [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Definition[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]
  1. (plural)
    1. rulers, judges
    2. divine ones
    3. angels
    4. gods
  2. (plural intensive - singular meaning)
    1. god, goddess
    2. godlike one
    3. works or special possessions of God
    4. the (true) God
    5. God
The word translated as man is Adam (aleph, daleth, mem) and means to be red or more literally gas from red blood and simply refers to red blooded mankind. There is another Hebrew word that means the male, or man. They were created holding both male and female energy in a perfect balance and more than one being was created. Not one single man from which all else emerged.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Strong's Number: 0120[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Browse Lexicon[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Original Word[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Word Origin[/FONT]~da[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]from (0119)[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Transliterated Word[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]TDNT Entry[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]'adam[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]TWOT - 25a[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Phonetic Spelling[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Parts of Speech[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]aw-dawm' [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Noun Masculine [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Definition[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]
  1. man, mankind
    1. man, human being
    2. man, mankind (much more frequently intended sense in OT)
    3. Adam, first man
    4. city in Jordan valley
[/FONT]Hmm says right there man. Of course if you just read where it says he created man it wouldnt fit with the man-made doctrine you want to spread, so he had to have created some kind of a cross between both. Well try just reading it he said he made man and made woman from him it isnt that hard to read.

Please give me the specific chapter and verse you are referring to where Moses referred to God with masculine titles?
[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]Exodus 5:3 [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]And they said, The God of the Hebrews hath met with us: let us go, we pray thee, three days' journey into the desert, and sacrifice unto the LORD our God; lest he fall upon us with pestilence, or with the sword.[/FONT]
But really that isnt a masculine title but since Moses wrote the first 5 books there are numerous times he used a title. See elohiym-Noun Masculine which is used 189 times in Genesis alone.

The Jesus in the Last Supper is not a woman and even if it was. DaVinci and Dan Brown dont really know everything people say they do.
Marietta said:
Hello Dor,

Are you speaking literally or figuratively?

You stated:
""I can see God, and talk to God and feel God on a daily basis. He is not some inpersonal force or some state of consciousness."""

Love and Light, Midge
I speak literally. Now that being said where I see God non-believers and corrupters may not see him or hear him or feel him. We each have our own personal interactions with him all it takes is belief and faith.
Hello Dor,
Are you aware that the original text was not broken down into words or paragraphs? The Original Hebrew/Aramaic was written in on long string of letters. The true means of translating Hebrew is said to be like building a house with each letter being a brick in the house. Each letter in the Hebrew aleph Bet has a meaning and then there are sets of letters that make up meanings that you must build upon.

I'm not sure what you are trying to show here because what you have shown states pretty much what I have already stated.

My reference comes from the Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language. I also use the Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi purchased at the Hebrew Union Collage and is the dictionary recommended to all students there.

According to the Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language

El: ahleph, lahmed:1. orig. a noun meaning 'nothing' 2. adv. expressing prohibition, a negative wish or request, and meaning 'not', 'nay' derived from base; "to be weak"
3. god (of uncertain etymology) Formerly most scholars derived the word from the base ahleph, vav, lahmed) 2. power 3. these

Eloh: ahleph, lahmed, hey: 1. Goddess 2. obligation by oath

Elohim: 1. supernatural beings 2. gods plural

It looks like Strong's has done some justice to the meaning of the word 430 elohim it however it is both masculine and feminine. The im ending has in more recent times been used as a masculine plural ending but it was not intended as such. According to the Mishna there are only ten rules that are ever to be applied to the Hebrew writings known the ten utterances and they have to do with the vibration of a letter (the tone it carries).

When translating a language you take a word from language and give it the meaning in another language, so lets see what man means in an English dictionary.

Man: 1. human being 2. man

Go back to my post and you will see that I stated that the word Adam refers to mankind as a whole The first being held both polarities before eating of the tree of good and evil (polarity). Adam was both male and female until the supposed rib was taken. Which is a twisted way of saying that polarity broke into polar opposites.
Use your Strong's Concordance along with a interliner bible and look up the meaning of each word in the test that says a rib was taken from Adam. Also take note of the words in the text and the words given as the meaning. You'll find they don't all match.

Why are you getting upset and making accusations intended to put another on the defensive. Have I offended you in some manner? If so please accept my apologies. If I have said something out of line that has upset you, I am unaware of what it was. I am sorry for whatever has provoked this attack. Attack is never the AMO of Source only Pure Love.
Please ask God the next time you commune with him (your choice of signature) if I am out to promote something against the Divine. I also talk to Source daily and though I do not see Source I do hear a voice that gives me answers.
Which brings me to the question of how can you see God when the bible specifically states that Nobody can see God and live.

You wrote:
""""Of course if you just read where it says he created man it wouldnt fit with the man-made doctrine you want to spread, so he had to have created some kind of a cross between both. Well try just reading it he said he made man and made woman from him it isnt that hard to read."""

May I ask what makes the doctrine you are promoting any less manmade than what you accuse me of? We are both sharing what we see in the same scriptures.

You quoted this verse:
[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]Exodus 5:3 [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]And they said, The God of the Hebrews hath met with us: let us go, we pray thee, three days' journey into the desert, and sacrifice unto the LORD our God; lest he fall upon us with pestilence, or with the sword.[/FONT]
But really that isnt a masculine title but since Moses wrote the first 5 books there are numerous times he used a title. See elohiym-Noun Masculine which is used 189 times in Genesis alone.

Here is a very literal word for word definition of this verse. Please look each word up for yourself and tell me what you think. Check the word used in the meaning given in strong's against the word in the actual Hebrew text. By the way the ninth word in this text is the Hebrew word for man.

Chapter five
First word vav, ahleph lahmed he: vav: conjunction; therefore. ahleph, lahmed, he: goddess, to swear an oath:

Second word: shin, mem, vav, taw: shin:=who. that , which mem, vav, taw:= to die, death.

Third word: Beth, nun, yud: beth:=within. nun, yud:=wailing (mistranslated as son which is ben, nun, there is a third letter yud making it a different word).

Fourth word: yud, shin, rehsh, ahleph, lahmed: Israel which translates: =yud, shin, rehsh:= to be straight, upright, pleasing, uprightness. ahleph, lahmed:= god, these, power

Fifth word: hey, beth, ahleph, yud, mam
hey, beth, ahleph, yud:=nonsensical, exageration, nonsence
mem:= of, from

hey, beth:= give
ahleph, yud, mem: fearful, to frighten, to threaten, terrible

beth, ahleph: subsequent
yud, mem:= hot springs

Sixth word: mem, tzadi, rehsh, yud, mem, hey:
tzade, rehsh, yud, mem, hey:= dissonance


mem, tzade, rehsh, yud, mem:= Egyptian
hey:= the


mem, yzade, rehsh:=boundry
yud, mem, he:= lake

Seventh Word: ahleph, tav: with

Eighth word: yud, ayin, kuf, beth: = Jacob : action seen the sun on the horizon within

Ninth word: ahleph, yud, shin (ash) : = man, opposite of woman

Tenth word: vav, beth, yud, tav, vav:
vav:=therefore, and
beth, yud, tav:= domestic, domesticate, family, house

vav:= therefore
beth, yud: in me
tav, vav: once more

You wrote:
"""The Jesus in the Last Supper is not a woman and even if it was. DaVinci and Dan Brown dont really know everything people say they do.""""

The Jesus in the Last Supper isn't man nor woman Jesus is androgynous holding a perfect balance of gender but looking more feminine. I have not read the DaVinci Code or any of Dan Brown's books. I came upon this at least fifteen years ago while doing research for a book I was writing. If you blow the picture of the last supper up you will see that not only is the figure of Jesus dressed in female garb, this being does not have a beard but a shadow that disappears when blown up. It is very obvious that there are six males and six females.

Love and Light, Marietta
Hello Dor,
You wrote:
"""I speak literally. Now that being said where I see God non-believers and corrupters may not see him or hear him or feel him. We each have our own personal interactions with him all it takes is belief and faith."""

Now, Now, no reason to be so nasty. Ego has no place in a discussion about the scriptures. Lets have a discussion in peace and harmony. Anger only brings distruction.

You are Loved, and that is what you should focus upon whcih will help you let go of the anger. Everything is ok and in God's Divine Right Order no matter how or who may challenge your belief system. Leave the Judging to the higher parts in the higher realms where things are seen more clearly. God allows for all expression and thoughs regarding what we perceive as reality.

With Love and Light, Midge
Marietta said:
Now, Now, no reason to be so nasty. Ego has no place in a discussion about the scriptures. Lets have a discussion in peace and harmony. Anger only brings distruction.

The "new age” philosophy of peace and harmony at all costs, does not fit comfortably within Christian beliefs. There is a clear right and wrong intrinsic to Jesus’ teaching. Even anger has a place.

He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. (Mark 3:5 NIV)

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34 NIV)

btw, this is not to say that I saw any sign of anger in Dor’s post, for I did not - we all make assumptions - some right some wrong - for example, I may be wrong to assume you are attempting to gain the high moral ground by your "peace and harmony" rebuke.
kenod said:
The "new age” philosophy of peace and harmony at all costs, does not fit comfortably within Christian beliefs. There is a clear right and wrong intrinsic to Jesus’ teaching. Even anger has a place.

He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. (Mark 3:5 NIV)

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34 NIV)

btw, this is not to say that I saw any sign of anger in Dor’s post, for I did not - we all make assumptions - some right some wrong - for example, I may be wrong to assume you are attempting to gain the high moral ground by your "peace and harmony" rebuke.
Indeed, until the return of Christ, peace will continue to come, at a will freedom to be...

pacifism gets one either dead, or enslaved...


kenod said:
The "new age” philosophy of peace and harmony at all costs, does not fit comfortably within Christian beliefs. There is a clear right and wrong intrinsic to Jesus’ teaching. Even anger has a place.
Of course, you have chosen to focus on distinctions here, Kenod ... and I'm not sure "New Age" philosophy, as you put, emphasizes peace and harmony "at all costs." I think what many a New Ager might say, is that we could use more of it, but they would agree with the idea that in many situations, we should defend ourselves (!), both collectively and individually.

And since I am inclined to identify with "New Age" ideas, sometimes (most of which were ancient many thousands of years before Jesus was ever born) ... I'll make no exception now. To wit: Inasmuch as Jesus does teach a "clear right and wrong," anger - in the sense of what this word normally connotes - fits the into the LATTER category. Even that which is called "the Divine indignation," is something I think we poorly understand.

But for a hint, and for starters, to see the teachings of one of Humanity's Greatest ... distorted, misquoted, bent out of shape and essentially tailor-twisted to fit & justify our own actions, thinking & personally-comfortable sense of morality, including what is and isn't decent interpersonal behavior between people seeking to express LOVE ....

... ah yes. THAT is likely to give rise to a bit of righteous indignation. Getting angry, and upset, and pitching a general fit - as a child's temper tantrum - is unbecoming of ANY human. The notion that a Master such as Christ Jesus might carry on in such fashion ... is preposterous.

The sword which Christ brought is that which cuts, or divides, the real from the unreal, truth from falsity. It helps us to behold the proverbial wheat ... as distinct from the chaff on the threshing floor. Even some of our most treasured ideas and (mis-)interpretations, will be found among this chaff. :eek:

Marietta said:
Hello Dor,
You wrote:
"""I speak literally. Now that being said where I see God non-believers and corrupters may not see him or hear him or feel him. We each have our own personal interactions with him all it takes is belief and faith."""

Now, Now, no reason to be so nasty. Ego has no place in a discussion about the scriptures. Lets have a discussion in peace and harmony. Anger only brings distruction.

You are Loved, and that is what you should focus upon whcih will help you let go of the anger. Everything is ok and in God's Divine Right Order no matter how or who may challenge your belief system. Leave the Judging to the higher parts in the higher realms where things are seen more clearly. God allows for all expression and thoughs regarding what we perceive as reality.

With Love and Light, Midge
Sorry that was not nasty. I have been known to get rather nasty on these boards and it generally is when people try to twist stuff to fit their agenda.

I know I am loved and could care less if mankind accepts me. We are supposed to judge everything and I will,
the only thing we are not supposed to judge is someone's salvation.