I think in any discussion forum it is taken for granted that the ideas we present are what we personally believe to be true - why bother posting them otherwise? Of course it is not possible to prove faith, all we can do is offer the evidence for consideration as we see it. I try to maintain a respectful attitude to the beliefs of others, though I suppose we all tread on each others toes occasionally.
For certain.
By referring to the Trinity as a preconceived idea I did not mean to disparage your beliefs - I mean that it is a traditional belief handed down over the centuries. When we are taught to believe the Trinity doctrine, everything will be interpreted in that light.
Here. I'll show you exactly what I believe. Maybe that will help.
When I think of God the Father, normally I consider Him as "provider" for the existence of everything (the cosmos). His personage maintains the laws of nature, in short He is the archetect, and source, the judge. But on occassion I will "pray" directly to the Father, in a personal and heart felt manner, about "children" issues, because, He is the ultimate "father". My prayers are questions and dialogue between one Father and another father. Maybe that is wrong, but obviously I could care less. Sometimes going to the source is best.
When I think of God the Son, I see Jesus as friend, brother, savior, encourager. He is always running ahead of me, egging me on to move faster, and His laughter and delight is so exhilliarating! But then I trip and stumble and begin to fall headlong into the dirt...but it never happens. Before I hit the ground, I'm caught up in His arms, stood right, brushed off, then like a shot, He is off again!...beconning me to continue. He is always in my daily thoughts.
When I think of the Holy Spirit, I sense the presence of God around, in and throughout me. Even when I don't open dialogue with God, there is God. I've been in some pretty precarious situations in my life that frankly, I should not have survived...yet something intervened, and I am here today. One tell tale sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit is the sense of calm and peace, that prevails during the craziest of times...that never recedes despite the situation.
I don't think numbers make for a good argument, especially since Jesus speaks of the "few". And I have always had great difficulty coming to terms with the history of the RC church. It is not pretty reading, and I do not see how God would entrust The Faith to such an institution.
Well, considering that Jesus may be talking about the whole of humanity (from the beginning), the "few" may be a few billion souls.
Even today, although I think there have been many good men in the RC church, do you feel comfortable with the level of political appointments, displays of great wealth, adherence to rites without personal faith, sexual immorality, etc?
Are you talking about the church or the few within that are subject to failure?
If I were to judge the United States on a couple of idiots that held the office of president...
Great wealth, and greater charity giving (the MOST of any religious organization in the world by far). Sexual immorality? Look at your neighbor next door (look at the people you live with day to day). Look at your TV shows, and movies. You think any human is immune to the crap we're subjected to? God is stronger, but man is the weak link. Political appointments? What? Would you prefer the godless judge? Do you really want to be the old woman who has to nag forever until justice is done? Adherence to rites without personal faith? What do you mean? What is your reference to this statement?
I'm not sure anymore if this thread is on faith or politics...but I've pointed out my understanding and belief in the Trinity of God. I'm truly sorry for those who do not share a similar relationship with God...you're missing out on something wonderful.
But, that is your call.