Allowing child molesters in church?

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No. I know it for several reasons. Amongst them being myself a victim of sexual assault at a young age and having a good freind who, with her sister were the victims in a high profile case here in Edinburgh. As it has touched my life I tend to keep reasonably well read on the subject.

I myself when I was a kid , was a victim of sexual assualt , and I indeed had a loathing and hatred against these guys, but at the same time I could see that these guys were acting according to their beliefs and passions. Perhaps if they were brought up in a different way, they indeed could have been better people.

Sorry but you support my point here not yours. They are as I said citing a few individual cases. This would be like throwing a cup of water at a forest fire. Just because they highlight their successes in a few individual cases does not make it appropriate for treatment for large numbers of child predators. And it is interesting to note that they make no report as to the failures..

And how is it a few cases when there are a lot of successful tests and results in these links.

As for the western adoption of meditative yoga so what? It has no bearing on the question. By far the vast majority of users are those well educated middle class liberal proffesionals who are into 'self-improvement'. And I just cant for the life of me see how this links in.

Understand the context, I am saying that if children can study meditation and the essentials of mind control , they can indeed turn out to be well disciplined people.

I travelled India for 9 months from Kerala in the south right up into the Himalaya. I love India and I recognise fully what contribution it makes and has made to humanity.

Thank you.

But also I saw the poverty and exploitation of Mumbai, Delhi, Madrass and Calcutta.

And who do you think is responsible for the poverty of India. There was no poverty at all in India till the British invasion. The forbes magazine stated India to be the richest nation in the world in the 16 th century. Why on earth do you think Colombus was after us.

It was the British invasion and the subsequent ruthless exploitation of India that reduced India from the richest nation in the world to one of the poorest nations on earth. The cottage industries in India were ruthlessy destroyed by the British. I know of women weavers in India, that produced valuable cloth, and whose fingers were chopped off by the british troops so that they will not be able to weave again, and hence they committed suicide.

Millions of Indians died in India due to the famines created by the British due to their rules which were focussed on producing goods that served the british market. Remember the INDIGO famine.

And also the British created the Macaulays education programme in India, which was systematically designed to curb Indian nationalism by underrating Indian achievements, and charecterising indian sages as fools . After all, they did not want to lose India, the Jewel in the British crown.

As Karl Marx said, "Divorce a people from their heritage ,and they will be easy to persuade. " And the cunning britishers expoited this fact to their advantage.

It was Vivekananda , who first criticized Macaulays education programme, and saw through its cunning, and it was his disciples, Gandhi and Bose, who made India independent and , as I stated before, provided a role model to the other African and Asian nations under the heel of western imperialism and colonialism, and eventually brought the sun down on the materialistic and imperialistic British empire.

Unfortunately the effects of Macaulays education persist still to this day, much to the disadvantage of India, and the whole world.

And by the time we thrashed the Britishers out of India, we had become emaciated due to all the blood sucked out of us by them, and we had to start from scratch again.

And I am happy to say that India indeed is becoming an economic power again, as shown by the economists.

The IT revolution has created millions of jobs in India, and created thousands of millionaires ( dollar terms) . Azim Premji of Wipro is the 10 th richest man in the world at the moment, a billionaire.

The Steel King , Lakshmi Das Mittal, is the 5th richest man in the world, with assets of 40 billion dollars. Silicon Valley itself boasts of 1 million Indian millionaires.

India became a trillion dollar economy , a few days back, one of the few countries in the world to do so. Thousands of new millionaires(dollar terms)are coming up in India with each passing year.

We have the 2nd largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world , after the U.S., and the way our government is building engineering and science colleges and universities all over India, within a few years , we will trespass the U.S. as well.

And this is only going to improve. Economists have stated that India will be earning 100 billion dollars in IT by 2010. And the same with the BPO, KPO, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and other sectors as well, which are going great guns.Research has shown that after the economic reforms of 1990 , poverty in India has reduced considerably, and if we go in this way, we can indeed eradicate poverty in India completely in a span of time. And we indeed have positives, like good leadership at the moment, the genetic potential that comes with an ancient civilization, and good work ethics in our scriptures.

The future indeed is promising.

For all India has taught the world to count, as you put it, it has not been able to count the Dalit as equals. I respect your pride in your great country, truly I do, but it gets a bit tiresome hearing it in almost every post you make.

And how do you know about this. What a vague statement that India is not counting the dalits as equals. Do you know that the constitution of India was created by a dalit. And dalits are given the lions share of reservations in the public sector jobs, and in universities and colleges. They have indeed come up well, and many dalits are affluent now. There are many inter-caste marriages itself taking place between dalits and other castes . The arya samaj, the hindu organisation based on the vedas, which do not sanction the caste system and other hindu spiritual organisations are responsible for the rampant inter-caste marriages taking place in India, and which is increasing exponentially.

I have stated about this in a previous post of mine. We also had a dalit president in K.R.Narayan, and many dalit chief ministers and ministers.

There are strict laws in India to eradicate caste discrimination and many idiots who have violated these laws have been arrested and prosecuted.
The so-called violations happen in some rural areas , which are not effectively under the jurisdiction of the police. And even then , things are changing in this direction as well,due to the efforts of the media and the hindu spiritual organisations.

Also the rapidly growing economy of India will ensure that the police forces will be modernised and effective, both qualitatively and quantitatively , along with a more effective judiciary as well.

And I know all these myself, because I am from the shudra caste myself, a so-called 'untouchable'.

And our own caste have produced many hindu enlightened masters , which I have pointed out in a previous post , and who in a way ,can be seen as true representatives of Hinduism as well.

No they pull them right out and throw them in the compost bin to rot.

That is my point Tao. Get rid of the plant by the roots, instead of trimming them .

Similarly , instead of merely arresting these paedophiles , and filling the prisons with them, go to the root of the problem as I suggested , and make sure that none of them are created in the first place.
Who was trying to link them? I was merely saying that some mental illnesses have uncontrollable side effects. I accept that a majority of these people are not mentally ill in the true sense of the term but I was wondering if some were, due to the ones that ask to be castrated or never released from prison. Most of the monsters have no remorse and use the old "who is society to set age limits" excuse in court but I was exploring whether those that are aware what they are doing is wrong and want to stop but do not trust themselves - is that due to a true mental illness with uncontrollable side effects?

I think of course that a percentage are mentaly ill. A deep psychosis is never curable and only at best partialy treatable. There is always a high risk of relapse. Hence my veiw these individuals too are simply too high risk to allow complete freedom and anonymity within society. They also tend to be the more dangerous opportunists, as opposed to groomers, and are far more likely to murder their victim(s).

Quote Niranjan:
Similarly , instead of merely arresting these paedophiles , and filling the prisons with them, go to the root of the problem as I suggested , and make sure that none of them are created in the first place.

I think your argument naive. In a family of 3 children brought up by caring loving parents in exactly the same way not all children become clones of each other. Individuality will always express itself no matter what brainwashing (and I do not use that word pejoratively despite its conotations), you may try. There are always bad apples.

I do not doubt the benefits that yoga and other meditation techniques can bring the individual when they are sought and embraced by that individual. However the imposition of any regime will always throw up a percentage of kick-backs. To think otherwise is to deny common ssense and basic observation.

I think your argument naive. In a family of 3 children brought up by caring loving parents in exactly the same way not all children become clones of each other. Individuality will always express itself no matter what brainwashing (and I do not use that word pejoratively despite its conotations), you may try. There are always bad apples.

I do not doubt the benefits that yoga and other meditation techniques can bring the individual when they are sought and embraced by that individual. However the imposition of any regime will always throw up a percentage of kick-backs. To think otherwise is to deny common ssense and basic observation.


You said in your previous post that you are not going to talk to me, and now you have given a new post to me. Ha. :p

And how is it naive, all people indeed have a mind and brain and character, though they may be vastly different from each other. And it has been noted by psychologists that nurture plays a more crucial role indeed in moulding the child. Many physically healthy children indeed came out to be neurotic or psychotic in later life , due to child abuse and stuff.

And many physically unhealthy children , due to the attention given to them by parents , dedicated teachers and stuff, came up to be decent and productive people.

So environment does indeed play a vital and important role. Hence, meditation and mind control and yoga indeed should be taught to all children at a young age, as Vivekananda taught. It doesn't need to be an imposition of a regime . Many chilren themselves practice it with enthusiasm. And if they are briefed on the advantages that mind control can bring about, I am sure all of them will be interested in it. Because every child indeed wants to become a hero, or a superman.

Education is compulsory for all children in many countries. Does that make it a regime or something !!!!!!!!!
You said in your previous post that you are not going to talk to me, and now you have given a new post to me. Ha. :p

And how is it naive, all people indeed have a mind and brain and character, though they may be vastly different from each other. And it has been noted by psychologists that nurture plays a more crucial role indeed in moulding the child. Many physically healthy children indeed came out to be neurotic or psychotic in later life , due to child abuse and stuff.

And many physically unhealthy children , due to the attention given to them by parents , dedicated teachers and stuff, came up to be decent and productive people.

So environment does indeed play a vital and important role. Hence, meditation and mind control and yoga indeed should be taught to all children at a young age, as Vivekananda taught. It doesn't need to be an imposition of a regime . Many chilren themselves practice it with enthusiasm. And if they are briefed on the advantages that mind control can bring about, I am sure all of them will be interested in it. Because every child indeed wants to become a hero, or a superman.

Education is compulsory for all children in many countries. Does that make it a regime or something !!!!!!!!!

If you cant see what I am saying, which is very very simple to understand, then saying anything else on the matter to you will be an excersise in futility.

Despite your efforts of a racist nature in starting a new thread in the guise of standing up for the aboriginal peoples of Australia, and your continuing vitriol for anyone who presents anything other than your own veiws, I will decide when and where and what I post..... not you.
If you cant see what I am saying, which is very very simple to understand, then saying anything else on the matter to you will be an excersise in futility. .

I have presented my logical argument too in this debate, and you have not given a logical reply for it. Hence you can say it indeed is an exercise in futility for you to support your argument.

Despite your efforts of a racist nature in starting a new thread in the guise of standing up for the aboriginal peoples of Australia,

And why not, I know what the 'gentlemanly' britishers have done in all the continents. Are you saying that highlighting the racist persecution of the aborginals by the britishers in australia, (which the whole world knows) by me is racist. That indeed is great 'logic.'

And coming from you, I am not surprised.
I have presented my logical argument too in this debate, and you have not given a logical reply for it. Hence you can say it indeed is an exercise in futility for you to support your argument.

And why not, I know what the 'gentlemanly' britishers have done in all the continents. Are you saying that highlighting the racist persecution of the aborginals by the britishers in australia, (which the whole world knows) by me is racist. That indeed is great 'logic.'

And coming from you, I am not surprised.

No I am saying you started it to promote your own racist agenda. 'Britishers' whatever they are, do not rule Australia. Australians do.
No I am saying you started it to promote your own racist agenda.

We indeed do have a moral responsibility to end British imperialism in the world. And we owe this to the victims of British imperialism in India , our martyrs who fought against the British, and all the victims of British imperialism in all the continents.

'Britishers' whatever they are, do not rule Australia. Australians do.

And who do you think the 'australian whites' who rule Australia are !!!!!!!!!!
We indeed do have a moral responsibility to end British imperialism in the world. And we owe this to the victims of British imperialism in India , our martyrs who fought against the British, and all the victims of British imperialism in all the continents.

Wakey wakey!!! The "British Empire" is more.....gone......finito!!

And who do you think the 'australian whites' who rule Australia are !!!!!!!!!!
I told you already "Australians"
Wakey wakey!!! The "British Empire" is more.....gone......finito!!

And I wonder why New Zealand ( which belongs to the maoris) , Australia( which belongs to the aborginals) and Canada( which belong to the canadian indians) are still considered as subjects of your 'beautiful' queen.

Why don't you give it back to them like the gentlemen you claim yourselves to be, and compensate for the atrocities you guys committed against these people . That would be a religious, and moral thing to do. And if you don't do that, don't expect the world to consider yourself as gentlemen , humane and moral people , even though you insist that you are.

I told you already "Australians"

Yeah, and I wonder why the australian prime minister, upon being elected, have to go all the way to Britain to present himself before the queen.

Do you see the french prime minister or japanese prime minister upon election, going to the british queen .
Why don't you give it back to them like the gentlemen you claim yourselves to be, and compensate for the atrocities you guys committed against these people . That would be a religious, and moral thing to do. And if you don't do that, don't expect the world to consider yourself as gentlemen , humane and moral people , even though you insist that you are.

oooooh shut up......

Read into our country more than this... Just a brief look on a wiki we have done thousands of amazing and good things, so if you want to continue on this route make a thread relevant about it instead of this thread.. Then STUDY and read about our country the read and study about your own country and other countries... and lets see how bad our country truly is......

We are one of the most human countries there is.... You are bringing up past... OH LETS GO AND HATE THE GERMANS!! Because of the Nazi's!!

Forgive and forget! that was like WWII long time ago...

He's right, niranjan, the British Empire is no more, and pretty much everything outside of the UK, Gibraltar, and the Falkland Islands is pretty much ruled by the inhabitants of those countries. :)

If you want something to fight against, you may want to update your worldview from the 19th to 21st century. :)

Otherwise I may as well start cross-posting threads demanding compensation to the people of Britain from the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium, for the atrocities commited by the Saxons; Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, for the atrocities commited by the Vikings; France for the atrocities commited by the Norse, and Italy for the atrocities of the Romans. :)
Read into our country more than this...

So you are a britisher , not an american. No probs.

Just a brief look on a wiki we have done thousands of amazing and good things, so if you want to continue on this route make a thread relevant about it instead of this thread.. Then STUDY and read about our country the read and study about your own country and other countries... and lets see how bad our country truly is.....

And then why on earth did your country came to India as cunning traders, and invaded the whole land, and slaughtered and destroyed the economy , as stated in my previous post. Did you think that was very noble.

And what about what the britishers have done in north america, which lead to the american revolution and what they have done to the canadian indians.
And about how they invaded france, which lead to the legendary Joan fighting against them. Do you think that was noble as well.

And what about what the britishers did in Africa. Do you think that is noble as well.

And what about what the British did in china, where they using their force,they made the chinese drug addicts, in order to pursue their own materialistic goals, making money.

And what about what the British did in other parts of Asia. Who invited them there , to do all their imperialistic stuff. Would you like it if the indians or chinese or africans or aborginals invaded Britain , colonized your people ,slaughtered and raped them, and exploited them, like the romans who invaded britain did.

We are one of the most human countries there is.... You are bringing up past... OH LETS GO AND HATE THE GERMANS!! Because of the Nazi's!!

Sorry nazism is no more, but british imperialism is there. If not , leave canada, new zealand, and australia to their original inhabitants, like the way you left India and Hong Kong and sri lanka and other countries .

And also what do you think the British are doing in Iraq. More than 650000 Iraqi civiilians have been killed, and within two years this will reach the 1 million mark, making it the first genocide of the 21 st century.
So you are a britisher , not an american. No probs.

100%..... Indeed there is no problem with that.

And then why on earth did your country came to India as cunning traders, and invaded the whole land, and slaughtered and destroyed the economy , as stated in my previous post. Did you think that was very noble.

And what about what the britishers have done in north america, which lead to the american revolution and what they have done to the canadian indians.
And about how they invaded france, which lead to the legendary Joan fighting against them. Do you think that was noble as well.

And what about what the britishers did in Africa. Do you think that is noble as well.

And what about what the British did in china, where they using their force,they made the chinese drug addicts, in order to pursue their own materialistic goals, making money.

And what about what the British did in other parts of Asia. Who invited them there , to do all their imperialistic stuff. Would you like it if the indians or chinese or africans or aborginals invaded Britain , colonized your people ,slaughtered and raped them, and exploited them, like the romans who invaded britain did.


Sorry nazism is no more, but british imperialism is there. If not , leave canada, new zealand, and australia to their original inhabitants, like the way you left India and Hong Kong and sri lanka and other countries .

And also what do you think the British are doing in Iraq. More than 650000 Iraqi civiilians have been killed, and within two years this will reach the 1 million mark, making it the first genocide of the 21 st century.

Oh yeah... lol sorry I forgot that I said I agree with all of the actions of what we have done in the past.......... Wait....Where did I say that?

You are speaking of an Empire that NO LONGER FREAKING EXISTS lol....

But, in making an empire, you are trying to dominate the world, you are also trying to unite the world under one banner... You are also looking out for the welfare of your country..... In these OLD OLD OLD times... That you are mentioning there were times you had to show yourself to be strong or fold.... :)

Iraq? What has that got to do with this English Empire that I had no idea was still so active? Again I do not agree with us being in Iraq... But, there is a thing called politics.... Anyway time for me to go home leave work... I will try and keep an eye on this interesting talk lol...
And then why on earth did your country came to India as cunning traders, and invaded the whole land, and slaughtered and destroyed the economy , as stated in my previous post. Did you think that was very noble.

They didn't invade - the East India Company had one or more outposts (I've have to recheck figures) and these were directly threatened by the French looking to mobilise Indian rulers to squeeze British commerce out of India.

So the East India Company sought to mobilise Indian rulers to align with the British against the French. Once the French stepped down, the East India Company found itself had gained incredible political power and influence in India, sparking something of a domestic crisis in British politics at the prospectic of a private company governing it's own sizeable country.

The bottom line is that India got caught up in European politics, and sided with the British. I've only read British-Indian history up to around 1872, but so far I haven't seen any of the slaughter and rapine you allude to, nor the collapse of any economy, though I'm quite aware things get ugly after this period.

And what about what the britishers have done in north america, which lead to the american revolution and what they have done to the canadian indians.

Blaming the Brits for the emergent of a bunch of tax rebels who founded their own country and expanded how they see fit from it suggests a woeful understanding of US history. :)

And about how they invaded france, which lead to the legendary Joan fighting against them. Do you think that was noble as well.

Blimey, you don't like the Brits, do you? But you show an even bigger ignorance of history here. Recommend you read some European history from the period so you can understand the context of the events you are misrepresenting.

And what about what the britishers did in Africa. Do you think that is noble as well.

What did the Brits do in Africa? The slave trade? A trade as old as humanity itself, and keenly supplied by West African kingdoms?

Are you claiming that slavery has no history in India? How about modern slavery in India?

And what about what the British did in other parts of Asia. Who invited them there , to do all their imperialistic stuff.

Commerce. Simple enough.

Would you like it if the indians or chinese or africans or aborginals invaded Britain , colonized your people ,slaughtered and raped them, and exploited them, like the romans who invaded britain did.

Indeed, Britain has a longer history of suffering invasion, going back at least 10,000 years, than most any other country in the world. Again, you show insufferable ignorance.

I'm beginning to wonder if you're simply trying for a reaction, than form an argument.

Sorry nazism is no more, but british imperialism is there. If not , leave canada, new zealand, and australia to their original inhabitants, like the way you left India and Hong Kong and sri lanka and other countries .

They do have their own countries. They govern themselves. You might notice this if you were more aware of the 21st century.

And also what do you think the British are doing in Iraq. More than 650000 Iraqi civiilians have been killed, and within two years this will reach the 1 million mark, making it the first genocide of the 21 st century.

Indeed, and you'll find Tony Blair is very unpopular in Britain for this, widely regarded as trying to arrange the war through duplicity and falsehood. You might notice this again if you were more aware of current events.
You are speaking of an Empire that NO LONGER FREAKING EXISTS lol....

Yeah, tell that to the aborginals, maoris, and canadian indians.

But, in making an empire, you are trying to dominate the world, you are also trying to unite the world under one banner... ....

And what indeed is wrong in uniting the world. What do you think the united nations is there for.

You are also looking out for the welfare of your country..... In these OLD OLD OLD times...

That you are mentioning there were times you had to show yourself to be strong or fold.... :)

You can be strong for the sake of self-defence, which is noble, but what is the need for colonizing other countries and exploiting them.
Yeah, tell that to the aborginals, maoris, and canadian indians.

And what indeed is wrong in uniting the world. What do you think the united nations is there for.

You can be strong for the sake of self-defence, which is noble, but what is the need for colonizing other countries and exploiting them.

I repeat Niranjan, as I detect that you dont always see whats written, "you are you'r own worst enemy". Try and see what I mean for human...'pal'.
They didn't invade - the East India Company had one or more outposts (I've have to recheck figures) and these were directly threatened by the French looking to mobilise Indian rulers to squeeze British commerce out of India. .

So you are teaching me , an Indian, what your people have done in India.Go through my earlier posts in this thread and find out for yourself.

So the East India Company sought to mobilise Indian rulers to align with the British against the French. .

The east india company indeed had to take permission from the Indian rulers to set up base in this country. And they indeed were begging for our permission before the mughals and others.

And Tipu Sultan, was a good ally of the French, and fought against the British and defeated them many times, till he was eventually killed in war.

The bottom line is that India got caught up in European politics, and sided with the British. .

We did not side with anyone. It was the british who fought against us in India after conveniently and cunningly getting bases from us and building up their power.

I've only read British-Indian history up to around 1872, but so far I haven't seen any of the slaughter and rapine you allude to, nor the collapse of any economy, though I'm quite aware things get ugly after this period..
Oh really, and what do you think the 1857 'First war of Independence 'was.

Blaming the Brits for the emergent of a bunch of tax rebels who founded their own country and expanded how they see fit from it suggests a woeful understanding of US history. :)

Well, perhaps if the britishers didn't impose huge taxes on the americans, and do other despotic stuff, the american revolution might not have taken place.

Blimey, you don't like the Brits, do you?

As I said before, as Gandhi himself showed, we are against British imperialism, not the britishers. Perhaps you should do some introspection on why your country indeed is so materialistic and have cut the throats of the people of other lands and looted their wealth . Is it a good thing to do. Is this what Jesus taught.

What did the Brits do in Africa? The slave trade? A trade as old as humanity itself, and keenly supplied by West African kingdoms?

Good that you admitted this. So if the British were cannibalistic, would you defend that by saying that other nations too were cannibalistic.

Are you claiming that slavery has no history in India? How about modern slavery in India?

The dharmic religions Buddhism, Sikhism ,Jainism did not condone slavery.

And as for the so-called 'modern slavery in India', it is but bonded labour in certain rural areas of India which is not under police jurisdiction, and mainly due to intense poverty, which if the British had not come to India, we would not have been suffering from.

And anyway even the so-called bonded child labour is banned in India by the constitution, and the media always highlights these incidents in rural areas.
Many NGOs and hindu spiritual organisations have rescued many such children and have given them free education and nutrition and homes.

Many culprits have been arrested. I myself who am working along with some friends, needed a cook, but we have to make certain he is above a certain age,or we will be behind bars.

Commerce. Simple enough.

Yeah, perverted and immoral commerce which was interested in filling the pockets of the britishers without any heed for what is happening to the people in these lands.

The seven blunders that human society commits and cause all the violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, and politics without principles.


Indeed, Britain has a longer history of suffering invasion, going back at least 10,000 years, than most any other country in the world. Again, you show insufferable ignorance. .

Well, I am aware that 2500 years back, when the so-called britishers were living in forests and caves, running around naked,and painting themselves blue, the Indians were indulging in religion, advanced philosophy and metaphysics, which culminated in the Buddha and Mahavira at that time.

I'm beginning to wonder if you're simply trying for a reaction, than form an argument..

Perhaps if you check the facts for yourself ,you will find out whether I am right or wrong.

They do have their own countries. They govern themselves. You might notice this if you were more aware of the 21st century...

And don't you think that a maori should rule New Zealand, an aborginal should rule new zealand, and a canadian indian should rule canada, like all the other countries, without going and presenting themselves to the queen as well.

Indeed, and you'll find Tony Blair is very unpopular in Britain for this, widely regarded as trying to arrange the war through duplicity and falsehood. You might notice this again if you were more aware of current events.

And so what , you guys elected him. So it indeed becomes the fault of the british as well.

India staunchly opposed the invasion from the very beginning itself, and many rallies came up in India condemning the british.

When the britishers who are being thrashed in Iraq,asked India to send troops to Iraq and promised perks as well, public opinion in India was inflamed very much ,which forced the Indian prime minister to remark to the public that it will not be done.
I repeat Niranjan, as I detect that you dont always see whats written, "you are you'r own worst enemy". Try and see what I mean for human...'pal'.

May be so, but I am indeed making you aware of what your country has done, so indeed have to thank me for it. This will give you a chance to redress and make amends for what your country have done and apologize to these people . Don't you think this is what Jesus meant when he said.....

"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"

Think about it.
May be so, but I am indeed making you aware of what your country has done, so indeed have to thank me for it. This will give you a chance to redress and make amends for what your country have done and apologize to these people . Don't you think this is what Jesus meant when he said.....

"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?"

Think about it.
Why the hell would I feel the need to appologise for the actions of people in history? And you make me aware of nothing but your own nationalist brand of hate. I am pretty clued up on The British East India Company, as well as Portugese, French and Dutch commercial operations in India. None of which could have succeeded without the full co-operation of local Indian Warlords. The Indian 'nation' did not exist back then so you are talking thru you'r arse as usual.

The seven blunders that human society commits and cause all the violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, and politics without principles.


Well maybe you should listen on these 2 points at least to what he is saying.

You know before I found this forum I looked at a few that were full of people like you. So why dont you take your EGO and your IGNORANCE to the forums you refer to. This is absolutely my last reply to you because you are simply not worth the effort of replying to.
For others,

Anyone remember that scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "the nights from nee" where they have to cross that bridge?
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