Well-Known Member
Eh, no. that was nature. The miracle is that they both came home walking on both legs.
you know what I meant..
Eh, no. that was nature. The miracle is that they both came home walking on both legs. know what I meant..
Look, you've been asking the same question over and over again. This is the truth as God himself revealed to us in his word:
God made us perfect. We disobeyed God willingly (all of us). God said that disobeying him warrants us death and separation from him by sinning. Everyone sinned and deserves damnation because of our own actions. Jesus (God himself who created us) stepped in and took the punishment for all of us. Anyone who asks for forgiveness with a sincere heart is granted it and cleansed from their sin. Anyone who doesn't suffers the consequences: separation from God in hell. God has to judge sin because that's his nature. God does not want anyone to go to hell so he provided a free way out, but sadly some people don't accept his gift, and they suffer the consequences for their actions.
I've said this countless times and you say God is obsessed with damnation, but it's really YOU who's obsessed with damnation. God wants every one to live with Him. But he can't make them choose.
The choice is yours. I've made mine.
He has a way to test the theory?
how is it that perfect beings disobeyed god. they must have been imperfect... dont you see?
why is it gods nature to judge sin? who benefits from this jusdgement
what does that mean?
whats the point
why doesnt god give people in hell second chances?
He has a way to test the theory?
Trust God. Don't trust self. say you're sorry, and ask for help from God. Then be quiet and listen for instructions.
You know Dave for a supposed limited being, you seem to have a large ego concerning self. Pico loves the Lord. I do too. You do not it seems, but unlike Pico, I love a good fight (and I never lose). I think you are in the wrong area of CR, and I think you should leave. Go where you are more comfortable my friend...You know, Pico, for a supposedly omnipotent being your god certainly has a lot of restrictions placed on his capabilities -- he HAS to do this, he HAS to do that, he CAN'T do this, he CAN'T do that, etc. I'm wondering what the precise biblical basis is for all of these restrictions.
I'm also wondering how you can call such a limited being God with a straight face.
Trust God. Don't trust self. say you're sorry, and ask for help from God. Then be quiet and listen for instructions. Oh, and read about can find His story in a book I heard of, oh right, they call it the "Bible". Start with John 1:1 but start with John 3: 16 first...
It will break your heart.
Take care man.
your religion breaks my heart already, and I read the bible. I was confirmed into a church. I know how it works to an extent.
look if I say I trust something, and I really believe that I am putting my trust into that thing, it doesnt matter if its real or not because I am telling myself it is.
Actually, what I just told you is simple, DAVE. Do not insult the Christians. Or you will cease posting in this forum...Just so I'm absolutely clear, Quahom -- are you, in your role as moderator of this forum, ordering me to cease posting in the Christianity forum?
theres nothing that can save you... there is only one way puny human.... nothing can save you... nooothing... noooothing!
what am I being saved from. why do humans need saving. why are we created in the position of needing salvation?