What Are You Watching on Youtube?

A granny violently kicking her baby..... lol Good stuff. To be honest I don't acutally use Youtube.... But I know the whole series of the kicking granny is on there... Check it out good stuff... Even better if you dabble in substances... That makes it a very spinney show to watch lol....
Sex on the dancefloor

YouTube - 16Dec06 Mark and Karen Argentine Tango

Been watching the American version of the show and the judging difference is very noticeable. In the UK if you do a crap dance you'll be slated and get correspondingly crap scores (as in 3 out of 10), in the US they say they're all good and get at least a 7! Billy Ray Somebody wandered around the dance floor doing nowt in one dance and looked like a drunken Ozzy in the second but still wasn't slated. Any criticism by the judges (even constructive) gets a load of booing. Very strange.

Beautiful Snoopy...BTW is "crap dance" anything like dirty dancing...an especially loathsome film by the way...except of course for Ms. Grey.

Queen made some cool videos.... :D

"I want to break free"
"Invisible man"
"inuendo" (sp lol)
"radio ga ga"...

I am a freaking expert on Queen... That was like my milk when I was a baby... ;)

MW???? Que??? Where is the sexual stuff :| I expected to see some freaking, *dark demented tone* FLESH!!!
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Jer-Z Knights by Satanicide


They're a spoof of heavy metal bands. Used to all be in cover bands, primarily GnR I think. But they're really really talented. This video is hilarious. I love their cover of the theme from titanic in the middle.
Snoop...The term "beautiful", I am sorry to report, was not used in my post as an adjectival modifier with specific reference to your screen name and/or your person. However I did believe that the vid that you posted was beautiful, both in its content and presentation. There is something entirely sublime about the human form when it is engaged in dance.

I am also sure that there are "beautiful and sublime" attributes that might be beheld with regard to your persona. Many of us are already entranced with regard to your wit and presence at CR.

Snoop...The term "beautiful", I am sorry to report, was not used in my post as an adjectival modifier with specific reference to your screen name and/or your person. However I did believe that the vid that you posted was beautiful, both in its content and presentation. There is something entirely sublime about the human form when it is engaged in dance.

I am also sure that there are "beautiful and sublime" attributes that might be beheld with regard to your persona. Many of us are already entranced with regard to your wit and presence at CR.


communication failure...sorry, I meant were you referring to my use of words such as "crap"...

clearly not...

yes, by common assent, this dance was the best seen yet. And still Craig only gave it a 9 out of 10. He's a tight git.

There's a Strictly Forum somewhere on the net and the thread about Mark Ramprakash covers about a squillion pages...(not all the comments concerned with the finer points of his dancing I imagine...:rolleyes:)

Hey Snoop...crap is crap...that's a universal subjective experience that many of us, on both sides of the Atlantic, can identify with.

yes, ta - seen it on TV and for real in concert:p


Show off :(

17th - Down Boy. Dance can be very sexual and often sexual feelings are much more potent without masses of flesh and sweat involved. :p