What Are You Watching on Youtube?

After today's Trump atrocity there is no longer anything humorous about this man. He is Hitler and his followers are hate filled fascists who speak with their fists. That is where we are heading if he gets elected. It is time for deadly seriousness, because deadly is what it is going to be. We are on the brink people. On the literal brink.

p.s. I'm not aiming this at you Phyllis or your post. It's that I have just watched an old white fart sucker punch a black kid because he didn't support El Duce. And his followers think it is perfectly appropriate. And my blood pressure is through the fracking roof!
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DA, you've got meow (I don't want to hijack this thread any further.)

To everyone else, my next post here will contain something better (I hope.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Winter is Trumping

Sorry to bring you all back to the negative aspects of our lives ...
But my blood pressure is through the fracking roof too, and I need to vent my frustration!
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I'm sorely tempted to send Mr. Trump a surprise package containing a combination of Nazi and Italian fascist items, but I'm classier than that.

Anyway, Tovarish and I watched the latest Maru the :kitty:/Hana the :kitty: to cleanse the "palate" of Trump. Their human did an experiment to find out what their "dominant" paw was. Hana is left-pawed and Maru is right-pawed in case anyone's interested. Here's the video:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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I'm more of a dog person myself, but I can see why some people are crazy about cats. Yeah I admit they are cute.


A rather sweet song performed by the late Freddie Mercury towards the end of his public career (he continued behind the scenes up until he slipped away due to full-blown AIDS.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
A video that might tug on the heartstrings of our Australian and/or our New Zealander delegation:

No :kitty:s this time. *shrug*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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A cute member of a :kitty: delegation learning how to walk on a leash. Lazarus was the frozen :kitty: who was resuscitated after being found frozen outside.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine