Some have suggested there should be a dedicated section for such issues.
Post your opinions here.
Post your opinions here.
Definitely yes. Thanks for the suggestion Tao.
How's things in Red Horse country ? See any winged ones recently ?
Yes there was some fasting info going on....as well as some other interesting items...Some have suggested there should be a dedicated section for such issues.
Post your opinions here.
the dreaded weed, etc.
lmao.... Puh, lease..... Talking like it is freaking crack or Ice lol.....
I was talking about Marlboro Lights LMAO got a guilty concience 17th or am I just that much of a nag?
No just "weed" is a common term for the Funky skunky super plant I was going to say "It's not addictive!! And I should know... I've been smoking it since I was like 14 and look at me! I'm not addicted so there!"
No you're just a total bloody nutcase (in the nicest of ways).
lol *runs around singing "let's go freaking mental!"*
One thing though... I can see how it can be good to talk and stuff... But we may also do more damage you never know.... You know? Hmmm That sounds werid... Nevermind... I love playing physciatrist... Do it for my family all the time... OK The doctors in!! Who's got problems? (excluding me that is..)
first decade primarily herb, branched out into herbs...branched further into the whole supplement market...Wil!! I didn't know you sold herbs! Cool.
lol *runs around singing "let's go freaking mental!"*
One thing though... I can see how it can be good to talk and stuff... But we may also do more damage you never know.... You know? Hmmm That sounds werid... Nevermind... I love playing physciatrist... Do it for my family all the time... OK The doctors in!! Who's got problems? (excluding me that is..)
Wha--? 17th, are you high *again*??
(pssstt...go get a brownie in the lounge, dude)
And I'm all for the Health and Wellbeing section. I'd post and reply and think about stuff, yep, fer sure.
Wil!! I didn't know you sold herbs! Cool.
Erb salesman... sounds good!! very red gold n green
That is actually a very good point 17th, maybe we need to say no discussing mental health issues and do not recommend medications or consult a doctor before ........ oh no, the medical ethics minefield.
Some have suggested there should be a dedicated section for such issues.
Post your opinions here.