I would add that
as I see it, Christ came to teach us
Joy in Service ... and
Brotherhood, which is founded upon
Right Human Relations. All else, is incidental.
Yet curiously, this is not how He is remembered (or imagined). Instead, there is
much talk about Heaven, and about how we can
leave this world with promises of a future REWARD ...
... and I will ask you - Reward for
Thus I tell you, if you cannot agree with Christ's Purpose here as being primarily to
help alleviate suffering, to help teach Humanity the WAY whereby we may do this ... and thus to manifest `Heaven on Earth' as much as to also lift our earthly focus (Consciousness) Heavenward ... then I think you might have missed the point altogether!
How many who call themselves
Christian would give up their
`seat' ... their
spot ... in Heaven,
if asked to do so by Christ & by your God, in order to
return to incarnation here upon the planet, in order to help your Christian AND NON-CHRISTIAN BROTHERS - and to lessen their sufferings?
Nevermind, for a moment, that this is
not how you believe it happens. I realize that. But you must be willing to ask yourself the
what-ifs, as some are willing & even glad to do. Else, I submit that you have not understood the cited passages from
Mark ch.4 in the least.
But if you can do this bit of pondering, even if you feel yourself saying and insisting,
again & again, "But I don't want to come back, but I don't want to return to this suffering" ... ahh, THEN you'll understand what some of us do not even really question - just due to our discoveries about life, and our realization that this is part of the
ABC of
`how things work.'
We recognize fully that the
modern teaching in Western traditions has
ceased to uphold the original instruction in this area ... and that
an easy way to Salvation has, unfortunately, become
the de facto presentation. But we also know that it is not
de jure. We know, because we have plenty of evidence (a lot of us), and this comes from six different sides, consisting of everything from
circumstantial and inferential, to
clear, direct and incontrovertible.
So what does one do, with such awareness,
as fully desiring as any of you, to find a
`Heaven' of bliss, and of freedom from
unnecessary pain & suffering, as well as a place or state of being wherein
there is Justice - and not this
earthly travesty of God's Kingdom, of God's Order and of God's PLAN ... for our little planet?
I'll tell you what we
don't do, because we CAN'T do ... and that is to GIVE UP. No matter how
beaten down you may feel, how
outnumbered (how many is it now, of you folks who
insists there is no Rebirth?), and no matter how much
opposition or oppression there is - to what you know is right ... you must
not give up!
what you know is (or as) right, if you will be honest with yourself, is not always what
you THINK you know, as right. What you know, or what you
believe - and thus somehow know (even if inexplicably how, since books alone do not reveal The Truth) - is that there WAS a Great Teacher called
the Christ, and that there WAS a Minisitry, with certain ends in mind ... cut short, unfortunately, because the world was not ready, and
the existing `church' - and status quo - would not have it.
Christ's Mission today remains much the same, yet
the world has changed, in some ways ... being a
global village that is just learning about itself, and starting to make
global decisions that will affect us all. The old values will no longer suffice, for increasing numbers of people, because they require answers and explanations that jibe with what Humanity as learned in 2000 years - via science, via increases in technology, and via exchange of ideas between cultures & societies around the globe.
Sadly, there are some individuals - and
groups (religious and politically-oriented, or
ideological) - which still insist,
"Our ideas are the RIGHT ones ... our ideas are THE ONLY right ones." And these outworn attitudes will cease. There is no place in the global village for such
excess of zeal, and such separativeness.
So the Christian does NOT have to accept
Reincarnation, simply because
lots of other people do, or even because
many other Christians are now coming to consider the idea ... and even studying
firsthand the
original teachings from early Christianity, wherein that doctrine can be found. Christians, as others, are free to ponder and to contemplate what they like - and to
accept one teaching, and reject another. Clearly, the central ideas are focused on and around the life and teachings of Christ Jesus ... yet this is
not a static doctrine, and those who believe it
simply took 2000 years to `perfect the dogmas' have actually arrived at an understanding that is 180 degrees from
What has happened is that
in 2000 years, the crystallization that has occurred has all but obscured the true teachings of Christ, in some cases, so that what we have left is
Churchianity. Any time that
an Individual - however
Great and accomplishedi - is WORSHIPPED, instead of
venerated, and his Teachings EMULATED and applied ... the original impulse of Ideas is under danger of loss & destruction. The distortion can be cleaned up, as best as possible, but when the
dead-letter matters more than the
living spirit, there is often nothing that can be done ... and this is very sad for
those who cling. But in the bigger picture, their suffering is not without reward ...
The argument that
one cannot believe in Rebirth and be a Christian is simply a foolish insistence on
dogma, and it is an example of
circular logic. It begs the question
entirely of
what it MEANS to
be a Christian in the first place (!) ... and while such an argument should focus on
behavior perhaps 95%, and
specific doctrine only 5%, it cannot be denied that
the 5% is of tremendous importance - for this has a big impact on the other
95% ... sometimes. Most often, it is simply
what others do which actually determines
how we lead our Christian (or other kind of) lives.
And the proof is evident, the rejection of
Rebirth is a self-fulfilling, vicious cycle kind of phenomenon. If
Suzie doesn't believe it, and
she's a Christian, and
John doesn't believe it, and
he's a Christian, then clearly
I can't beleive it, or else
I'm not a Christian! No longer are we actually asking,
What does it mean to be a Christian, instead we are asking,
What do most Christians believe.
Should we be interested in looking back at original, or early Church teachings, we will find the
`religious police' descending on us with all the same
vigor and tenacity as the original
Spanish Inquisition, and while the thumb screws may not be apparent via
an electronic medium such as the internet ... do not think that one cannot be
persecuted and oppressed because of one's ideas nonetheless - and
discouraged from asking such
inconvenient questions, while a STRONG INFLUENCE is exerted over the
little ones (subtle manipulation, exactly - though black magic nonetheless) ... where the desired EFFECT (again, black magic working with
effects, not causes) is NOT TO QUESTION.
Thus we will find
every trick in the book being used, every authority possible being referenced,
not just to show that many in the early church
did NOT believe in Rebirth ... but to show you why YOU MUST NOT DO SO, EITHER. And the penalty? The punishment? The repercussions for
doing so?
Hell. Excommunication. Ostracism. Scorn. Ridicule. Ceasing to be regarded as
a TRUE Christian ... and being forever CAST INTO DOUBT - by your
PEERS it should be noted, as to
whether you may have just taken a walk into the abyss ... and let's face it folks, when
`things just seem to WORK for you, more or less,' the way things are at present ... WHY knock it, right?
Why tug on the proverbial piece of string ... why open Pandora's Box?
The argument, the reasons
NOT to question, would almost be watertight and
rock solid ... if not for -----
... and I must leave it to
the Reader to make up his or her OWN mind, as to what to believe, what to decide, where (or whether) to inquire, and as to where to go from here.
If we hand a hungry man an apple, or an orange, he is of course,
forever left free to question and to ponder -
is this fruit poisoned, or tainted, and if I eat of it,
will I become sick and die?
And by the time he's done his pondering, the question will probably cease to matter anyway!
We must ask ourself,
which virtues are worth enthroning -
Kindness, and Generosity ... or fear, and paranoia?
Or in fact, are some of these
not virtues at all, but simply the tired old face of
suspicion, mistrust and (mis)judgment ...