ok, I hear ya. hears another one... (btw, totally unrealated subject, my bad). A gallery had a recent opening here Sydney, I think, anyway, the pictures displayed for this "regal"event were actually photos of children naked. A girl and boy aged about 12 and 10 all over the gallery, naked. Now, to me , yes, our bodies are a beautiful and wonderous thing, blah blah blah and yes I have many photos of my boys in the buff, but.......... this is different. Our prime minister suggested that the gallery should close this show as it was in bad tase. I agree. However, prominent "artsy" people said they it should remain open otherwise it would damage
Australias culture of art in the eyes of the world. ??????? Ok i saw some of these pics and no they werent lewd or suggestive, however....... I really shouldnt have to add anything here, should I???
think about this, if those photos were found on some random males cpmputer he would probably charged with child pornography....