Yeah you've got to get a cowboy hat if you put a toothpick in your mouth, and some really big boots that have spurs in the back.
Hey, it beats a gunfight in the middle of the street at high noon...just so you can sniff the Can see it now...
"What's your story????!?!"
*calmly removes toothpick from his rough unshaven killer looking face and continues to squint his eyes in a cold firm stare at the man, he tips his hat up slightly*
"Trying to quit smoking...."
"oooh yeah been down that road!"
Aren't pointy boots for bounty hunters and wicked witches of the west?.. Oh, and the Irish?
Seems they meet the same fate huh?
Don't we all?
She'll have a little help...Failed is such a harsh word...
How about...temporary setback? Just 'til you get the gumption to give it another try.