Changing Sexual Orientation Is Possible, New Research Says


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...While writing their book, "Ex-Gays? A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation," researchers Stanton Jones of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill., and Mark Yarhouse of Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va., chronicled the experiences of 98 people who contacted Christian ministries in an attempt to become heterosexuals...

..."We are evangelical Christians committed to the truth-seeking activity of science," they said in a joint statement.

"In conducting and reporting this study, we took seriously the words of one of our heroes, C. S. Lewis, who said that science produced by Christian persons would have to be 'perfectly honest. Science twisted in the interests of apologetics would be sin and folly,'" the researchers said... CONT'D
i was reading my local paper last week and a columnist, pete price, who is also a local radio dj/personality and bent as a nine bob note, said that, in the 1960's he underwent electroconvulsive therapy (electric shock treatment) to try and cure him of his homosexuality...
IMO, sexual orientation is a continuum. I believe people are more or less bisexual by nature, and then we are conditioned one way or the other, to start. Perhaps some of us as well have strong sexual attractions to the same sex, which are seen by some people as deviant. I think it is rather natural and that sexuality manifests in all sorts of different ways.

Can sexual orientation shift? Yes, I think so. Are gays and lesbians simply sad, confused people who need external guidance (from family, therapists, churches, etc...) to get their sexuality straightened out (pun intended)? No, I don't think so.

Live and let live. I wonder why some people are so invested in correcting other people's inclinations and choices. Sexual and gender diversity is certainly one area where this desire to "fix" or control other people's lives is still quite prevalent.

Personally, I don't understand what would attract any LGBT individual to the Judeo-Christian tradition--maybe a fascination strictly with Jesus and his message of unconditional love, that I can see.

Why do people of faith need to shape others' identities, sexual or otherwise? Would Jesus care if a person is gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, a drag queen or drag king? It seems to me that he wouldn't give a damn. Did he not hang out with Mary Magdelene, who some speculate was a prostitute? What does Jesus care about? He cares about people's capacity to Love one another and do good works for the upliftment of humanity (my interpretation).

Churches could practice compassion when interacting with LGBT people, who to this day are, despite the sexual revoltion and despite Stonewall and gay rights, often oppressed and denigrated. But they are just people, and often quite kind. Surely they can be good Christians without having to change who they are. Why force them to abandon an important part of themselves? I think when Christians try to 'convert' LGBTs to the 'straight' life, they are, despite occasional cases of success, mostly pushing a community of people away. Instead of practicing compassion, these 'Christians' are practicing bigotry, hypocrisy, and hatred.

Jesus Weeps,
What does Jesus care about? He cares about people's capacity to Love one another and do good works for the upliftment of humanity (my interpretation).

Jesus cares about the way we live. The reason Jesus associated with who he did was not because he liked what they were doing, he came to show them a better way. Or to put another way, He came to heal the sick.

Christ came to extend grace and mercy to us all and to those who would forget themselves and follow him, he has promised eternal life. (church interpretation)

being conditioned with acceptance is one thing, but going against what is natural and how god made us is another. no matter what the sickness is such as, addictive to substances, sex, or abusing the body with tattoos, piercings; or going against our natural functions like sexual orientation or other perversity-- god can heal us because he loves us, but we have to choose it because we want to please god and find peace.
being conditioned with acceptance is one thing, but going against what is natural and how god made us is another. no matter what the sickness is such as, addictive to substances, sex, or abusing the body with tattoos, piercings; or going against our natural functions like sexual orientation or other perversity-- god can heal us because he loves us, but we have to choose it because we want to please god and find peace.
Oh good grief!
Just when you thought the narrow-mindedness and ignorance could not possibly get any worse ... VOILA!!! :eek:

Those poor, misguided Maori heathens! What ever shall we do to help them find JEEEEEZUS! :(


Which is the greater sin? Choosing to love another person of the same sex, or REFUSING to love another human being at all?

And while you're thumping, care to explain for us how "hating the sin" in this case is the least bit different than hating the whole group of people who are sinning (as you folks see it, that is)?

In other words, TELL ME ONE WAY in which you are LOVING homosexuals ... :confused:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I assure you brother, for every prayer you send out on behalf of those poor, misguided homosexuals (and people with tattoos, piercings, different color of skin than you, etc.) ... I will send out TWO such prayers FOR YOU! - cuz guess who needs them more! ;)

I'm almost disgusted enough by this to lose my lunch. :mad:

All I can say on a personal note, is BLESS YOU, Brother, for giving me the chance to practice the Unconditional LOVE which Christ preached, taught and demonstrated ... for ALL PEOPLE. If it weren't for folks like you, I might delude myself into believing there weren't any significant challenges left! :eek:

(If you can't love the people with tattoos, and fifteen body piercings, and the drag queens and the ultra-liberals, then you really aren't loving at all! As Jesus taught, it is EASY to love those who are closest to us - family, friends, fellow church-goers. The CHALLENGE, and hence the shining, beautiful opportunity to PRACTICE the Love of God, is when we cannot easily identify with the person, or group, in question. But don't worry if that slips by you - again, and again, and again. You'll get more opportunities. :)

And mine is you, and people of this mindset, for I know my imperfections, and the considerable irritation that comes from observing such intolerance - and hate. Until we learn to see ourself in another, and to love our neighbors as ourselves, all the preaching in the world, in the name of Jesus or any other Savior ... is really just whistlin' Dixie.

I do not hate you for your narrowness and ignorance. I just wish it didn't take so long to overcome. And that, I admit, is my problem.)
Those poor, misguided Maori heathens! What ever shall we do to help them find JEEEEEZUS! :(
you really should try to grow outside of the mindset of a child and not argue with statements such as these. i never said hate nor did i say i didnt love in any of my post, so don't add words that are not there, because you are sadly mistaken. i was talking about christians having the power of letting go of what they know in their heart is wrong thru the power of christ and the transformation of the holy spirit.
My kids are raised I love each and every one of them 2 boys and 3 girls.
I set now and think about mistakes I have made as a parent,
this subject really hits a nerve.

Most of my kids are well balanced thought wise and I say most.
My son would say he hates gay's. There is alot of guilt as a dad
I taught him that. Just by not teaching him how to effectually
deal with sin in the lives of people arround you.

Jesus said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
.... that fact needs to be driven into the minds of people
to keep in check any judgemental attitudes about this
or many other subjects.
And compel us to love the sinner as He loved them.

The otherside of that coin is this.
Jesus first made sure she knew her accusers had left
and that He was not her accuser but her Saviour.
Once she understood His role as Saviour she was told to
go and sin no more.

Brothers an Sisters when you confront a person "living in sin"
look around you and see what you are living in?

Maybe this is why Jesus taught us to pray "Deliver us from evil"

P.S Christians should have a right to believe in sin and
call it such. Its what that belief drives them to do that
should be debated.
Hysteria and animation aside, what other Savior?
EVERY other Savior, Pattimax, EVERY other Savior. I believe that there have been dozens in our world, some of them every bit as Divine as Jesus ... while others are still walking that same Royal Highway.

I would say there's a lot preached and taught in the name of Mohammed today, for example. Since I believe Mohammad to have been an advanced disciple of Jesus, I find it sadly ironic that there is such enmity and bitterness between Xianity and Islam. Alas, each side thinks it's right ... and doesn't realize what foolishness they are perpetuating. :(

BlaznFattyz said:
you really should try to grow outside of the mindset of a child and not argue with statements such as these
Damn, Blazn, talk about the pot callin' the kettle black!

BlaznFattyz said:
i never said hate nor did i say i didnt love in any of my post
It's not just what you say, Blazn, or even what you don't say. And let's not pretend that this isn't about hate, or about drawing lines in the sand. You can lie to me, you can play word games and argue semantics, or insist til the cows come home that - "I did not say that." In all fairness, the only thing I can say is, "Oh, ok, my bad ... I guess you did not SAY that."

Your Jesus knows your thoughts and feelings on the matter. Your God has a pretty good clue what you really think and believe. Do you?

BlaznFattyz said:
i was talking about christians having the power of letting go of what they know in their heart is wrong
Try starting by letting go of a judgmental attitude, as if God actually appointed you to sort out who is righteous and who is not. Try starting by letting go of phobias and fears, and accepting that gays are people too. That's PEOPLE first, and only gays, second. Kinda like you are a person first, and only a Christian second.

Try starting by getting to know a few gay people, and befriending them ... not with the ulterior motive of leading them to Christ - or even with the secret hope and desire in your heart that perhaps, through your example or instrumentality, maybe just maybe you will be able to lead them to Christ.

What presumptuousness! What incredible hypocrisy!!!

No, Blazn. I want to hear about one or two of your GAY FRIENDS. Tell me about someone who you know, who is EVERY BIT the kind of friend to you as one of your heterosexual friends ... but who just happens to be gay.

I'm waiting ...



Try starting by letting go of a judgmental attitude, as if God actually appointed you to sort out who is righteous and who is not. Try starting by letting go of phobias and fears, and accepting that gays are people too. That's PEOPLE first, and only gays, second. Kinda like you are a person first, and only a Christian second.
this again is where you go wrong, making assumptions and adding words to what i said. you have a real problem with that. i'm sorry, but i dont fit your idea of someone being judgemental, hateful, and a line drawer, even though i think you have presumed that to make things ok in your mind, it is wrong for you to make these statements about me. it is because i am a believer in jesus christ that i know for myself what is right and wrong, and i do wish others to know about god.
this again is where you go wrong, making assumptions and adding words to what i said. you have a real problem with that. i'm sorry, but i dont fit your idea of someone being judgemental, hateful, and a line drawer, even though i think you have presumed that to make things ok in your mind, it is wrong for you to make these statements about me. it is because i am a believer in jesus christ that i know for myself what is right and wrong, and i do wish others to know about god.
You have not answered my question, Blazn. How many gay people do you call FRIEND? Not associate, not co-worker, but FRIEND. How many gays or lesbians do you count among your closest friends, or even just GOOD friends?

Tell me something about one of them ... I'm still waiting ...
"i never said hate nor did i say i didnt love "
You don't SAY you hate-- but that is what it is. You SAY you love-- but you don't.
"i was talking about christians having the power of letting go of what they know in their heart is wrong "
*I* know what is in my heart: *YOU* do not. It is my very heart that you are asking me to cut out of me. My sexuality is one of God's great and holy blessings to me. When you call me "wrong" for seeing beauty and feeling love, you are blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
EVERY other Savior, Pattimax, EVERY other Savior. I believe that there have been dozens in our world, some of them every bit as Divine as Jesus ... while others are still walking that same Royal Highway.

There IS no other Savior. If you come up with something, I want names and credible documentation... You can believe the earth is flat or the moon is made of cheese, doesn't make it so.

I won't hold my breath.
Kindest Regards, Andrew / Taijasi / Zagreus!

It's not just what you say, Blazn, or even what you don't say. And let's not pretend that this isn't about hate, or about drawing lines in the sand. You can lie to me, you can play word games and argue semantics, or insist til the cows come home that - "I did not say that." In all fairness, the only thing I can say is, "Oh, ok, my bad ... I guess you did not SAY that."

Your Jesus knows your thoughts and feelings on the matter. Your God has a pretty good clue what you really think and believe. Do you?

Seems to me like some pretty convoluted fault Christians in general for not knowing the mind of G-d, yet claim to know that mind yourself, as if you are G-d perhaps? I think by your actions you have shown a number of times how you tend to interject into what people write, implying that you know better than they what they intend or mean. Yet, ironically, you stand ready to accuse of prejudice?

Try starting by letting go of a judgmental attitude, as if God actually appointed you to sort out who is righteous and who is not. Try starting by letting go of phobias and fears,
Absolutely wonderful advice! Care to demonstrate by example?

and accepting that gays are people too. That's PEOPLE first, and only gays, second. Kinda like you are a person first, and only a Christian second.

While I can understand where you are coming from, at the same time it is a gross miscarriage of prejudicial intolerance not to take each and every individual on a case by case basis. From this vantage I continue...

It is a knee-jerk assumption to presume that a person, any person, cannot make personal distinctions within the guidance of their own life and the lives of those in their charge (like their children). Yes, all too often, this is whittled down to the lowest common denominator and emotional reaction. But there are those of us, a great many of us indeed (especially here at CR), who have looked at every side available and come to the conclusion that the "gay" lifestyle is not appropriate for ourselves. This does not make us homophobes or intolerant; it makes us thoughtful and considerate and, *ahem*, open-minded.

What we have here is a clash of opinions. One side is of the opinion that the homosexual lifestyle is inappropriate, the other side is of the opinion that they wish to perpetuate their personal preference.

Allow us to reframe the situation a bit to better face the the same "tolerance" to be extended to paedophiles? How about to statutory rapists? How about to murderers? Ah, but homosexuality is no crime...well, yes, in certain communities it still is...personal politics notwithstanding.

Let us continue, is the same tolerance to be extended to a cigarette smoker in a public place? Is the same tolerance to be extended to a marijuana smoker in a public place? Is the same tolerance to be extended to a hard drug user in a public place? Are these not also lifestyle choices? Lifestyle choices I and every living person has a right to disagree with?

I cannot hold sway over what goes on behind closed doors...what happens in your house is your business. Likewise, what happens in my house is none of your business, and I very much take exception to others trying to tell me (yes, tell, not persuade) how to live my life, what opinions to hold or what guidelines to use in directing my life and the lives of those in my charge.

It is a red herring, a lashing with a limp noodle, to immediately accuse of intolerance on this subject without first exploring the facts behind the lifestyle choices...for and against. Though some close their eyes to the fact, it is a perfectly acceptable lifestyle choice *not* to be gay. Because a person chooses not to be gay does not make them intolerant. Being intolerant makes a person intolerant, whether of *any* lifestyle choice.

I want to hear about one or two of your GAY FRIENDS. Tell me about someone who you know, who is EVERY BIT the kind of friend to you as one of your heterosexual friends ... but who just happens to be gay.

I would dearly love to hear about one or two of your friends who are persons first and who just happen to be paedophiles, or heroin addicts, or armed burglers second. These too are simply lifestyle choices. In my humble opinion these are unwise lifestyle choices, but nevertheless these are lifestyle choices just the same. Even with these examples I can love the person and not condone the behavior. Can you say the same?
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"i never said hate nor did i say i didnt love "
You don't SAY you hate-- but that is what it is. You SAY you love-- but you don't.
"i was talking about christians having the power of letting go of what they know in their heart is wrong "
*I* know what is in my heart: *YOU* do not. It is my very heart that you are asking me to cut out of me. My sexuality is one of God's great and holy blessings to me. When you call me "wrong" for seeing beauty and feeling love, you are blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

I see no hate. Are you sure that you know what is in your heart? You do know labeling something does not make it so, don't you?
What I do see is agenda pushing. Simple.
There IS no other Savior. If you come up with something, I want names and credible documentation... You can believe the earth is flat or the moon is made of cheese, doesn't make it so.

I won't hold my breath.
This is not a solution, patti ...


juantoo3 said:
I would dearly love to hear about one or two of your friends who are persons first and who just happen to be paedophiles, or heroin addicts, or armed burglers second. These too are simply lifestyle choices. In my humble opinion these are unwise lifestyle choices, but nevertheless these are lifestyle choices just the same. Even with these examples I can love the person and not condone the behavior. Can you say the same?
The problem here, my narrow-minded, bigoted and self-righteous friend, is that these are all "lifestyle choices" which adversely affect others directly. Such people are abusing others, or are putting themselves in such dangerous circumstances (drug addicts) that they may very well - and sometimes do - hurt people.

Homosexuals do not typically HURT people, juantoo3. But you, you bunch of self-righteous, judgmental JESUS-FREAKS ... you, on the other hand, have the potential to gather together in MOBS, and either LYNCH people ... or, something far more insidious - you are just intelligent enough (though clearly lacking the LOVE that should go with it) to ORGANIZE, to LOBBY, to PITCH YOUR ROYAL FIT before government officials ... and bring about legislation that will hurt homosexuals, or will allow such hate crimes as you yourselves commit to go unpunished. And I will not say that ALL hate crimes against homosexuals are committed "in the name of Jesus." No, not all. Just PLENTY. You already demonstrate this. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW.

Webster's Collegiate

bigot - a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

prejudice - a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

judgmental - characterized by a tendency to judge harshly

self-righteous - convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic


No, juantoo3, it is not every Christian at C-R who demonstrates him or herself to be a bigot, prejudiced, judgmental and self-righteous in the extreme. Not by a long shot. Whatever other mistakes I may make, I will not dare to say that "Christians do x, or do not do y," as if it were that easy to draw these imaginary lines in the sand ... which you have done, which Blazn has done, and which pattimax has done.

But let us see ... if others are happy to hop on the bandwagon, and either prove their intolerance and hate, or perhaps simply use this as an excuse to redirect that hate to one of your favorite old scapegoats - ANYONE ... who just happens to call a spade, a spade.

Yes, yes, juantoo3, you have been here awhile, you have made some good posts, yadda yadda ... but we don't need to hear more about glass houses and throwing stones, and watch you try and shake this one off, or justify yourself.

God observes what is going on, the same as you and I, except that God sees through the BULLSHIT.

And guess what, pal. SO DO I

Does that make me God? Gee, I didn't really think of it that way. If it is so, it is only because YOU said so. All I had really figured, is that I've got a little common sense, and perhaps the recognition that HOMOSEXUALS ARE PEOPLE!

But, you great PRINCE of narrow-mindedness, YOU can't even recognize and ADMIT THAT, for you were DETERMINED to argue EVEN THAT point ... and still you try to tell ME that my logic is convoluted!?!

juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Andrew / Taijasi / Zagreus!
The epitome of sarcasm is to show FALSE respect. Juantoo3, you EXCEL in this area ...

But then, for someone who so vigorously argues against the very existence of the Christ within ... I SHOULD EXPECT NO MORE.

You do not follow even your OWN religious teachings, or accept what is therein taught, pattimax. WHY SHOULD you recognize the Christ in another culture, in another religion, in another people, another person, let alone another GROUP whose behavior you do not happen to condone!

It has been SO DAMN TEMPTING to simply say, in this angry post of mine, "YOU PEOPLE make me sick!" And really I only hesitate for ONE reason:

I would just have it be CLEAR, if nothing else was, that I have no antipathy toward ... those who actually BOTHER to PRACTICE the Love, the Brotherly Love, tolerance, and acceptance ... which Christ Jesus taught, and ASKED us to practice.

Why aren't you helping AIDS victims, volunteering where this deadly disease is claiming lives, if you are so convinced that homosexuality is wrong?

Here is the ONE area, when I say something like THAT, where you can turn it around, and say, "Why aren't YOU, Andrew?" And since I am not, I can only say, touche!

What you CANNOT say, is why are YOU prejudiced, and bigoted, and self-righteous, with regard to YOUR behaviour, vs. those in some other entire GROUP. And the reason you cannot say that, is that I do not look out at the world, and throw my stones, at entire GROUPS of people. And certainly I should not throw them at random individuals, here and there, whom I just happen not to agree with!

But here, we see a beautiful, shining example of the kind of HATRED, the kind of INTOLERANCE, the kind of BIGOTRY, PREJUDICE, FEAR and SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS which the Lord of Lords came before to speak out against!

And he DID so, NOT because it takes GOD, or even the Son of God to be able to DISCERN these ugly practices ... it was because he was courageous enough to bring these things to light, while no one else had the proberbial cajones.

Nor did Jesus speak self-righteously, because if ever a man was TRULY RIGHTEOUS, it was Jesus!

Yet you, pattimax, and various others (such as Blazn), YOU, you will not only fail to see the true RIGHTEOUSNESS which Christ Jesus had earned, and which he deomonstrated ... you will insert your own SELF into the way - and make of YOUR JUDGMENTAL ACTIONS - a FALSE righteousness, which allows you to JUDGE, CONDEMN, and BEMOAN others ... for something which REALLY doesn't affect you at all - or with regard to which, in the very least, you should feel compassion, understanding and sympathy.

Again, why is it not the same as I speak out, and as others speak out, with regard to what YOU have done?

Because, friends, while WHAT you are doing PLAIN, flat DIGUSTS me, I do not say, this is WHO you are, I only say it is how you are.

And your claim is that your precious Bible teaches you that homosexuality is wrong. Well whether or not that is so, YOU HAVE FAILED TO SEE THE POINT. That Bible is there, for YOU TO APPLY, TO YOUR LIFE - NOT to LORD over other poeple, so that they may live the way YOU insist.

And even if a man or woman is Christian, let HIM OR HER develop the relationship with God, and make sure that all you do is to HELP them. And if they ASK YOU for help with their sexual choices, THEN YOU MAY HELP THEM ... diplomatically, carefully and non-presumptuously so.

But YOU put the cart well before the horse, and you PRESUME to dictate to others THEIR OWN MORALITY ... based upon YOUR standards.

I am SICK of this, because I see it every day, but here on this forum, be it my last, dying act, I would do all I can to expose such SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS and HYPOCRISY.

Yet I will not JUDGE an entire GROUP of people, homosexual, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, politically conservative, or OTHERWISE ... because that only shows ignorance and narrow-mindedness.

You and your bigger dogs may tear every limb from my body (I think it was LIONS once upon a time) ... but for ONCE, the truth on this matter needs to be heard.

(And while I would never wish any true harm upon any of you, juantoo3, Blazn, pattimax, etc. ... I think I would give my right - arm - to have you all three dropped into a crown of about 10 million homosexuals marching through the streets at a gay demonstration. I would just like to see you all, packed in there together ... with no way to get your poor little self-righteous bible-thumpin selves out of there - oh, say for at least ten minutes! I dunno, maybe once they realized you needed out, the only way would be to hoist you up, and hand you over, just like at a rock concert. :D

Yes, that would fairly well make my day.)

But you, you bunch of self-righteous, judgmental JESUS-FREAKS ... you, on the other hand, have the potential to gather together in MOBS, and either LYNCH poeple ... or, something far more insidious - you are just intelligent enough (though clearly lacking the LOVE that should go with it) to ORGANIZE, to LOBBY, to PITCH YOUR ROYAL FIT before government officials ... and bring about legislation that will hurt homosexuals, or will allow such hate crimes as you yourselves commit to go unpunished. And I will not say that ALL hate crimes against homosexuals are committed "in the name of Jesus." No, not all. Just PLENTY. You already demonstrate this. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW

*deep in thought*
Yet I will not JUDGE an entire GROUP of people, homosexual, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, politically conservative, or OTHERWISE ... because that only shows ignorance and narrow-mindedness.

Nothing more from my side