
No doubt. But don't worry, y'all ain't barbarians. Anglos and other colonizing Europeans are the true barbarians. ;)

That is push! We put the Civil in civilisation... :\

I knew it wouldnt take someone long to bring up our criminal past. Good on ya 17th. Its not a bad place to live here you know. Even for us criminals.

I find it funny we couldn't wait to start craming (sp??) people in the land of oz, now you try and get residency over there like getting into fort knox...

and hot chicks(so ive been told)

I am already on a plane now......
as long as you arent on the list of "undesirables" you can come on over. But like every other pom that comes here, you will wont to stay. Cant blame you though.
I have got them passports ;\ lol So now I can indeed take them on holiday with me... Will be so freaking sweet... I want to get a picture of them next to historic/famous land marks all over the world :D And maybe... MAYBE dress them up in the theme style of the photo...


Sat outside the iffle tower? Blue and white shirts, onions round their necks silly oily black moustashes and berets :D

Pyramids! Dress them up like um that god... What's his face.... Seth/set
So if you partake....who are you going to be, what are you going to do?

and if your tradition varies...please expound.

I find it funny it is a pagan thing... And there are more pagans than "real" christians in our land... And I guess in a way our islands here spawned the festival... Yet it is no near as big as it is over in your country lol.... Nuts... You have full on parites and everything right? Everyone decorates their houses? Bascially like in the movie halloween at the start (before the killings and so on..) That is America on October the 31st right? Crazy.
I've actually noticed that Halloween seems to be getting less popular over here in the US. A few years ago it was really big, with most houses putting out decorations, but this year there are a few places with decorations on each block (like my house) but not most of them.

The stores also seem to be carrying a smaller selection of things for Halloween this year than they have in the past. The selection of costumes for instance has been pretty dismal. And the mall near where I live didn't have the Halloween store this year which in the past has always been there every October.

(I posted a thread about how some of us Pagans celebrate Samhain over in this thread. My own group did our Samhain celebration, a silent supper, last night.)
Wil! Still confused were you having a dig at me or complimenting me? lol I -have- to know.
Digging a compliment or a complimentary dig? Me thinks you over contemplate. Just a sideways comment...could one perceive that your eyes in your electronically modified pix be damaging to others? Have any of your modified pix had the intent of creating a visage with an evil eye? Twasn't a dig or a compliment...simply a sideways comment on info provided...

All hallows eve....day of the dead....Halloween in the US as it is today was created less than a half century ago...the institution of 'trick or treat' was to offset mischief night which became increasingly dangerous and costly with pranks needing to display one-up-manship from the year before...lawsuits, fights, major issues were created as people started putting cars on roofs and mvoing outhouses and generally going way...overboard.

Many Christians make the sign of the cross and hide as such devil worship as kids going door to door for treats goes on....all in good fun I say.

But I think I won't be home this evening...I think I'll go contra dancing instead....
All hallows eve....day of the dead....Halloween in the US as it is today was created less than a half century ago...the institution of 'trick or treat' was to offset mischief night which became increasingly dangerous and costly with pranks needing to display one-up-manship from the year before...lawsuits, fights, major issues were created as people started putting cars on roofs and mvoing outhouses and generally going way...overboard.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Halloween in the US as it is today was created less than a half century ago..." Trick or treating, pranks, dressing up, decorating houses in ghoulish style, parties, and general merriment and mischief with a dark overtone goes back to at least the 1800s if not further.

There's a very brief summary of the history of Halloween as it is practicing in North American (in both the US and in Canada) at Halloween -- The History and Customs of Halloween

While brief, the summary agrees with the much longer and more scholarly examinations of the holiday that you'll find in books such as "Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night" by Nicholas Rogers, and "Halloween" by Mark Oxbrow.
Check it out...it is a recent phenomena...in the US that is...yes trick or treating is old...but in the US it wasn't even in print anywhere till 1934...didn't start until the 40's and wasn't nationally popular till the early 50's

Yes in the 1800's mischief night, pranks, and mayhem was popular as per your link
The custom of Halloween was brought to America in the 1840's by Irish immigrants fleeing their country's potato famine. At that time, the favorite pranks in New England included tipping over outhouses and unhinging fence gates. The custom of trick-or-treating is thought to have originated not with the Irish Celts, but with a ninth-century European custom called souling.
While I grew up with trick or treating my parents and grandparents did not...I've not been able to find anyone over 65 who trick or treated as a kid...the institution of "trick or treat" was revived to end the pranking and mischief, "If you don't provide a treat...I will provide a trick."

I had previously read it started up in Wisconsin, Michigan, but also have heard it started on the west coast and spread...

I'd be interested in what more you find....we often think the way things are now they've always been...but it often ain't so....