
"If you don't provide a treat...I will provide a trick."

Then I'll provide my size 10 boot up the kids arse.... :) I have nothing agaisnt religions doing their thing or whatever, but don't freaking try and get me involved... Specially coming to my door with threats... That gets you messed up... Kid or not lol. Wife humours them... I ignore them at best :| But if a kid came with a threatening attitude I'd be telling him/her a few things.
Then I'll provide my size 10 boot up the kids arse.... :) I have nothing against religions doing their thing or whatever, but don't freaking try and get me involved... Specially coming to my door with threats... That gets you messed up... Kid or not lol. Wife humours them... I ignore them at best :| But if a kid came with a threatening attitude I'd be telling him/her a few things.
Halloween is clearly not a religious event in the US...it is a secular thing... gonna get my eggs and tp ready before I come to your door!

Its a blast opening the doors and seeing the costumes...I ask them for a joke, and get some hilarious ones.. I used to hang a sheet up in the tree and when I opened the door it released the line...I'd get to watch them run screaming...

My favorite was with my kids, they were about 9 around the block we they were headed upto a house with a scarecrow in a chair with a pumpkin head....as they reached for the door the pumpkin headed scarecrow reached out and grabbed them....he had carved out the bottom of the pumpkin to stick his head into, and then put it on...now I gotta admire a guy that will stick his head in a sticky vegetable and sit in the cold on his porch just to scare the bejeebies out of my kids!

Now you say you'll ignore them at best....but I'm thinking you could easily join the fray and have a ball doing it!!
But... You think it is right? How about *picks a random date* 8th July 2008 I come knock on your front door.... I ask you to give me something, money/sweets/dirty magazines whatever and if you don't I offer a threat that I will do something to you.... :\ I am just having a ball... You going to join in the fun and let me have something... For nothing? No reason why I should be given something by you I am a stranger at your door demanding that you give me something.... :| That is f'd up... Specially if it is a group of kids... And they knock on some poor old ladies house.... :|
But... You think it is right? How about *picks a random date* 8th July 2008 I come knock on your front door.... I ask you to give me something, money/sweets/dirty magazines whatever and if you don't I offer a threat that I will do something to you.... :\ I am just having a ball... You going to join in the fun and let me have something... For nothing? No reason why I should be given something by you I am a stranger at your door demanding that you give me something.... :| That is f'd up... Specially if it is a group of kids... And they knock on some poor old ladies house.... :|
No it isn't random...yes it has both pagan and christian origins, yes it has been going on longer than any grandmother...mischief night/all hallows eve that is... and yes the American Dental Association thought an exchange of candy would be good business...:rolleyes:

u ol cantankerous fuddy duddy, go out & av a gr8 time despite ursef:D
If you get this joke, you are truly a nerd:

Why do nerds confuse Halloween with Christmas?

Because OCT 31 = DEC 25
If you get this joke, you are truly a nerd:

Why do nerds confuse Halloween with Christmas?

Because OCT 31 = DEC 25
OK, now I'm thinking that we are talking about base 8 and base 10....but I'm not knowing how to verify...

oh yes I do....now does that qualify me for nerdom or does is qualify you?
Did a press event to publicise the disgusting practices that go on in the fish farming Industry. As it was Halloween we had to dress up a bit of course :rolleyes:
Here is one of me.


  • Castle fmslmn 11.JPG
    Castle fmslmn 11.JPG
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now does that qualify me for nerdom or does is qualify you?
Both, of course.
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
My favorite was with my kids, they were about 9 around the block we they were headed upto a house with a scarecrow in a chair with a pumpkin head....as they reached for the door the pumpkin headed scarecrow reached out and grabbed them....he had carved out the bottom of the pumpkin to stick his head into, and then put it on...now I gotta admire a guy that will stick his head in a sticky vegetable and sit in the cold on his porch just to scare the bejeebies out of my kids!

I did something like that one year. Sat in a chair in my girlfriend's parent's yard in a lot of clothing and a mask, staying completely still. Some little kids came up to the yard with their mom. The kids wouldn't go up to the porch. They kept telling their mom I was a real person.

"Oh, that's just a dummy. Don't be afraid." She said. As she walked up to the porch I stood with my arms reaching out for her. She screamed and ran back behind her children. XD
Pshaw. Y'all think dauer's evil. :confused: Get a load of this: three little kids came up to my door tonight and said, "Trick or treat!!!" They were very cute in their vampire and Raggedy Anne costumes. Despite that, I told them that I had already eaten all of the candy.

"You did?" asked the little girl.
"Oh..." said the little vampire in disappointment. He looked down and folded up his large pillowcase to move on.

:D :D :D :cool: :D

But I was just kiddin'. I had the candy behind my back. Har har! Trick's on them kids!! Tricks on them kids!!!

:D :D :p

p.s. just to be clear, I did let them in on the joke and give them lots of chocolate. ;)
If you get this joke, you are truly a nerd:

Why do nerds confuse Halloween with Christmas?

Because OCT 31 = DEC 25

lol..... I got one too which relates to halloween! but the christians wouldn't find it funny :\ So I'll contemplate the idea..... (see starting to think before talking now.)

I only had ONE trick or treat party come to my house last night lol.... The streets were empty and it looked like any other cold dark winter night.