Door-To-Door Missionaries

Revelation is not "canonical" in the Greek Orthodox church but only a kind of "semi-canonical": various churches have certain books that are often printed in the Bibles and regarded as good reading, but not "canon"; the Church of England often treats the "Apocrypha" (Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1st and 2nd Maccabees) that way, for example, while in the Catholic church those books are "canon" (but the books of Esdras, and the Prayer of Manasseh are only "semi-canonical"; the Greek Orthodox Bibles don't include one of the books of Esdras, but also sometimes include 3rd and 4th Maccabees as "semi-canonical"). In the Syrian and Ethiopian churches, 2nd Peter is not included; but the Ethiopians do include (as fully "canonical") the Shepherd of Hermas and a special Acts of the Ethiopian Apostles (and in their OT canon, 1st Enoch and Jubilees).
Why is that?

Basically because people misinterpret it (often enough that it becomes a major issue) and that spawns all kinds of confusion. It is in the canon of the scripture, but we don't read from it during liturgy for that reason.
Why? Made some plans on how to spend.... Eternity? ..... Everlasting life.... How dull....
those who are going to heaven to be with Jesus in his kingdom , will be ruling as kings and priests for a thousand years so they will be very busy

(Revelation 5:10) and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”

(Revelation 20:6) Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years.

“Have no fear, little flock, because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom.”—LUKE 12:32.
In my church, it is forbidden to read from Revelation during Liturgy.

Happy is he who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and who observe the things written in it; for the appointed time is near. REVELATION 1;3 I think it is more beneficial to listen to Jesus , and i dont think Jesus mentioned about refraining from reading the book of revelation.

He also tells me: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the appointed time is near. revelation 22;10
He also tells me: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the appointed time is near. revelation 22;10
No he isn't telling YOU that, he was telling that to people 2000 years ago. The appointed time may be hardly any "nearer" now than it was then: "near" apparently meant, at least, "thousands of years away" but might equally mean "billions of years away".
Have you two (and any others) Seriously thought it through? Being alive for eternity...... I mean, to me either a nice fluffy place (heaven) or terrible place (hell) Eternity would be a punishment to me... Doesn't matter where I am, to live forever... I am already sick of this life, and I haven't even been here half a century... Eternity.... That, that is frightful to imagine. Leave me as ash, please.... I came from nothing, and I plan to return to nothing.
Have you two (and any others) Seriously thought it through? Being alive for eternity...... I mean, to me either a nice fluffy place (heaven) or terrible place (hell) Eternity would be a punishment to me... Doesn't matter where I am, to live forever... I am already sick of this life, and I haven't even been here half a century... Eternity.... That, that is frightful to imagine. Leave me as ash, please.... I came from nothing, and I plan to return to nothing.

You are sick of this life. But how do you know that you wouldn't like the next life? Are you judging it by what you have experienced here? What is it about you life that you are so sick about anyway?
You are sick of this life. But how do you know that you wouldn't like the next life? Are you judging it by what you have experienced here? What is it about you life that you are so sick about anyway?

Well I can't say in honesty that I can judge it by anything else, as this life is here and it is now... The ways told of in religious books... I can't judge it by that, because... I haven't seen that, or really believe that will come to be, and for example if we take what the bible says... What does it say?

MR. A: We go to heaven!
MR. B: We stay here on Earth!
MR. C: Some go to heaven, some stay on Earth!
MR D: Some go to heaven, and some go to a place called hell.....

I am sure there are more ideas behind what is next... But this is all from the same book, people have come up with various answers from the same thing, so how can we truly know what... Why am I sick of this life? Because I (know it is hard to believe) work hard.... I get up in the morning... Early.. Tired, agaisnt my will.... I go to work.... I come home... I work, I tidy up my home, I cook my family dinner, I have to deal with issues within my family... All come to me to solve their stupid problems... By the time I have done everything for everyone else.... I have an hour or so before I sleep and repeat said cycle... Is this life? I don't have a freaking life.... It's all pointless.... And I am tired. So I look forward to death.. Sounds terrible, but I can then truly rest, and with no mind, I have no thoughts, So I then let go of accepting I have had a wasteful life....
Why am I sick of this life? Because I (know it is hard to believe) work hard.... I get up in the morning... Early.. Tired, agaisnt my will.... I go to work.... I come home... I work, I tidy up my home, I cook my family dinner, I have to deal with issues within my family... All come to me to solve their stupid problems... By the time I have done everything for everyone else.... I have an hour or so before I sleep and repeat said cycle... Is this life? I don't have a freaking life.... It's all pointless.... And I am tired. So I look forward to death.. Sounds terrible, but I can then truly rest, and with no mind, I have no thoughts, So I then let go of accepting I have had a wasteful life....

Welcome to the human race. Sounds like you need a vacation (no, not the permanent kind). You say you life is wasted, why not unwaste it. Go serve a Christmas dinner to the homeless, coach a little league team, find a hobby or passion out your paradigm, join the Peace Corp and build houses, get involves in something different, that's all. It's refreshing and you'll feel better about yourself. Break out, man!

Is your family important to you? Get them involved too, lest the fall into the same funk as you.

You know, this has a big factor in me getting involved in my church. I don't want to be a pew setter. I wanted to help where I can, so I volunteered for things like the bus ministry, teach Friday night bible study, work in the sound booth, go on visitation, sometimes clean up the church, whatever. In a way it keeps my life focused off me, lest I slide into the funk, which is easy to slip into, I know. Maybe that seems a bit selfish, but I do feel the satisfaction of contributing to some cause.
Ya know if the 144,000 were promised 2000 years ago. That was probably what, 5% of the population? And now it is what .00001% of those who have graced this planet?

And are all the seats filled? Or do some folks who got the ticket years ago ousted for some up and coming Mother Theresa or Ghandi or Swaggart type who've now made the grade?

Oh it is soo much fun this life and contemplation.

window, aisle, first class or steerage?
Happy is he who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and who observe the things written in it; for the appointed time is near. REVELATION 1;3 I think it is more beneficial to listen to Jesus , and i dont think Jesus mentioned about refraining from reading the book of revelation.

He also tells me: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the appointed time is near. revelation 22;10

Just because we don't read it during the Church service doesn't mean we don't read it at all or don't consider it to be important, no one says you shouldn't read it at all. It is in the Sacred Tradition not to read it during liturgy because it is a problem-causer.
Well I can't say in honesty that I can judge it by anything else, as this life is here and it is now... The ways told of in religious books... I can't judge it by that, because... I haven't seen that, or really believe that will come to be, and for example if we take what the bible says... What does it say?

MR. A: We go to heaven!
MR. B: We stay here on Earth!
MR. C: Some go to heaven, some stay on Earth!
MR D: Some go to heaven, and some go to a place called hell.....

I am sure there are more ideas behind what is next... But this is all from the same book, people have come up with various answers from the same thing, so how can we truly know what... Why am I sick of this life? Because I (know it is hard to believe) work hard.... I get up in the morning... Early.. Tired, agaisnt my will.... I go to work.... I come home... I work, I tidy up my home, I cook my family dinner, I have to deal with issues within my family... All come to me to solve their stupid problems... By the time I have done everything for everyone else.... I have an hour or so before I sleep and repeat said cycle... Is this life? I don't have a freaking life.... It's all pointless.... And I am tired. So I look forward to death.. Sounds terrible, but I can then truly rest, and with no mind, I have no thoughts, So I then let go of accepting I have had a wasteful life....

If you think your life is bad now, hell is an eternity of something MUCH MUCH worse than that. Believe me, you don't want that.
Welcome to the human race. Sounds like you need a vacation (no, not the permanent kind). You say you life is wasted, why not unwaste it. Go serve a Christmas dinner to the homeless, coach a little league team, find a hobby or passion out your paradigm, join the Peace Corp and build houses, get involves in something different, that's all. It's refreshing and you'll feel better about yourself. Break out, man!

Is your family important to you? Get them involved too, lest the fall into the same funk as you.

You know, this has a big factor in me getting involved in my church. I don't want to be a pew setter. I wanted to help where I can, so I volunteered for things like the bus ministry, teach Friday night bible study, work in the sound booth, go on visitation, sometimes clean up the church, whatever. In a way it keeps my life focused off me, lest I slide into the funk, which is easy to slip into, I know. Maybe that seems a bit selfish, but I do feel the satisfaction of contributing to some cause.

Time, Dondi, time... That is all good and well, but where do I find the time to do such things? From the moment I wake till 9ish at night I am "fully booked" I would be even more exhausted adding more but, I can see what you're saying..... Kinda upsets me to think there are those with dream jobs, or have made a massive difference to this world by the means of inventions and such..... There are those with so much money they couldn't possibly spend it, then there is me..... I got nothing to show for anything.... I dunno.... Ignore me lol.... Just been one of those days for a few days in a row.

If you think your life is bad now, hell is an eternity of something MUCH MUCH worse than that. Believe me, you don't want that.

That a threat? lol...... Believe you? You've been there?
No he isn't telling YOU that, he was telling that to people 2000 years ago. The appointed time may be hardly any "nearer" now than it was then: "near" apparently meant, at least, "thousands of years away" but might equally mean "billions of years away".

LOL i am quoting what the verse says , in my bible it starts off with saying that , i think we all know that the words are not directed to me personally,:) but now in this time of the end the words are well and truely opened up and the reading and taking in knowledge of the book of revelation is a very wise thing to do especially in this time of the end.

the understanding about the book is being well and truely opened up to those who Jesus is feeding , and they are faithful ones indeed ,that is why Jesus is putting them in charge of all his belongings matthew 24;45-47 yes , understanding is out there about the book, but going to the right channel and recognizing that right channel is the thing to do . and not one day goes by when that book is shut up, it is well and truely opened for all to see if they are willing to observe .

He also tells me: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the appointed time is near. revelation 22;10

yes true knowledge about many things in the bible are in abundance indeed, especially in this time that we are living in right now, its all happening.

And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.”Daniel 12;4 thrilling times indeed for Gods people . and the light is getting ever more lighter and ever more brighter . THRILLING:)

And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.”
I am already sick of this life, and I haven't even been here half a century...

I am glad to say that i am not talking about this life , this life is about growing old, sickness, bad goverment,(manmade) crime ,injustice, war, imperfection. death of loved ones etc ect ,no the everlasting life that the bible holds out will make all those things be a thing of the past. the bible hold out to us the prospect of the REAL LIFE IN A PARADISE EARTH and it will be filled with RIGHTNESS and PEACE .....................:)