belief in an immortal soul can be traced from ancient Assyro-Babylonian myths through Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mythology to Christendom, where it has become an underlying tenet in her theology.
If this belief of the immortality of the human soul is not based on truth , then that means that the religions of the world are based on an untruth.
In his search for God, man has clutched at straws, deluded by the illusion of immortality.
The Greek mythology of the soul went on to influence the Roman concept, and the Greek philosophers, such as Plato (about 427-347 B.C.E.), strongly influenced early apostate Christian thinkers who accepted the immortal soul teaching into their doctrine, even though it had no Biblical basis.
i think that this teaching actually comes from satan , it was him after all that said to Eve ,YOU WILL NOT DIE. what a big lie he has promoted , and it is all in opposition to the true God .
If this belief of the immortality of the human soul is not based on truth , then that means that the religions of the world are based on an untruth.
In his search for God, man has clutched at straws, deluded by the illusion of immortality.
The Greek mythology of the soul went on to influence the Roman concept, and the Greek philosophers, such as Plato (about 427-347 B.C.E.), strongly influenced early apostate Christian thinkers who accepted the immortal soul teaching into their doctrine, even though it had no Biblical basis.
i think that this teaching actually comes from satan , it was him after all that said to Eve ,YOU WILL NOT DIE. what a big lie he has promoted , and it is all in opposition to the true God .