Posts Should Be Legible!!

This place is a real education. Often unintentionally.

Don't you mean Eats, shoots and leaves (as in a book of the same name?) *meowrl*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Yes indeed Phyllis, I was diverting myself with inappropriate spelling and punctuation. Oh the irony. ;)

For depressing accuracy (IMO) I'd also recommend her book "Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door."

<pprrrrrr> <pprrrrrr>

Excuse us for not being as perfect as you.... And those people that do not speak English as their primary language... Shame on them... Learn our language better......

*walks off mumbling to himself.*

o like yoor 1 2 talk.

17th Angel said:
What doesn't it have trouble spelling? Text like that freaking hurts my eyes... "biskit" -please- go to the freaking effort of using a spell/grammar checker or something, LOLZ KTHX bai bai!........ :rolleyes:


btw i make my own lengwij. no one owns biskit NO ONE!!! THERE CAN ONLY B 1!!! i m teh WALRUS!!! kookoo-achoo!!


dont mess with texas.,.
o like yoor 1 2 talk.


btw i make my own lengwij. no one owns biskit NO ONE!!! THERE CAN ONLY B 1!!! i m teh WALRUS!!! kookoo-achoo!!

dont mess with texas.,.

I freaking KNEW you would come lurking out from within those shadows.... I simply made a suggestion to you... As your spelling and so on is the way it is on purpose... I mean, you mean to type like that..... So that is annoying, very annoying.... Such as phone texters... They text in that language on purpose... I mean those that cannot speak English..... And not only that... I didn't start a big old thread complaining about you/your posts.... lol Now Haunt me no longer Biskit....

Don't mess with Texas? :\ in what sense?
salty, do you know how long that took me to understand??????? yeah ok, I had to say it out loud to understand it. and didnt I look and sound silly. thanks for that salty. aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh.
One of my pet peeves has been cropping up more and more on these forums. I have a hard time reading posts that are not legible. Often I will want to read a thread, but be frustrated when I come across a post that is not formatted cleanly, has many mispellings, run-on sentences, missing punctuation and the like. Part of me wants to just skip those posts, but I also want to know what people are thinking and writing. I will put in the extra effort to read a scraggly post, but there are times when I decide that it's not worth the trouble and just skip a particularly indecipherable one.

I know that not everyone is a grammar fiend, but some basic steps can be taken to enhance the readability of a post:
  • Clear paragraph breaks
  • Spell-checking
  • Proper capitalization
  • Reviewing the post after it has been posted to clean up mistakes and typos
Another minor thing that sometimes makes a post difficult for me is the overuse of internet shorthand, like u r and 2 instead of too. I think this is mostly a personal problem on my end, but since I am posting this, I figured, what the hey, I'd let everyone know.

Not that people should be real concerned if I am not reading every one of their posts (and probably there are some here who would prefer that I don't read their posts ;) ), but I imagine that I'm not the only one who has issues reading poorly formatted posts.

lol, are you a Virgo or something? ;) Just kidding
But yeah, I know what you mean sometimes.
lol, are you a Virgo or something? ;) Just kidding
But yeah, I know what you mean sometimes.

Nah. My sign is the rare Anal Militant Grammar Bitch. Actually, I'm a cusp baby. My other sign is the ever-elusive Anarchist Vegetarian Outspoken Typist.

Betcha can't guess when my birfday is!!

:p :rolleyes:

no really if this thread has taught me anything y'all it's 2 take my formatting/grammar anality less seriously. hahaha!! humor--wheeeee!! bsides, Francis king is rite. Typing n creative txty ways is liberating and does wonders for the intellect n creativity.

watch out, forumworld!! I'm gonna be a-changin' my wayz.

I know that not everyone is a grammar fiend, but some basic steps can be taken to enhance the readability of a post:

  • Spell-checking


Please? :)
