Disagreeable By Nature
I don't get the connection.
If it was even logically possible that two opposite decisions about making a choice could be made by the same person at exactly the same time, the result would most certainly be no choice at all.
The truth of the matter is that we could not have chosen any differenty that we did choose at the split second that we actually made the choice because we were acting on the reasons why we preferred that choice the MOST.
"therefore contrary choice or “free" will not only does not exist but cannot exist."
Drum roll, please....
And this, Mr. Tutt, is precisely the reason why you are not able to comprehend the fact that people have free will. You are assuming that everything in life is entirely LOGICAL, LINEAR, and STRAIGHTFORWARD. What you are unable to comprehend (and as you are a man who claims to be 71 years old, I am absolutely amazed at this) is that life is not a math equation.
A person can't make two conflicting decisions in the same moment? Because it's not logically possible? This isn't a physics experiment, Rodger; it's the human condition we're talking about.
So yeah, as long as one is living in a fantasy land where there is no irrational behaviour, then I can see where they'd think there's no free will.
But for those of us who live on Earth, there is.