Vision To Spread Islam
I am sorry for my basic english. I do type with little regard for who is reading it .I am sorry. My question is this. In your opinion how would a woman be regarded if she was the mother of some children and she had not ever married. I am curious to know how this woman would live under muslim life. and would her children be accepted in the community. Where I live, it is a almost normal situation. It doesnt make this woman a bad person to me. What do you think?
All the mistake is not yours but i bit mine also i also have lil poor english.
Sister(i think you are female), the thing is that just take an example God Forbide, that you have a brother whom you love very much but a girl she married have already children without marrying anyone else.
I would be clear if a man or woman have been proved to have done [FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica][FONT=Trebuchet MS,Arial,Helvetica]NON-MARITAL SEX[/FONT][/FONT] he or she would be sentenced to have 80 lashes according to Islamic Law. You would say it is barbaric i would tell you this is equal for both man and woman , if woman has not played a part in it or man with pressure did that than man will be stoned to death and the woman would be said nothing and would have same respect.
No difference between man and woman. If you see if one person is sentenced to death like this it will decrease this kind of act this brings shame to a family. If one is sentenced then no one other would think of doing this it is wrong in Islam.
Having said so i tell you a story, a Companion of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) came to Him(pbuh) and said i he have committed sex other then his wife and he asked for punishment... you know what He(pbuh) that you should hided this and would have asked forgiveness from God Almighty and Allah Almighty have forgive him and he would have saved from this punishment. This tells us not some Muslim which have done [FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]premarital sex, and this is not revealed to any of other then them two he or she if ask Forgiveness from Allah Almighty and with a thing in mind that he or she will not do it again they will be saved from punishment and will get forgiveness.
It is also in bible about a woman committing adultery