Give me any statement .....

OK, so if we have to dismiss Jesus for not writing his own words...what do we do with Mohammed, if Mohammed did not write either? All we have is what others *say* he said.
Namaste juan,

to be perfectly frank i find the claims regarding the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to be somewhat doubtful in that based on my understanding of business, a being that cannot read or write would tend to be very disadvantaged and wouldn't likely be successful yet that is what Muhammad (pbuh) was.

i suppose it could be a sort of business where literacy and writing aren't important, i just don't know what that business is.

the more salient point, however, is that such only presents an issue for a certain sort of Christian, what i term a BibleISM adherent. if one isn't a BibleISM adherent then the issue simply doesn't exist.


I never did the "works" of my father.... And he didn't do the works of his...

I don't see how that is -wisdom-..... I see that as a statement that should be rephrased... Maybe change children to followers. :p Besides the christian god created us all from the same production line... So we are all related and of one family... But do we all do the "works" of jesus? Or more importantly the works of god?
I submit that rather than defining the 'works', that passage defines the relationship of father and son, of children and who children follow.

Verses like the following then unfold into something more:

Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

The trinitarian or JiG follower like Blazn won't see it that way, so I expand it: If you were a Son of Christ then you would do the works of Christ.
Namaste juan,

to be perfectly frank i find the claims regarding the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to be somewhat doubtful in that based on my understanding of business, a being that cannot read or write would tend to be very disadvantaged and wouldn't likely be successful yet that is what Muhammad (pbuh) was.

i suppose it could be a sort of business where literacy and writing aren't important, i just don't know what that business is.

the more salient point, however, is that such only presents an issue for a certain sort of Christian, what i term a BibleISM adherent. if one isn't a BibleISM adherent then the issue simply doesn't exist.


There is also the small matter of the term "prophet", which implies one who makes prophecy that comes true. Forgive me for my daftness, but I fail to find a "prophecy" let alone prophecies, that the good man Mohomad made, to begin with, let alone any coming true...

The Bible and the Bible's Jesus however, seem to be a different matter all together... but perhaps I am in error...

In hadiths the word Ummi is used to describe Muhammad... Which is Arabnic for illiterate? Someone wanna confirm? Cause I was cock sure that he could not read nor write...
He could not read, nor write...and his "revelations" were not penned for a couple hundred years after his death. Ironically, Jesus was shewn to read and actually "wrote"...but what he wrote in the dirt, was wiped away by his own hand, after the witnesses viewed it. The only comment in the bible about this is that Jesus began writing in the sand, but no one extrapilated on what it was he had written...

Never the less, Jesus wrote something, and read from scripture as he taught in the synagogues... and quoted the same often enough.
I submit that rather than defining the 'works', that passage defines the relationship of father and son, of children and who children follow.

Verses like the following then unfold into something more:

Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

The trinitarian or JiG follower like Blazn won't see it that way, so I expand it: If you were a Son of Christ then you would do the works of Christ.

So sounding dumb... What's a JiG?
So sounding dumb... What's a JiG?
1. A custom made idol used for holding the piece to be worked-on in a correct position relative to its associated tool.
2. (music) A light, brisk musical movement; a gigue
3. (Irish music and dance) A dance in 6-8 time.
4. (English Morris dancing) A dance by one or two individual dancers as opposed to a dance performed by a set or team.
5. (Fishing) A lure, consisting of a hook molded into a weight, usually with a bright or colorful body.
1. A custom made idol used for holding the piece to be worked-on in a correct position relative to its associated tool.
2. (music) A light, brisk musical movement; a gigue
3. (Irish music and dance) A dance in 6-8 time.
4. (English Morris dancing) A dance by one or two individual dancers as opposed to a dance performed by a set or team.
5. (Fishing) A lure, consisting of a hook molded into a weight, usually with a bright or colorful body.

It is what one uses to make something else...simple enough?:rolleyes:
Put up with what? Jig to me is a word for trick and I was confused by the post.
The play on words used by some to attempt to give you the feeling that you aren't as intelligent as they are. When in fact, your art shows you to be light years ahead of all of us...

"Jig" is a pattern or mold, or block, used to form a shape that still is in our mind, and about to become reality...sound familiar? lol
The play on words used by some to attempt to give you the feeling that you aren't as intelligent as they are. When in fact, your art shows you to be light years ahead of all of us...

"Jig" is a pattern or mold, or block, used to form a shape that still is in our mind, and about to become reality...sound familiar? lol

Oooh lol, nah it's cool I am still where I was ;)

lol I never realised you were a watcher of my art works lol... Thanks for the compliment brother :)

See I have never heard the word used in such a term, most used to it being for phrases such as "The jig is up!!!!"
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The play on words used by some to attempt to give you the feeling that you aren't as intelligent as they are. When in fact, your art shows you to be light years ahead of all of us...

"Jig" is a pattern or mold, or block, used to form a shape that still is in our mind, and about to become reality...sound familiar? lol
Shame on you for your assumption and characterization, Quahom1. I neither intended, nor attempted, nor thought anything of the sort regarding Alex's intelligence.
Kindest Regards, Vajra.

Thank you for your post.
to be perfectly frank i find the claims regarding the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to be somewhat doubtful in that based on my understanding of business, a being that cannot read or write would tend to be very disadvantaged and wouldn't likely be successful yet that is what Muhammad (pbuh) was.

i suppose it could be a sort of business where literacy and writing aren't important, i just don't know what that business is.
I've known a few people in my time who could read very little. They had remarkable ways of dealing with day to day issues. Be that as it may, the era of Mohammed was a very different time and place, it was probably quite common to not be able to read or write.

I followed up looking at Wiki, which while I know is not a definitive authority, at least it is comparatively neutral, and it reaffirmed the assertion that Mohammed did not read or write...and that the Koran was handed down orally, to at least the next generation before being written. Possibly as much as two hundred years later before being written.

Now, an oral tradition doesn't concern me so much, with what little I understand of Jewish and Native American traditions, both having long histories of oral tradition.

But if oral tradition should serve as a disqualifier, then I think it should be only logical to fairly apply the same standard to all similar traditions.

I haven't seen islamis4u around to answer this rebuttal...

the more salient point, however, is that such only presents an issue for a certain sort of Christian, what i term a BibleISM adherent. if one isn't a BibleISM adherent then the issue simply doesn't exist.
I was thinking more in terms of fundamentalism, but that *is* still an "ism." Whether fundamentalist Muslim or Christian, I do find it amusing and intriguing that both can level excruciatingly sharp logic at the other, but both refuse to turn that same logic inward on themselves.

The real fun though is in watching the internal fireworks when contentious issues are raised. :D But that's just how it is...Christians would rather bicker between themselves than unite against an outside assault, and Muslims would rather unite to assault others than bicker among themselves. Not that this is exclusionary, of course. There are more than enough Christians willing to assault others, just as there are more than enough Muslims willing to bicker among themselves. I just find all of it quite amusing. ;)

Curiouser and curiouser...
There are more than enough Christians willing to assault others, just as there are more than enough Muslims willing to bicker among themselves. I just find all of it quite amusing. ;)

Curiouser and curiouser...
And there are those from all nations making known GOODNEWS


Just as Jesus asked them to matthew 28;19-20

and they are all in unity with one purpose in mind , to be doing the will of God. and to be showing love among themselves.

I am giving YOU a new commandment, that YOU love one another; just as I have loved YOU, that YOU also love one another.
By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves."
john 13; 34-35

now who can that be? :)OH I HAVE FOUND THEM :)Jehovahs witnesses