The Trinity, from the JW view.

Trying to help, and you make it real easy to show you…… so try a little. :)
yes the bible is very easy to put things straight . Jesus said he was Gods son .JOHN 10;36
do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and dispatched into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, I am God’s Son?

Jesus, in turn, answered them and said: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. JOHN 7;16

Therefore Jesus said: "When once YOU have lifted up the Son of man, then YOU will know that I am [he], and that I do nothing of my own initiative; but just as the Father taught me I speak these things john 8;28

In other words before getting into the car, make sure you have the right keys. Otherwise nothing moves and you have to start over.

very true , the accurate keys will work wonders , the same as accurate knowledge of what the bible REALLY teaches will put us on the right path to everlasting life . and it is very good :)

gaining accurate knowledge of the truth as taught in the Bible is a key to salvation.

However, that knowledge must reach the heart, the seat of motivation.

It cannot remain as an intellectual or academic exercise. Moreover, once it has been gained, knowledge of the truth has to be used and replenished.
John 10: 36-37

of him whom the Father did sanctify, and send to the world, do ye say -- Thou speakest evil, because I said, Son of God I am?
if I do not the works of my Father, do not believe me;
Since the total is God… then each of us is a son of God. I agree with JC……
If any of us speaks of words that are not true……… then don’t believe. Meaning for someone to suggest that each of men is not equal or that all other religious beliefs are incorrect except what they believe……….. they are liars (evil to the all because of the self)

John 7: 17-18
if any one may will to do His will, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether it is of God, or -- I do speak from myself.
He who is speaking from himself his own glory doth seek, but he who is seeking the glory of him who sent him, this one is true, and unrighteousness is not in him;
This suggest perfectly that NEVER would JC call himself GOD….. and for some reason…. Many of the faith just cannot comprehend this.
John 8:28
Jesus, therefore, said to them, `When ye may lift up the Son of Man then ye will know that I am [he]; and of myself I do nothing, but according as my Father did teach me, these things I speak;
If God is ‘all of it’… then to observe nature and represent the truth (such as Darwin did for mankind) with no care of the self (he could have been killed or imprisoned by the church) but do share the knowledge learn for the benefit of mankind (a part of the total)… then this shares much truth…. As most of the true contributors had to step outside of the grace of the church, to do what is ‘good’ for humanity.

So do not follow a teaching to keep a faith and friends….. do what is good and follow the truth in all things.

Never sway to be peer accepted.

Do what is right at all times.

To know the truth in pure applicable form, then each can know that each action taken a life is born; good: supports life (the total), Bad: loss the common (includes misleading with lies)

Each choice or energy contributed is the life of your ever-lasting.... good, lives.... bad, falls to extinction.

If the religions continue to impose fibs as the truth, then when the truth does find each mind, them religions will be extinct.

To know the truth in physical form.... then each can know their actions purely by fact.
Hey Mee me.....

Even though a battle of wits appears on this front. The truth is, your approach is giving life to the truth.

the Trinity was unknown to early churchmen.
Actually it was some 400 years or more after the death of Christ that the concept of ‘three persons in one God’ was finally formulated by men and introduced into the church.

God’s Word, however, is in direct opposition to this ‘three persons in one God’ concept.

The Bible says that God is the "King of eternity," and is without beginning or end. (1 Tim. 1:17; Ps. 90:2)

But the Bible says that, unlike his eternal Father, Jesus is "the beginning of the creation by God." (Rev. 3:14)

Further proof that Jesus and God are not one and the same or equal is seen in the fact that upon Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, "God exalted him to a superior position." (Phil. 2:9)

If, before his exaltation, Jesus had been equal to God, he could not have been exalted any further, for that would have made him superior to God.

How evident that the Trinity doctrine was not taught by the first-century Christians!

the Trinity was unknown to early churchmen.
Actually it was some 400 years or more after the death of Christ that the concept of ‘three persons in one God’ was finally formulated by men and introduced into the church.

God’s Word, however, is in direct opposition to this ‘three persons in one God’ concept.

The Bible says that God is the "King of eternity," and is without beginning or end. (1 Tim. 1:17; Ps. 90:2)

But the Bible says that, unlike his eternal Father, Jesus is "the beginning of the creation by God." (Rev. 3:14)

Further proof that Jesus and God are not one and the same or equal is seen in the fact that upon Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, "God exalted him to a superior position." (Phil. 2:9)

If, before his exaltation, Jesus had been equal to God, he could not have been exalted any further, for that would have made him superior to God.

How evident that the Trinity doctrine was not taught by the first-century Christians!

How is it that throughout the course of humanity, a witness would ever be accepted when they were never there?

How is it that almost 2k years after JC left the building, that God's name just popped up and now people can call God by his first name?

SO now we can each call the pres, George and the Vice a, Dick.

You young lad may do real well as a fine attorney some day. No scrupples, no integrity, an no care (responsibility) as to what precedence you impose to existence.

Now that is a trinity of deciet you can hang 'your' hat on.

It would be really somehting to see the look on your face when you finally realize what you are saying and how aweful the imposition is to others.

It reminds me of Ted Haggard.....
How is it that throughout the course of humanity, a witness would ever be accepted when they were never there?

How is it that almost 2k years after JC left the building, that God's name just popped up and now people can call God by his first name?

SO now we can each call the pres, George and the Vice a, Dick.

You young lad may do real well as a fine attorney some day. No scrupples, no integrity, an no care (responsibility) as to what precedence you impose to existence.

Now that is a trinity of deciet you can hang 'your' hat on.

It would be really somehting to see the look on your face when you finally realize what you are saying and how aweful the imposition is to others.

It reminds me of Ted Haggard.....
Some are happy with what the bible REALLY teaches some are not .

for mee i like what the bible REALLY teaches , and it teaches mee that the true God is JEHOVAH psalm 83;18

and Jesus is Gods only-begotten son ,JOHN 3;16 And the way to EVERLASTING LIFE is by taking in knowledge about that true God JEHOVAH and his son JESUSCHRIST JOHN 17;3 .

:)and it is very good :)
Some are happy with what the bible REALLY teaches some are not .
Really? But you really only comprehend what you understand

And what you understand is from another mans interpretation (1914).

Each can choose and you have made a choice.

You expect magic to come and save the day because you maintain no responsibility to your actions of professing false doctrine.

You must remember, Moses, JC and God himeslf has never had, used or caused magic to absolve or correct and occurrence.... otherwise we would not have the lies and liars on this globe now causing what is occurring to people such as you.

But unlike most, you have an opportunity to ask questions and see the truth in front of you yet choose to remain complacent.

No need for me to suffer fools...... I say to remain with no integrity let the fools suffer their own demise.
And what you understand is from another mans interpretation (1914).

or rather from bible prophecy and chronology (1914)yes we really are living in the last days and soon Jesus will go into action Daniel 2;44 and Jesus really is a reigning king in Gods heavenly kingdom Daniel 7;13-14

its all happening since 1914:) the signs of the times are well and truely here .

let him who has ears hear what the spirit says to the congregations MEE LISTENS:)
Let him that has ears listen." (Matthew 13:1-9)
But unlike most, you have an opportunity to ask questions and see the truth in front of you quote]

EVERYONE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY :) not just MEE matthew 24;14 the goodnews of the kingdom is being made known globally and the goodnews of the kingdom is the truth :)
And what you understand is from another mans interpretation (1914).

or rather from bible prophecy and chronology (1914)yes we really are living in the last days and soon Jesus will go into action Daniel 2;44 and Jesus really is a reigning king in Gods heavenly kingdom Daniel 7;13-14
What about the anti christ?
its all happening since 1914:) the signs of the times are well and truely here .
Thank God!

let him who has ears hear what the spirit says to the congregations MEE LISTENS:)
To what, you maintain complacency...... where is the listening?

Let him that has ears listen." (Matthew 13:1-9)
Not a word written makes a sound unless another speaks or a computor is used (artificial)..........
But unlike most, you have an opportunity to ask questions and see the truth in front of you quote]

EVERYONE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY :) not just MEE matthew 24;14 the goodnews of the kingdom is being made known globally and the goodnews of the kingdom is the truth :)

and if you think a Muslim or Hindu or Jew will accept what you suggest as true, then you are lying to yourself AGAIN.

The truth only works one way, and since we know evolution is in fact a true concept of growth and change over time, then it seems quite pure that for the truth to exist, the sciences must also comply.
Bishadi, am contemplating what you said about evolution. On a different subject however....

I went back over the thread, and noticed what you were saying about capitalism and the US. While at first I wasn't sure what you meant by saying 'the form is now inert', I have now pieced together your point. I still don't agree with pointing the finger at an individual country for a problem which has its root in the heart of humanity.
You just confirmed it. The form is now inert, that each individual can make sense of the methodology. That to accept a profit is normal. Hey.. it makes perfect sense.

What I must point out is it is quite uniform to the western ideals that the self and what the self can take (opportunities in business) is how any american can stand out and 'take a piece of the american dream.' ..... What this has done is make selfishness a norm and the single greatest cause to all 'evil' is man's selfishness. As every evil to exist is based from this exact cause.
'Capitalism' is a word that is used to justify 3 common human errors. Capitalism does not rely upon the USA and never did.

While I can understand your using the 'American Dream' as an example of how profit works, I can't agree with saddling the USA with the blame for greed. I have identified three errors in Capitalism, none of which are caused by the U.S.A. Instead, they have always been part of human society. In the first place, the world's banking system is the most powerful example of Capitalism. The underlying error (error #1) is that of collecting inappropriate interest, which Biblically I think means any lending situation in which there is an unequal exchange of value. Capitalism's second greatest monetary error (error #2) is its unequal scales for trading goods and services. Really the two errors are equivalent problems and have been with the human race for almost all of its recorded history, so how can we blame it on the USA? Every time I charge you 5 hours labor for something that only took me 1 hour to acquire, I demonstrate the error of unequal exchange. The third major error (error #3) is lack of mercy: I may not be able to give you an equal exchange for your goods, but if I am an orphan, widow, or otherwise in need than you should have more than enough through your own diligent efforts to assist me at least in part. A lack of effort on your part or lack of willingness to assist me is the third error. While it is a working part of capitalism, it does not originate with the USA. Before the USA came to exist, and after the USA is a memory, the three errors will continue to be a part of the human race. In every generation, you can be certain that human beings will continue to injure each other through unequal exchange rates. That is Capitalism, not Americanism.

Bishadi, am contemplating what you said about evolution. On a different subject however....
Your whole post is an evolution while you share your collective opinion of assembled knowledge. You combined knowledge to share your reasoned assessment. This shares what we each can do and can contribute all the while maintaining integrity.

You shared, an opinion based on a compassionate assessment of data.

I went back over the thread, and noticed what you were saying about capitalism and the
US. While at first I wasn't sure what you meant by saying 'the form is now inert', I have now pieced together your point. I still don't agree with pointing the finger at an individual country for a problem which has its root in the heart of humanity
It seems, you saw the point yet not sure the effects or responsibility to ‘our tomorrow.’ In your opinion the responsibility should not be pointed at the US.

Fair! As it seems a true root could be have a lineage much further back.

'Capitalism' is a word that is used to justify 3 common human errors. Capitalism does not rely upon the
USA and never did.

This part is based on an opinion that is fair.

While I can understand your using the 'American Dream' as an example of how profit works, I can't agree with saddling the
USA with the blame for greed.
That was not the intent. It is that equally this side of the lake entertains a far greater example of the form. Mile for mile, pound for pound this country has the greatest impact to the institution of the human species, when it comes to conforming to the ideals. And if no conform, sanctions, bad publicity, isolation and basically inflicting a war of sides. For example; the public was told Arafat was a real bad dude but Ex Prez Carter visited his grave. Not because of honoring Hamas, but that he fought the establishment for a cause of humanity. This shares that our ‘community’ does not often reflect what is true but what people are led to believe and as we know capitalism as the form of social interaction, that form also enables unaccounted for forms of deceit. A fib or misrepresentation that has no responsibility.

I have identified three errors in Capitalism, none of which are caused by the
U.S.A. Instead, they have always been part of human society. In the first place, the world's banking system is the most powerful example of Capitalism. The underlying error (error #1) is that of collecting inappropriate interest, which Biblically I think means any lending situation in which there is an unequal exchange of value.
Lied about the value.

Capitalism's second greatest monetary error (error #2) is its unequal scales for trading goods and services.

The third major error (error #3) is lack of mercy: I may not be able to give you an equal exchange for your goods, but if I am an orphan, widow, or otherwise in need than you should have more than enough through your own diligent efforts to assist me at least in part. A lack of effort on your part or lack of willingness to assist me is the third error.
‘I can’t afford it’ ……. A fib!

While it is a working part of capitalism, it does not originate with the
Never said it did.

Before the
USA came to exist, and after the USA is a memory, the three errors will continue to be a part of the human race. In every generation, you can be certain that human beings will continue to injure each other through unequal exchange rates. That is Capitalism, not Americanism
Fair to assume in the light of how priorities are in order. Each want/protect things versus life. Many people work 50 weeks a year to spend 2 with mother earth. To know your life is based on what you do, then I will bet many more would rather be planting corn then playing video games. Sure I love entertainment and many toys maybe I shouldn’t but I guess that is why that ‘end times’ thing is so global and universally imposing. Most of them toys won’t be available as the cities will be returned to the earth. Not much but plants and critters will be even able to stand on them site for quite some time.

But these are simply opinions based on observing others writing, opinions and data. All that can be ascertained is a pattern coupled with reasoned thought and then let the answers or opinions represent themselves. In math and the physical sciences, opinions are not the rule; facts stand firm but in forward suggestions as to speak prophetically can only be based on what material knowledge or vision has been observed.

What began this unstoppable eventuality is when the US supported the creation of Israel within Palestine. From that beginning the clock began; politically it was motivated by the sale of hope for the holocaust victims. Business; a military access to the globes oil. Humanitarily; a group of people are being destroyed and a bill of inequities is being imposed to the meek.

Fibs on both sides. Israel suggests they have a right by God (the chosen ones) and then in the opposing, are being taught that God wants them to fight all the while we here in the US think we are being humanitarians, it is the business of the oil that keeps our presence within these lands that do not want us there in the first place.

Israel would not exist if it were not for the US. DO your own homework and see for yourself. As the first terrorist were Jewish folk bombing the British embassies when Britton said NO, but the US used its propaganda and political might to overcome.

All literally based on a religious ideal about ‘Israel’ and the business of oil.

Now that ‘other’ team, owns/lives on top of the oil, and willing to strap on a weapon….. so they now have money and intent.

In an age where the firecrackers are loud….. so let’s say one pops, like 911, on US soil… what is the policy over here? Shoot first ask questions later… or something like that……

But now, China and Russia are in bed… India and Russia, India and China…. Look over the last 5 years and see how many associations are being created that didn’t have much depth before….. in fact China and Russian are having war games….

So if another 911 but with big fireworks, occurs on our soil, the rest of the globe is not going to let the US take action.

It’s going to get real ugly …. And no matter what any do to the ground based military locations there are a few thousand subs (doomsday mare/Hindu) that will be tough to stop.

My time is best spent, in seeking solutions and looking to the future.. these things are what them children will have left as the current situation is not only unruly but now with true knowledge a complete paradigm shift in comprehending, understanding, energy and life itself…. is what seems best for me to work on. And remember, I did not start any war! Nor can any stop it.

It is the ignorance and the atrocities existing right now between our species and nothing with stop what is coming. My promise, as a sort of thanks for being alive, is to simply offer the truth in a physical form where no fib can exist; ‘what makes us alive and how it works’……in a set of works called “understanding.” Seems the best area of thought to spend time. Do you think maybe the opinions shared about this war, should be avoided?

Ah almost forgot..... for any to know the trinity.....a commercial could share; 'get MET'

'to understand mass, energy and time, you can know the trinity to existence'

'so get MET!' :p
What about the anti christ? quote]

Antichrist means against or instead of Christ. The term applies to all who deny what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, all who oppose his Kingdom, and all who mistreat his followers. It also includes individuals, organizations, and nations that falsely claim to represent Christ or that improperly ascribe to themselves the role of Messiah.​
and if you think a Muslim or Hindu or Jew will accept what you suggest as true, then you are lying to yourself AGAIN.
the GREAT CROWD that is being gathered have come from all nations of the earth but now they are in unity and here they are spoken of in revelation 7;9-10 its all happening in the last days , yes Jesus sheep hear his voice .John 10;16 and they are all very well fed in a spiritual way matthew 24;45-47 its good food from Jesus thats why:)
Bishadi;144995 Not a word written makes a sound unless another speaks or a computor is used (artificial)..........[/quote said:
However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth? Just as it is written: "How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!"

romans 10;14-15
To what, you maintain complacency...... where is the listening?

quote] being in unity with Gods purpose brings great satisfaction:) JOHN 17;3 MATTHEW 24;14 MATTHEW 24;45-47 REVELATION 7;9-10 :) I AM LISTENING WELL :)JOHN 3;16-17

This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him. LUKE 9;25
mee me,

since you know how to quote the bible and use the words with flavor, and it does not make sense to tear down just to hold up this side of the debate, I am not going to rehash each item with you as it appears your selfish intent, has no parameters of human integrity....

so why argue.....

What was enjoyable is to realize that based on your interpretation the majority on the globe could be anti christ.......

but what must be remembered is most on the globe all recognize and observe compassion between associations and how to care about others and I do not think folk would call themselves the messiah..... not even Jesus Christ himself did....

Meaning; most everyone can appreciate the gifts JC left but I will state quite clearly it is the people who corrupted the works, that created the fools of hypocrits or the blinded people of faith. Such that some can actually lie cheat and steal, such as you have through most of this site, just to save the face of a faith.......nothing is more 'anti christ' than that....:(