Namaste Q, so how do you interpret?
Jesus made it clear in Phil 2 5-8, when stated he does not need to grasp the authority he has left behind, in order to become man. (What good would a man be if he had the authority of God)? He left his trust in the Father, and became obedient and submitted to the authority of the Father while he walked as a man. But in doing so, he still remained sinless, and the perfect sacrifice for God's requirement of atonement (for all man).
Look if Lucifer hadn't fallen before pride and desire (to be God's favored), then man might still be in the garden, oblivious to the politics of heaven. When he fell, his goal was to pierce the "apple" of God's eye (man). With man tainted, God logically would look back to Lucifer and say "I'm sorry, you were right."
Only God said, "no this being (man), is worth my original intent and agenda." So, He decided he would send himself as the perfect specimen of man, to atoll for the sins of all mortal men, in order to get his ultimate goal. He wants a grateful being to walk with him. How much more grateful is a being that considers the awe of God, and knows that there is nothing better, not even himself? Yet God designed him and wants him for his own companion, compatriot, "child", and all that entails?
When I was in school, I was an athelete. I was good, but got too good for my britches. And I fell, hard. There was a coach who picked me up, brushed me off and re taught me how to thing about atheletics, and about the important things in life. Instead of "ME" first, I learned the team came first. Instead of "I WON", the team won, and when the coach spoke, I listened because there was wisdom in his words that I could garner for my own.
But during all of this there were those who had quit sports, and they were much better than me. They would put words in your ears, try to trip you up, or if that didn't work, beat you up, or if that didn't work, make you look bad to the rest of the school (sound familiar)?
Then there came a day that some folk went after the Coach. For a year it was point counter point, and alot of disgusting behavior by "adults". The coach was drummed out. And that was the end.
Except it wasn't. The teams the coach lead followed his wisdom and remembered his points, and invited him to the meets/games, and they basically kept on following his lead, despite the best efforts of others to make him disappear.
And we kept winning (at one point we had no "Coach", because the school couldn't find one who could keep up with us).
Finally, he was brought back, and we excelled even farther (to state in several instances).
We see the same pattern over and over again, like "get it through your head man, I'm here to see you excell." There are "others" though that would like nothing better than to see us fall...
God is so for us, that he covered the ultimate judge and final word, the in the weeds see you as a man sees, and the I'm your back up and will never leave you...GOD.
For crying out loud, the Holy Spirit hovers over me like hovering over the waters of the firmament in Genesis! Jus wants to make sure everything goes right!
You can't beat that type of coverage with any insurance, or any faith that does not acknowledge the viability of the Holy Spirit.
BUT, if one acknowledges the viability of the Holy Spirit, then one must acknowledge the Son, who promised to send that Holy Spirit (whom he said we can talk to and trust and depend upon). And if the Son has that authority (as he did AFTER the ressurection, remember, no body messed with Jesus after his resurrection, though many are reported to see him alive), then He must be GOD.
I can't send GOD to do my bidding...can you? For Jesus to do so (if he isn't GOD), is akin to blasphemy, and the new testament is FOREFIT.
Of course Wil, if you take all I said into context, then mee's concept of God is also forefit, as is anyone else who claims Jesus is not GOD almighty. In short...
they fool themselves and are damned, for there is nothing, let alone a path of salvation...the "door" has been removed.