Origins of Jesus Christ

It is true there is a time for all things to pass, and it makes no sense to even consider a world where all things are forever unchanging.
Do you ever feel you've been reborn a number of times during this lifetime now. Not as past life memories but from the birth of the person you are today.

- c -
Do you ever feel you've been reborn a number of times during this lifetime now. Not as past life memories but from the birth of the person you are today.

- c -

Oh, absolutely. In one sense, we all are literally reborn. Most of my cells that are alive now were not alive when I was born. It is spectacular when I really feel what that means. In another sense, I feel like some part of me is constant... some deep essence of being that I always have been and always will be. The rest is like a kaleidoscope- the picture is constantly changing, and sometimes it becomes nearly unrecognizable to the me I was before. Do you ever feel like that? Like you are watching yourself and just thinking "Wow, that's interesting. So different." In the last few years, I've gotten to where I can sense when a shift in me is coming, and it's sort of like I stand outside myself watching it happen. So odd.
Path....... and it is exactly how it is and for everyone. In the meeting of the inner and the outer, it's a valid description from the way you see and feel. But I'd say impossible to realise this without the still spaces between, the space of returning to the essence of the constant in your own appreciation of the centering as you do. And I do too. Just wish the world would do the same!:)
You know just stop a while and reassess before it moves forward.

- c -
Hello path!

I see some have taken to condensing your screen name initials...but it seems a little awkward to me to quote you as "poo." Not to mention impolite... ;) So I think I will refrain from that.

OK, been away for a few days, but I have a post from an earlier thread that I think sums up well some of my questions and reservations to this issue. I quoted myself so it would link to the previous thread and I wouldn't have to rewrite...recycling and all that.

I can see I'm a little late to the party, but I am thrilled to see Path and Dondi picked up on the "nature of evil" hint I dropped.

I think it correct to want to see the good in other people, that even mass murderers were once little cooing babies. But I do have this sense that G-d, at least in the raw, pure form, is Holy; and that something not-Holy cannot exist in the presence of Holy. I think of it as a kind of "matter : anti-matter" type of thing.

Otherwise, we end up staring in the face of a quandary: did G-d endorse/ commit/ sustain/ agree to/ perpetrate atrocities upon His creation? I can make a list...the Holocaust, the Killing Fields, Darfur, war, greed, fraud.

If G-d is in all, and all are G-d, then G-d is perpetrating these atrocities upon G-d, which makes no logical sense, and makes morality and ethics moot. So either there is no evil (any takers?), or something about this concept is not quite my humble opinion.

Now, none of us with understanding is without guilt. There are garden variety sins...and the Holy Spirit can still work in and around that.

But there are greater sins, and there are unrepentent sinners (Christian parlance, but the concept is not limited to Christians). Greater sins and excessive sins drive a wedge between the soul and the Holy Spirit. At some point there is simply no turning back, that soul has made its final choice.

I simply must disagree with the notion that evil is some psychological construct, a toothless dog so to speak- all bark and no bite. I dreamed about this subject after my earlier post on the topic, and I woke up with my heart beating in my throat. Certainly no proof that evil is not psychological...but then I see pointing to magical use of power, a pagan iteration of intercessory prayer, which suggests to me that I am not the only who understands evil to be more than a head game.

And in the simplest terms I can muster, G-d and evil are polar opposites. One cannot abide the other.

It is important to make the distinction between garden variety sins and evil, but to belittle evil is not what I feel appropriate for a wise person to do. A really good way to lose a war is to underestimate the enemy.

That is only my understanding in the matter, and I fully realize I may well be in the minority.

I think in the course of things this was simply happens. But philosophically I see some contrary logic when it comes to this issue.

But then, who ever said nature and life had to be logical?
Hello path!

I see some have taken to condensing your screen name initials...but it seems a little awkward to me to quote you as "poo." Not to mention impolite... ;) So I think I will refrain from that.

Thanks, though I do find it funny. LOL It provides a bit of comedic relief for those that figure it out. :p

I think in the course of things this was simply happens. But philosophically I see some contrary logic when it comes to this issue.

But then, who ever said nature and life had to be logical?

Could you explain a bit further? Is it that you feel Nature acts for evil? Or that some people become eternally lost/condemned due to their evil acts?

Personally, I do not see the Earth acting in evil ways. But then, it would depend on one's conceptualization of evil. As for individual humans, I just don't know what happens to everyone. I figure that's God's domain, so to speak, but I keep hope that all people eventually are saved. I figure, why not hope?
Could you explain a bit further? Is it that you feel Nature acts for evil? Or that some people become eternally lost/condemned due to their evil acts?

No, I don't think that's what I mean. I don't see nature as evil. Yet there is an evil that can influence...surely you've come across the sneaky snake in your travels through the woods? Not that snakes are bad, but that occasionally one can be so influenced.

Even more so with humans. Not all humans are evil, but we tend to have occasional moments when we are naughty. The Holy Spirit can still work with and around something not wholly given to evil. But there are those rare few who have surrendered wholly to evil, that is the choice they have made.

Perhaps there is some redeeming second chance karmic process for shedding this evil and its scars/baggage/burdens...perhaps not. That is still a mystery too. But at some point in time the process will cease, and there will be no more second chances.

I don't believe this in some effort to cast a sideways judgement...of course hold on to hope and grant the benefit of doubt, cultivate the best in people. But no matter how hard I try to see a Hitler as a cute little baby, I still end up seeing the monster he became. A karmic burden like that would be very difficult to shed.
No, I don't think that's what I mean. I don't see nature as evil. Yet there is an evil that can influence...surely you've come across the sneaky snake in your travels through the woods? Not that snakes are bad, but that occasionally one can be so influenced.

Even more so with humans. Not all humans are evil, but we tend to have occasional moments when we are naughty. The Holy Spirit can still work with and around something not wholly given to evil. But there are those rare few who have surrendered wholly to evil, that is the choice they have made.

I don't know what to think of those. I've never encountered a nature spirit that was wholly evil, though there are plenty that are mischevious and some that are threatening or grouchy until you get to know them. I have, very rarely, encountered humans that felt like they were wholly something else. Not sure what. They felt emptied of a human soul- like robots being driven by something really bad. It's an odd feeling- when I encounter someone like that, all my hair stands on end and I am very aware of their energy the instant they are anywhere near me. It is also a sense that they know that I know. But I don't know what to think of that. I choose to think even they might be redeemed, and if not, my ponderings on the matter won't matter. I believe you can't fight the darkness without making it stronger. But you can be part of the light and trust that one day, all will be light.

Perhaps there is some redeeming second chance karmic process for shedding this evil and its scars/baggage/burdens...perhaps not. That is still a mystery too. But at some point in time the process will cease, and there will be no more second chances.

Why would the process cease? Is that conclusion based on a text, such as Revelations, or something else?

I don't know that the process ever ceases. I think there are always new worlds for souls to experience. God is, I think, fundamentally creative.

And I don't think it is about shedding karma. Rather, I think we are learning, and at the end of each life, we understand the consequences of our sins. In experiencing what that is, we further our empathy and capacity for love. It is a purification process, but not a punitive one. The purpose is not punishment, but perfection. That's just my take on it based on my experience of God. Of course, I could be wrong.

But no matter how hard I try to see a Hitler as a cute little baby, I still end up seeing the monster he became. A karmic burden like that would be very difficult to shed.

I imagine it would be difficult, but I don't think anything is impossible with God.
I don't know what to think of those. I've never encountered a nature spirit that was wholly evil, though there are plenty that are mischevious and some that are threatening or grouchy until you get to know them. I have, very rarely, encountered humans that felt like they were wholly something else. Not sure what. They felt emptied of a human soul- like robots being driven by something really bad. It's an odd feeling- when I encounter someone like that, all my hair stands on end and I am very aware of their energy the instant they are anywhere near me. It is also a sense that they know that I know. But I don't know what to think of that. I choose to think even they might be redeemed, and if not, my ponderings on the matter won't matter. I believe you can't fight the darkness without making it stronger. But you can be part of the light and trust that one day, all will be light.

Why would the process cease? Is that conclusion based on a text, such as Revelations, or something else?

I don't know that the process ever ceases. I think there are always new worlds for souls to experience. God is, I think, fundamentally creative.
Time. The universe and all within are bound by time. At some point time, as we know it, will cease.

And I don't think it is about shedding karma. Rather, I think we are learning, and at the end of each life, we understand the consequences of our sins. In experiencing what that is, we further our empathy and capacity for love. It is a purification process, but not a punitive one. The purpose is not punishment, but perfection. That's just my take on it based on my experience of God. Of course, I could be wrong.
This last part I highlighted is a very good way to describe it. How often in the Bible it speaks of purifying gold and silver in the fire...not punitive, purification.

I imagine it would be difficult, but I don't think anything is impossible with God.
So the fallen angels that were cast out of G-d's presence can still be redeemed?

If that were so, wouldn't G-d have worked with them a bit more?

Also, energy requires polarities. If one must view it as duality, I suppose that can work too. But in order for material expression of energy (matter) to even exist requires a source and an anti-source. Big Bang = Angels cast out; creating a material universe. Those that were cast out cannot return, just as a negative energy cannot exist at the positive pole. A black hole in this existence cannot serve as a source to birth stars. (Perhaps elsewhere, but that is not for us to know)

Neither good nor bad, but necessary for this existence. Life requires other life die, life cannot continue without consuming life.
Thank you for the explanations about your ideas... it is quite interesting.

Time. The universe and all within are bound by time. At some point time, as we know it, will cease.

But who is to say souls cannot go into some other universe and continue their individual purification process? If there is a multiverse- if many worlds theory is correct...

I have always been interested in what potentially lies beyond the universe.

So the fallen angels that were cast out of G-d's presence can still be redeemed?

I'm not sure I buy into the idea of fallen angels. I have never had any clear Spirit led indications on the matter, and Christian doctrine about hell, Satan, and fallen angels/demons seems (1) not aligned with some Jewish thought on the matter and (2) highly suspect as beliefs that are sociopolitically useful but perhaps not accurate.

Also, energy requires polarities. If one must view it as duality, I suppose that can work too. But in order for material expression of energy (matter) to even exist requires a source and an anti-source. Big Bang = Angels cast out; creating a material universe. Those that were cast out cannot return, just as a negative energy cannot exist at the positive pole. A black hole in this existence cannot serve as a source to birth stars. (Perhaps elsewhere, but that is not for us to know)

Neither good nor bad, but necessary for this existence. Life requires other life die, life cannot continue without consuming life.

I'm interested in the picture including outside our universe. I strongly feel that there is more to it than this. I am also not sure that energy must be polar or dual. I tend to think that it is the paradox of existence within space-time that leads to dualities, but beyond space-time, these converge into singularity.
But who is to say souls cannot go into some other universe and continue their individual purification process? If there is a multiverse- if many worlds theory is correct...
But who is to say we are allowed more than one lifetime to get it correct?

Both are speculation from where we stand now... ;)
But who is to say we are allowed more than one lifetime to get it correct?

Both are speculation from where we stand now... ;)
I have to disagree. The number of people that have remembered their own future incarnations, even shared incarnations -- or friends from earlier lives, even who are once again incarnate, in company -- is probably millions at this point, easily.

I'm one of them.

I don't take too kindly to people saying things like, "Oh, you are just imagining that," or, "Yes, but how do you know?"

I know in the same way I know that the sun shines. And I can say a good bit about it, but believe it or not (and Juan, you've seen my ridiculous eight-screen posts), I actually keep pretty MUM when it comes to details of other lifetimes ... certainly when identity/indentities are concerned.

The Cosmos, even as astronomy and physics understand it, is theorized as being a repetitive cycle, something (and Someone, if you must) which breathes out, breathes in, breathes out, breathes in, etc.

And, did I mention this goes on -- Forever? :)

The difference between God and man is SCALE. It could be described as a quantitative one, not a qualitative one. As God is, we shall be. As God was, we are. The only difference -- but the one that makes ALL the difference ;) ... is that from where we stand, it would not be so easy to say, "Oh, I created all this; I am the reason that the birds themselves sing, and that the grass itself grows."

However, the person who knows Christ, who understands Nature, and who has insight into the relationship between God and man, does actually have the experience ... of knowing why birds sing, and even knowing the reason why -- grass grows. We cannot beat our chest and be lord of the jungle, but we can learn to be a part of something greater -- and we can start by trying to recall that even the LEAST in the kingdom of God, matters. And yeah, that's enough to forsake the 90 and 9 for saving. Ahem.

Man and God are not, fundamentally, dual, or apart. They are at-one, and we are here for the experience of at-one-ing. Jesus taught this. And even showed us HOW. But he never, never said that we had "only one shot at it."

Every religion, including early Christianity -- prior to being re-written -- has taught a cyclical process that governs ALL OF NATURE. This includes the tiniest atom, the cell and body of the human being, the seasons and changes of our planet, the movement of the planets around the stars and the stars around a galactic core ... and to propose that somehow the spiritual side of things operates differently than the material (or observable) side, is unsupported.

We have NO evidence that this is the case. Scripture DOUBLY affirms the relationship between the Inner and the outer. As above, so below. As within, so without. If you are close enough to PERFECTION that you are ready to say, "Ok, when I die, I KNOW there is NOTHING left I could accomplish on this planet, nothing more that I could learn or contribute" ... then yes, at that point I'd say yes, your cycle of lives will be run.

Yet the irony is that a Perfect Being has everything to contribute to life in our world, even when s/he has nothing remaining to learn, or any growth that can be gained by remaining here. Such are the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the Christs of every Age; and it is these Beings Who have taught us so much about our purpose. Is it any wonder they have tried to direct our attention to the alleviation of unnecessary human suffering (another good thread at CR right now) ... and eschew the endless debates about utterly transcendent realms of being, which we ourselves shall not enter (and thus could not possibly have full insight into) for many, many thousands of years???


All I ask, when it comes to the subject of reincarnation, is that if you don't have any direct experience, memories, or proof ... then you express it thus. Don't assume that others don't have proof, or experience, or memories, however. The difficult part, at least for me, is how to dialogue with people who have yet to come to this understanding. I do not say it is the right one for you, or for everyone, NOW. But I am as certain that it will one day be understood as I am that grass is green and that the sky is blue.

What I cannot assert as boldly from personal experience, yet something I think we can gain insight into -- and then seek to understand for the rest of our many, many lifetimes -- is the relationship between Deity and humanity, as well as between Spirit (and SOul) and body. A quote from Alexander Pope will make my point:
All are parts of one stupendous whole​

Whose body Nature is, and God the Soul.​
What Alexander Pope is saying here, is that God ensouls all of Cosmos. He doesn't just mean that God is to be found in the flittering butterflies and on nature walks in spring. I mean, yes, the beauty of Nature can help us to move closer to the heart of God ... but Pope was able -- as are we all, if we choose -- to set anthropomorphisms aside, and to understand Deity as the very essence of all Life, and, as Life Itself. What we actually see around us, which he terms Nature, is God's body of manifestation, which has been created by God for the purposes of Divine Incarnation. God, like humanity, comes into form that Cosmos might exist. Methinks this is a good thing for all of those within Cosmos (having also originated from the Godhead), yes? :)

The period of manifestation of the Godhead within Cosmos, God's body, is referred to as an age (or 100 years) of Brahma, in Hindu teachings. After this period of embodiment, God, like each individualized portion of God's creation, disincarnates, and returns to the Unknowable, utterly Beyond (or Brahman, Godhead, etc.). Did I mention God was truly ETERNAL?

Oh wait, you knew that part. So God returns to Cosmic incarnation, a new Cosmos is created, and the cycle begins anew. Who ever said anything about a closed, endless loop?

Ohhh, I see. If you view a spiral on its SIDE, you can see how it goes around and around, yet is always rising, or improving, as it moves from the darkest nether-reaches of an infinite past ... toward the brighest hopeful imaginings of an infinite future. It is only when we turn this spiral and view it head-on that it might be symbolized, as the Ancients aptly chose, by the Ourobouros:


I always groan a little when I hear someone expressing this horrid misunderstanding that has arisen in the west ... whereby they "don't want to come back again and again in some endless cycle," with objections like, "what's the point?" Does it not occur that a compassionate Deity, a God of all possible Vision and potential, would maybe PROVIDE (oh yeah, Providence) us with EXACTLY what we need for our continued spiritual growth and human learning ... including a world-wide field for service to others, whereby we may move closer & closer to the very Perfection which this same God has ordained for us?

"Not a sparrow falls," and yet we dare to fathom that souls are lost. Unfortunate circumstances, truly the CHOICE of the "fallen angel" (an epithet which designates us ALL) -- repeated for many, many lifetimes -- may indeed leave one in such dire straits that frankly, these conditions ... these souls ... require extraordinary compassion, exhibited by extraordinary beings, in order for God's Plan for such souls to work out. Yet this is precisely what God has allowed for, and accommodated. In our short-sightedness, and in our lack of compassion, we might imagine forsaking one another. God does not think in these terms.

The cycles of evolution are not infinite, each unto itself. The 100 Years of Brahma do not go on for 2 extra months because some goofball got lost over in the Andromeda Galaxy. Rather, the Logos in question (of or within that Galaxy) keeps a RECORD (I believe the Bible mentions the "Book of God's Remembrance") ... and in the future cycle of Cosmos, which will open up after 100 Years of Rest, the goofball that did not complete his evolution will have another opportunity to continue it. In this way, no souls are lost, no one is sent to this ridiculous hell of eternal torment and damnation. :(

A little bit of insight will show, in fact, that WE are the lost souls of a previous cycle. Either this, or we shall be the holdouts for a future cycle. All of Cosmos is one Great Chain, a Living Ladder (umm, Jacob's) of Being(s). Those on the steps above us extend their Loving arms down to those of us below, in assistance, and we are expected to do likewise. Petted your animal companion recently? Hugged a tree? Held a living stone? :)

Each cycle begins with a tabula rasa, yet there also come forth the Sephiroth, or Appointed Heads (and Hearts) of a Vast Hierarchy of Lives. These are the Eldest of the preceding cycle, and Theirs is the duty to administer all else in Cosmos, for the Lord, during the great cycle of manifestation. This greatest Hierarchy has its subordinate hierarchy, on down through the worlds of increasing materiality, until finally -- even into our little non-sacred and struggling planet -- "not a sparrow falls."

We forget, and we have never heard of it. Between these two, we look around and wonder sometimes, where is God? And anthropomorphism neatly tucks "him" away, when actually "SHE" is right here all around, every moment (quite literally actually, as the feminine Person of the Trinity is the material world, both God's and ours, thus including the body of manifestation of both).

Not all attain to highest perfection in a given cycle. That cycle comes to a close, and when the worlds are again re-created, the eldest of the prior cycle (per world or solar system) come forth as the forerunners. These pave the way, set the standards, start the processes which will later facilitate new waves of involution ... until finally it is time for US, and for those who have been in Eden-like conditions, to again INCARNATE. And voila! ;)

What's so confusing about that? It does not conflict with what the great relgions actually teach. It only threatens the status quo inasmuch as the clergy (of every religion) has learned that religion sells, and thus has attempted to stamp TM onto their particular presentation. Don't buy that version over there, buy ours, it's better.

Better how? What could be better than the unadulterated teachings of the Great Ones Themselves?

Not sure where to go for those? Well if what you've found makes sense to you, then that's fine and dandy, but if it doesn't even make sense logically, much less fit together in such a way that "god" doesn't come off as being incredibly wasteful, bumbling and lacking any real shred of foresight ... then do you really expect me to buy into that version of "an Almighty, All-Knowing, All-Loving and Forgiving PERFECTED BEING?"

I didn't think so. Sometimes, you can have your cake and eat it too. You just have to remember to share. No one said it was super-sweet, however. Christ tasted bitter herbs. The worlds of form, God's, as ours, were not created for fun & games alone. These are worlds of work, of suffering - at times, yet also the only worlds wherein we have just what we need, because Divinely provided, for our Soul's purpose and evolution. I hope we can all learn to make the most of it! :)

Namaskar - Love and Light,

Very pithy but also sketchy. Reads like a book about the Knights Templar. I get the idea of what you're trying to say, though.
Very pithy but also sketchy. Reads like a book about the Knights Templar. I get the idea of what you're trying to say, though.
lol, well the KT are pretty neat too, no? One of my favorite subjects, also, but I really know next to nothing about them. I do know that they are much glamorized, but were definitely the custodians of more than a few gold ducats here and there. ;)

Probably the truth about them is somewhere in-between. Dan Brown exaggerated; he did not just plain fabricate it all. Bits, maybe. Those who brush it aside as one big heap of nonsense -- ah well, none the wiser. :)
Good to see you back, Andrew.

Do you believe in evil?
Yes, Juan I do. Thx, btw. :)

Evil I think is within man's heart, and inasmuch as it exists externally, it is also able to access our lives -- via the evil that we have yet to transform into Good, or Virtue. Thus, we can blame no other for what happens to us.

The first few lines of the Dhammapada clue us in as to what the real nature of evil is. In a way, that's all we really need to know. And if we want to ponder it, it would be safe to say that humanity has originated pretty much all relevant evil worth considering. The one exception, coming in via the Axis during WWII, was ultimately also our responsibility, given the nature of the conflict that we were incarnating. That a greater evil may have been resonated with, is unfortunate, but this would not have even been a factor 2000 years ago.

The study fascinates me; the solution, makes me a bit anxious.

Planets do not always survive, materially speaking, just like people. The asteroid field might be such an example (between Mars and Jupiter). And if every planet has a purpose, perhaps that lost planet didn't quite fulfil its ... this time around. I just hope we can do better.

The good part is, Planetary Redemption does not necessarily entail the survival or perpetuation of the objective, material globe. Just as we must sometimes die in order that Spirit may be manifest, the same can be true on the greater scale. For us, however, this would mean having to wait for a future cycle in which to attain to perfection. This, at least, is what I believe.

Humanity Itself determines the planetary fate, strangely enough. We are the arbitors of our own destiny, and even that of the lesser kingdoms, inasmuch as they too need the material globe for their evolution. Only the worlds of Spirit are already in a state where the material well-being of our planet takes on a different signficance. And for the Forces of Love and Light that seek to prevail (that God's Kingdom might be manifest), the battle is on, as always, to make sure that God's Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Peace ...

Which brings us right back to: "the way that can be named is not the true way." Arguments over semantics ultimately only serve to further obfuscate the matter.

I guess I like to hear myself speak, or enjoy my own writing. I like words, words are my friends. Yet I have long thought a mark of brilliance is to be able to convey a complex concept in a few, simple words. I have met very few who are capable of this; who know what to say, how best to say it, and most important when to shut up. ;) :D

My point of view on this is evolving. Let me give you a quote since I haven't the mental acuity to attack his tonight. This is from the translator's preface to this essay on myth and language by Ernst Cassirer that I'm reading.

He (Cassirer) was originally struck with the fact that the "theory of knowledge," as philosophers had developed it from the Middle Ages, concerned itself solely with the appreciation of "facts" and the development of orderly thought about facts. The inveterate belief of all mankind in myth, sometimes crystallized into dogmas, sometimes degraded into vulgar superstition, was always excluded from the field of philosophical interest, either as divine revelation, which philosophy could not touch, or (especially in modern times) as a miscarriage of logical explanation, a product of ignorance. But the whole realm of mythical concepts is too great a phenomenon to be accounted for as a "mistake" due to the absence of logically recorded facts. Mere ignorance should be agnostic- empty and negative- not exciting and irrepressible. And it dawned on the philosopher that theory of mind might well begin not with the analysis of knowledge, but with a search for the reason and spiritual function of this peculiar sort of "ignorance."

Here he was helped by a stroke of insight: the realization that language, man's prime instrument of reason, reflects his mythmaking tendency more than his rationalizing tendency. Language, the symbolization of thought, exhibits two entirely different modes of thought. Yet in both modes the mind is powerful and creative. It expresses itself in different forms, one of which is discursive logic, the other creative imagination.

Human intelligence begins with conception, the prime mental activity; the process of conception always culminates in symbolic expression. A conception is fixed and held only when it is embodied in a symbol. So the study of symbolic forms offers a key to the forms of human conception. The genesis of symbolic forms- verbal, religious, artistic, mathematical, or whatever modes of expression there be- is the odyssey of the mind.

The two oldest of these modes seem to be language and myth. since both are of prehistoric birth, we cannot fix the age of either; but there are many reasons for regarding them as twin creatures. The intuitions about nature and man reflected in the oldest verbal roots, and the processes by which language probably grew up are the same elementary intuitions and the same processes which are expressed in the development of myths. They are not the categories and canons of so-called "discursive logic," the forms of reason, which underlie both common sense and science. Reason is not man's primitive endowment, but his achievement. The seeds of it- fertile, yet long dormant- lie in language; logic springs from language when the greatest of symbolic modes is mature (as it is by the time we meet history or ethnology.)

Myth never breaks out of the magic circle of it's figurative ideas. It reaches religious and poetic heights; but the gulf between its conceptions and those of science never narrows the least bit. But language, born in that same magic circle, has the power to break its bonds; language takes us from the mythmaking phase of human mentality to the phase of logical thought and the conception of facts.

Boy this thread has really wound around. But, just to mess with folks' mindsets and in honor of the title of the thread and brief passing discussion of "reincarnation," allow me to vaguely state that is actually because of a recent "recovery" of an apparent past life memory, am now more inclined to believe that there was a lot more literal reality to Jesus' life than I had heretofore believed-not just boiled down to simple myth and/or symbolism.;):D However, given the unverifiable subjective nature of all "visions," don't see much to be gained in going into that detail. With any kind of "vision," it's basically a matter of "you really had to be there yourself" and experience its impact from the inside individually to begin to consider something "real" might have happened. What it "really" was I cannot with total certainty say but it certainly changed my perspective a tad.:D These comments are so titlllatingly vague and strange, I'd had doubts regarding even sharing them but that passing blurb on "reincarnation" simply was too enticing not to post this strangeness just to stir things up a tad. Earl
Sorry for the long absence but I needed to take care of some family matters. If you read your bible you will notice that in certain passages a "fiery cloud" is mentioned. Taken scientifically the only incidence of fiery clouds are when a volcano blows its top. We can come to the conclusion that the appearance of such a cloud in biblical times is in reference to something hidden in it that is throwing off vast amounts of heat energy or that something appears to be a cloud and has an external heat source that can be seen as it approaches.(Exodus 14: 19) or (Exodus 19:19) for examples. We can see from these examples and others (Matthew24:30) that Jesus came down from a "cloud" and later on ascended into one as well.
Sorry for the long absence but I needed to take care of some family matters. If you read your bible you will notice that in certain passages a "fiery cloud" is mentioned. Taken scientifically the only incidence of fiery clouds are when a volcano blows its top. We can come to the conclusion that the appearance of such a cloud in biblical times is in reference to something hidden in it that is throwing off vast amounts of heat energy or that something appears to be a cloud and has an external heat source that can be seen as it approaches.(Exodus 14: 19) or (Exodus 19:19) for examples. We can see from these examples and others (Matthew24:30) that Jesus came down from a "cloud" and later on ascended into one as well.
A fiery cloud can also come from a particular set of atmospheric conditions, at sunrise or sunset wherein the clouds appear to be burning. This is especially true during "twilight".