Easter Pagan

it doesnt have the original meaning any more for some, rather it's just a reason to spend time with your family and make memories. kind of like beating swords into plowshares.
So true, I don't personally see that as an issue, but more live by the book die hard christians example... err mormons or JW's wouldn't see you as christian for particapating in such holidays. If you are a christian that is.

hehe well most die hard live by the book christians would not consider either of the 2 you listed as christian no matter what they do on that holiday.
Oh yes they definately do they say he is a created being for starters.
Yes thats right , just as the bible teaches .the bible harmonizes throughout when we read a good translation.
He is the image of the invisible God, the FIRSTBORN of all creation; COLOSSIANS 1;15
"And to the angel of the congregation in La·o·di·ce´a write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God, REVELATION 3;15
(Proverbs 8:22) "Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago.
(John 1:1) In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.

(John 1:14) So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of undeserved kindness and truth.
(Romans 8:32) He who did not even spare his own Son but delivered him up for us all, why will he not also with him kindly give us all other things?

(1 John 4:9) By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, because God sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him. yes,just as the bible teaches is what JW stick too . the pure word of truth is the way to go .

beliefs and practices of the true religion are not based on human views or tradition. They originate in God’s inspired Word, the Bible.............and one thing that is not in the bible is the pagan easter thing .mixing the false with the true is not pleasing in the eyes of the great God Jehovah.
Both Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul predicted that Christianity would be infiltrated by false teachings. (Matthew 13:24, 25, 36-40; 2 Timothy 4:3) After the death of Jesus’ apostles, the idea took root that it would be appropriate to hold a fast (now known as Lent), followed by a feast, at Passover season. Somehow this became thought of as a way to commemorate Christ’s resurrection.
Jesus replaced the Passover, not with Easter, but with his memorial supper.
the Bible does warn Christians against adulterating pure worship with man-made traditions. This would apply especially to a tradition, such as Easter, that is laced with pagan customs and the ancient rites of false religions
LOL every small detail about "easter" is Pagan based.... It only came mixed/stolen when the Romans tried to appease the christians and the Pagans.... Hence Roman Catholics....

The title itself gives this away Ishtar... is a Pagan goddess... and Easter is her name slightly changed into English. She was like the Teuton goddess of spring I believe. The "chocolate" eggs and hares (rabbits) are again symbols of fertillity in Pagan belief... You also have the hot cross buns and in your bible it shows clearly that your god drove the Jews into babylonian captivity.... Because the hot cross buns were seen as idolatry worship....

Does this holiday seem something that jah, would approve of??

Um, the Romans didn't incorporate pagan rituals into Easter, first. The Celtic missionaries did, circa 432 AD (ACE). And their original reasons were not sinister at all. The Pagan festivals fell right in line with the Christian festivals, and represented similar concepts (rebirth, defeat of death, oneness with God's nature, etc.). Also, since the heroes of the Celts were so Christ like and kingly like Jesus, they rather embraced Christianity and made it their own, not the other way around. They identified with a King of Kings, a peaceful warrior, and one who defeated death. Of course their basic mind set and perception of reality was quite different than the literallness of Rome.


Um, the Romans didn't incorporate pagan rituals into Easter, first. The Celtic missionaries did, circa 432 AD (ACE). And their original reasons were not sinister at all. The Pagan festivals fell right in line with the Christian festivals, and represented similar concepts (rebirth, defeat of death, oneness with God's nature, etc.). Also, since the heroes of the Celts were so Christ like and kingly like Jesus, they rather embraced Christianity and made it their own, not the other way around. They identified with a King of Kings, a peaceful warrior, and one who defeated death. Of course their basic mind set and perception of reality was quite different than the literallness of Rome.



Indeed. Paganism isn't the bogeyman. All those Greek dudes were pagans. I tend to see Christianity as an enlightened extension of the best of the Greek philosophical schools. That's where the idea of the Logos comes from that St. John introduced into the Gospel quatro. St. Paul was hip too.

Nobody worships the Easter Bunny. There's nothing unchristian about celebrating the times and seasons of the year, and of life.

Indeed. Paganism isn't the bogeyman. All those Greek dudes were pagans. I tend to see Christianity as an enlightened extension of the best of the Greek philosophical schools. That's where the idea of the Logos comes from that St. John introduced into the Gospel quatro. St. Paul was hip too.

Nobody worships the Easter Bunny. There's nothing unchristian about celebrating the times and seasons of the year, and of life.


Indeed, lol. Christ never condemned anyone. This is the wonder of the Son of God. But what He did say Chris, is "I AM", Follow "ME". He was pretty specific about that. And unlike any other faith, Jesus promised, "All who seek the Father, will find Him, through me."

That is pretty cut and dry. You know, I have doubts, like you. I have questions, like you. But I believe Him, despite my questions and doubts. After all...what do I have to lose? To live a life that is benificial to me and my fellow man, based on a belief that can't be proven historically, yet by actions, so benefits man...can't be so bad.

What most anti-Christ advocates scream about is the "fact" that "Christians" (so claimed), can be so quick to get violent...

We are a "peaceful" religion? Never claimed such. Ever. We are a civilized faith, who's main theme is "peace". And we will turn the other cheek...to a point.

Christians, however, are not, nor ever claimed to be, peaceful. That is a media spun version.

We just "want" peace.

Don't take a "Liberal Christian's" perspective, to be that of the oness of all Christians. It isn't the truth. We aren't "passive", not by a long shot.

That is a mistake the world makes...


Indeed, lol. Christ never condemned anyone. This is the wonder of the Son of God. But what He did say Chris, is "I AM", Follow "ME". He was pretty specific about that. And unlike any other faith, Jesus promised, "All who seek the Father, will find Him, through me."

That is pretty cut and dry. You know, I have doubts, like you. I have questions, like you. But I believe Him, despite my questions and doubts. After all...what do I have to lose? To live a life that is benificial to me and my fellow man, based on a belief that can't be proven historically, yet by actions, so benefits man...can't be so bad.

What most anti-Christ advocates scream about is the "fact" that "Christians" (so claimed), can be so quick to get violent...

We are a "peaceful" religion? Never claimed such. Ever. We are a civilized faith, who's main theme is "peace". And we will turn the other cheek...to a point.

Christians, however, are not, nor ever claimed to be, peaceful. That is a media spun version.

We just "want" peace.

Don't take a "Liberal Christian's" perspective, to be that of the oness of all Christians. It isn't the truth. We aren't "passive", not by a long shot.

That is a mistake the world makes...



Well, Jesus said a lot of things. He wasn't just about "pick up your cross." He wasn't just about turning the other cheek. He wasn't just a Jewish Messiah. OTOH, Jesus' message is clear: the ideal thing is to absorb the blow and walk away. I'm human, you're human, Peter was human when he drew his sword and cut off the high priest's servant's ear. Jesus picked Peter precisely for his zealous nature, and Peter was attracted to Jesus, not in spite of, but because of his nature. There's a lesson there.

Well, Jesus said a lot of things. He wasn't just about "pick up your cross." He wasn't just about turning the other cheek. He wasn't just a Jewish Messiah. OTOH, Jesus' message is clear: the ideal thing is to absorb the blow and walk away. I'm human, you're human, Peter was human when he drew his sword and cut off the high priest's servant's ear. Jesus picked Peter precisely for his zealous nature, and Peter was attracted to Jesus, not in spite of, but because of his nature. There's a lesson there.


Yep, Jesus takes on all kinds, especially the hard cases...(lol)
Easter is a time when we celebrate the end of the deviled egg eating season. Ideally your Halloween candy should last 'till Easter. Deviled egg eating season starts with the Thanksgiving festivities, and lasts through Christmas and New Years. Then you get a break until Easter to help your digestive tract recover. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter are the great feast holidays.

Easter is a time when we celebrate the end of the deviled egg eating season. Ideally your Halloween candy should last 'till Easter. Deviled egg eating season starts with the Thanksgiving festivities, and lasts through Christmas and New Years. Then you get a break until Easter to help your digestive tract recover. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter are the great feast holidays.


Actually you really only need to get your Halloween candy to last until Valentine's Day. However our candy typically lasts until fourth of July, when I finally throw out the candy corn and other pieces no one will eat.