Both Jesus and socrates spoke of the importance of witnessing the human condition.
.... according to you.
According to >Christians< on the other hand, Jesus PBUH preached
the word of God i.e. Revelation. He was not a philosopher trying
to reach any "
inner objective morality"... he rejected all such notions
of objective thinking that are completely illogical considering the
subjectivity of man. Hence, neccessitating the objectivity of revelation.
The fact is Nick, not only have you misunderstood Jesus PBUH, you
have also misunderstood Socrates. The fact is that as you peddle your
own views here, you fail to understand that the fact that you believe
that you can achieve freedom from the "cave" is the biggest evidence
that you have NO WAY OUT. Because the whole point of the cave analogy
in Plato's Republic, which you seem to think you understand, was that
no one will every get out of their caves. That was the point of the whole
story. That even when a person leaves his own subjective cave, he just
enters another bigger, more invisible cave, but a cave nonetheless.
For all your pretense and derision of others, you are the perfect example
of a person who misses the forest for the trees. As you strive to achieve
the same status of Jesus PBUH, you only reveal the heart of your effort
lies not in humility, but arrogance and pride.