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  1. W

    william b

    Sorry if I was a jerk. I think I've gotten kind of tired of these kinds of forums for the time being. What some people call spirituality is just living in a fantasy world. I've met enough people like that and there is precious little to be learned from conversations with them. People...
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    overcome by bliss

    I know because I've met a million people like him. "Self-less" and "ego-less" people on internet boards are just like any other person who thinks they have some special knowledge. The fact that they want to brag about how "selfless" they are should immediately tell you how deluded they are.
  3. W

    Jesus has freed us from being slaves to obligation

    You are sort of saying you want to f*** the poor because you get off on it. "Oh, yeah. Let me j*** on your face you poor people." Your religion is really messed up.
  4. W

    overcome by bliss

    I think you should go ahead and belittle his "experience." He's obviously full of crap.
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    The real bible code God placed in the bible

    Yeah and dog is God spelled backwards. I guess we should all worship dogs. I cracked the bible code. woopie.
  6. W

    The Bible Code: What is it?

    It's a stupid game to get mixed up in. The Bible was written by people who thought the earth was made in seven days and that God sanctioned killing children sometimes. Why worry about the arithmetic problems of barbarians?
  7. W

    Prayer, Magick, Spells etc, whats the difference ?

    It's all make believe. "Oooo, I can cast spells. You are a frog now." "Ooooo. I prayed to God and he is giving me wishes and going to get me a pony. Also, you are a frog now." "Ooooo. I read The Secret. I am sitting on a toilet straining to poop out my dreams and soon they will become...
  8. W

    Rapture reality or not?

    No. It's just made up. If it "makes sense" to you, then you've probably been brainwashed by some interpretation of the made up story.
  9. W

    Jesus has freed us from being slaves to obligation

    So Jesus said, "Screw the poor. You aren't obligated to help them. Just cut a deal with me and I'll let you into heaven." That's lame.
  10. W

    There is something about Jesus ?

    People like simple answers. If you say Jesus is the answer to everything, then some people will like that because it helps them not to think. The popular answer is often an oversimplified solution. If you can create a big legend claiming some kind of special power over everything, then people...
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    overcome by bliss

    What pretentious garbage.
  12. W

    There is something about Jesus ?

    No one is laughing out loud...on the entire internet.
  13. W

    Looking for answers and need something to believe in

    Life is hard for everyone. At some point most of us have to entertain thoughts about an afterlife and what might be. Science and skepticism isn't very fulfilling when we need to find meaning but trying to placate a God who sits on top of the pyramid of creation is kind of hard to do as well...
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    overcome by bliss

    Bliss often sounds like being simple minded to me. Such descriptions remind me of Terri Schiavo looking at that balloon from a hospital bed. Yes, it's good to take pleasure in simple things, but calling it bliss and trying to make it into something meaningful seems like a good way to lose...
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    Rapture reality or not?

    The rapture makes no sense. The Bible needed an exciting climax so they came up with a story about Jesus coming back and kicking evil's butt.
  16. W

    There is something about Jesus ?

    People are fascinated with power. The church still has some power, though not as much as it once did. And Jesus is perceived as the center of God's power on earth. The church says Jesus has control over weather, disease, forgiveness of sins, who gets into heaven, death itself. People who...
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    Lunatik, you seem like a pretentious tool.
  18. W

    Does God exist?

    I will still maintain that Mohamed made killing a regular practice. The human incarnation of Jesus did not kill. It is the human incarnation that Christians see as the example to emulate as Muslims look to Mohamed as an example of holy behavior. So my point is still valid I think. In the...
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    Does God exist?

    ...I've already gone through all these arguments about how God can exist. I think people who are obsessed with the question are trying to reason out how THEIR God can exist. Sometimes they are afraid to think that God might be different.
  20. W

    Does God exist?

    I'm sorry to single this one sentence out but... I don't call God by that name. And I don't understand how Muslims can admire Mohamed. I'd say yes to Jesus, Buddha, Moses, ...I'd even take L Ron Hubbard over Mohamed. And I know this isn't politically correct but the guy killed a lot of...