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  1. Pico

    Is Jesus the only way to God

    I don't know about anything about your god, but the God of the Bible is a god who perfect and holy. No matter how many good things a person does doesn't change the fact that they sinned. God is so perfect and holy that he can not even look upon sin, none the less let sinners into his perfect...
  2. Pico


    Look, God's main goal is not out happiness. It's our character. The real "true" happiness comes when we get to live with Him in heaven and/or the new earth. We live in a messed up world; suffering is a part of the life we chose, it's the consequence for our sin. God did not create...
  3. Pico


    Welcome to what sin-cursed world is like. Only Jesus can un-do what sin has done.
  4. Pico


    The gray area you are speaking of is a different context. There is no gray area about homosexuality. It's a sin (says it in both the new and old testament). Man was made to be with a woman, and vice versa. One thing that it seems you are curious about is that Christianity is not about us. It's...
  5. Pico


    Ok, I didn't read any post here cuz i'm tired, but i'll lay it out for you concisely. Jesus (the Creator of everything including man and woman) said, when asked about divorce (which has everything to do with marriage) in Mark 10:6-9: "at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.'...
  6. Pico

    Is Jesus the only way to God

    I don't get the reasoning behind some of these responses. If Jesus isn't the only way to God, then, for instance, one could attain righteousness by the way of the law of Moses. But Paul stresses in the book of Galatians that if we rely on "circumcision" to make us right with God (circumcision...
  7. Pico

    What is the Christian perspective of Muhammed (pbuh)?

    No. First I said that Jesus called God his Father, which made him equal with God (I kinda wondered a little off topic there too). He almost got murdered a few times for saying that. Then someone said that other people are called "sons of God." Angels are referred to this too in the Old...
  8. Pico

    What is the Christian perspective of Muhammed (pbuh)?

    Yeah, being called sons of God is a blessing. It is reserved for people God chooses. But Jesus was different. He was God the Father's beloved Son. Those two are from the NIV. The NLT translation renders it like this: There is quite obviously a very distinct bond between God the Father and...
  9. Pico

    God's Judgement

    That's what I'm saying. My friend says that we recieve everlasing life, but are also punished for our bad deeds and rewarded for our good deeds. Doesn't make sense to me.
  10. Pico

    God's Judgement

    Yeah, but I'm not talking about that. I'm referring to God punishing the saved for their bad deeds and rewarding them for their good deeds, which my friend says will happen.
  11. Pico

    God's Judgement

    I understand completely what you mean. Paul dealt with some early church who thought the same thing. But still, why would God punish us for our sins still when Jesus already paid the penalty for them? Wouldn't that be un-just?
  12. Pico

    God's Judgement

    A fellow Christian friend of mine was saying today that although we are given eternal life through Jesus that we will still get punished for our bad deeds and rewarded for our good ones. Now I thought that when we are standing at the judgment of God's throne Jesus will plead our case and say...
  13. Pico


    Re: Positions Taken and Sample Statements Fine. To each his own.
  14. Pico

    Abraham's Bosom

    That's it. I'd say this quote from Paul settles the whole issue. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord," is the way many other translations put it. The Lord ascended to the Father in Heaven. If we are to be with him when we leave our body we will be in Heaven. Doesn't leave...
  15. Pico

    Cain's wife...thoughts?

    I do not an will not ever again compromise the Word of God. We can see in Gen 5:4 that Adam had "other sons and daughters." Cain married his sister. It doesn't say that Cain was banished before he had any sister to marry, nor does it say when he took a wife. Only that he had a wife. Gen 4 is...
  16. Pico

    Abraham's Bosom

    At a Bible study today the leader's wife was telling our table (much off topic too, dont' remeber who asked what to prompt her to say this) but she said when we die we don't go to heaven but to Abraham's Bosom in the earth. She said we'll be with the lord in the New Jerusalem. I said, well the...
  17. Pico

    Human Nature

    Yes, I know that. Eating of the tree was a direct violation of God's commandment. But I'm not talking about that at all. What I'm referring to is Eve saying that God said not to eat of, or even touch it, when He only said not to eat from it.
  18. Pico


    No offense, but you are missing a huge part of the New Testament that refers to Jesus as God. Not to mention the gospels. I'm curious to JW's why do they think Jesus was crucified? To my understanding of the Bible, Jesus claimed to be God, and was killed for blasphemy.
  19. Pico

    Human Nature

    In Genesis 3 Eve tells the serpent that "God said not to eat or touch the fruit of the tree in the center of the garden." But God did not say that she couldn't touch it. Just not to eat it. I know this says something very important about human nature, but I don't know what it is. Any thoughts?