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    Where was Jesus from ages 13 to 33?

    Hi Chris, I would encourage you though to look at all realms of scholarship to make sure you are not vested in the myth of one scholars opinion. DJ
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    Where was Jesus from ages 13 to 33?

    Hi Chris, If Nazareth did not exist during the time of Jesus, then historical writings like the talmud, Joesphus, Tactius, etc would be filled with mockings of such a place, yet history is silent about the topic. IF the bible was only a man made document without divine intervention, then to...
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    god thinks all humans are evil right?

    forgot one part...and he rose from the dead defeating death and validating his message with power
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    god thinks all humans are evil right?

    Shadowman, Sin is serious in the eyes of God. you are right in saying as the Bible does that there is none that do good, no not one. YOu are also right that one can see the seriousness of law breaking as jesus was nailed to the cross. We as humans look around at each other we see goodness...
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    Christians you are on Trial Bring your Bible and Defend your self

    wow....I am a little behind on this one...I did not realize there was 8 pages of comments!!! my bad
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    Christians you are on Trial Bring your Bible and Defend your self

    Defense: The words you have spoken are true. THou Shall have no other Gods before me and the one whom you crucified preached the same. It is worthy of death to make man a God yet it is quite the same if not worse to make God just a mere man. For you yourselves know that our Father was...
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    Why Jesus became flesh

    Why did Chirst come? What was his main goal? I have read many opinions on this site, some suggesting he was a good teacher, some say just a prophet, others say he reached some sort of divine enlightment or he came to help us find God within ourselves, but I wanted to share the Biblical view of...
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    it might be too late for me

    THere is nothing you can do to earn heaven, it is all by Gods grace through Christ.
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    it might be too late for me

    There very fact your are seeking forgiveness and CHrist is evidence that the Lord is working in your life for no man seeks the LORD naturally.
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    it might be too late for me

    Shadowman, I read some of what you said, but do not have time to read everything so if I am off on anything please forgive me. THere is so much to address here, but I wanted to start with the basics. Repent of your sin and put your faith in CHrist. That means stop doing everything...
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    Christianity the only true religion?

    Hey Wil, I am conservative Christian who hopes that you and other people with liberal views will continue to post on this side of the board. I really enjoy the dialogue. That is part of the reason I joined this site. Hope you to hear from you again DJ
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    Word of God

    The graphe can translate to scripture and the though you believe it cannot be assumed that he meant scripture one also not assume it does not. The fact that he calls them epistles does not deny or prove that they are scripture. That is irrelevant. Obviously you know that the OT was known as...
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    Word of God

    Hey Joesph, I studied a little Greek found out that the word "graphe" which is in 2 Peter is used 51 times in the NT (refering to scripture) and used by Jesus to qoute the OT. I also found out that it can mean "holy scripture" and not just a document. It is also interesting that in 2 PEter...
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    Blinded by Belief - A Great Paradox

    how do I get a picture under my name?
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    Buddhism - a paradox?

    God never did anything evil nor did he order anything evil.
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    Christianity the only true religion?

    Yes ,you can spit on God dwelling in human form and i agree that God dwells (not incarnate) within each of his children, (born again) but I am sure we would disagree with who his children are.
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    Christianity the only true religion?

    Hey Joesph, I agree that God is always here and is spirit, but I also believe he can become incarnate and dwell in physical form hence he can be spit on and whipped.
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    Christianity the only true religion?

    you again? LOL! Do you believe it Joesph?
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    Christianity the only true religion?

    I do believe that Christianity is the one true religion. Could I be wrong? yes. Could I be right? yes. If Jesus is the way, truth, and the life then there is no other way unto salvation. Jesus died on that cross for those who repent and put there faith him for the punishment of their sin...
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    Buddhism - a paradox?

    Hey Postmaster, just a quick correction, the eye for an eye verse in context is God directing his people in a legal system under a theocracy. If I kill one of your cows in return I will give you one of mine back...hence an eye for an eye. IT has nothing to do with forgiveness, in fact many...