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  1. immortalitylost

    Television Series.

    I miss K9. Before they changed his voice. He and Sarah Jane come back in the new series for one episode. It's wondrous! Don't know why everyone made such a big deal about Sarah Jane, though. For me she was just, meh. I liked Leela. I mean, she wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, (who is...
  2. immortalitylost

    Television Series.

    Lol, just re-watched that movie a bit ago, the new movie was awesome, there ya happy, no bad mouthing. With the whole alternate universe thing, and just, the whole story and everything, it felt like fanfic, but in a really good way. Like a really well written fanfic turned screenplay with a...
  3. immortalitylost

    Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

    Ianto Jones Risen mitten Mwahaha ha
  4. immortalitylost

    Why do R-wing Xians hate gays?

    I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries. I think it's his name that killed him. Just not... presidential enough. Say what you will about Barack Hussein Obama, but he has a kick butt name. Besides the whole vaguely sounding like a terrorist thing. :p
  5. immortalitylost

    Why do R-wing Xians hate gays?

    Aw, who needs religion. If I want spiritual reassurance I just go straight to God, cut out the middle man. It's better that way. And it's what Jesus did, lol.
  6. immortalitylost

    The New Superbug

    So, avian and swine flu's were exploiting da birdies and teh piggies? Dey have been used! Poor little things. I would have to read about this when I've just come down with something... Maybe I'm the first US occurrence! ... BTW, I'm blaming the cough medicine for this post...
  7. immortalitylost

    Why do R-wing Xians hate gays?

    Can I sign up for a political party where I can not hate everybody AND not have the government crawling up my butt for tax dollars while taking away my rights because I'm apparently retarded and might hurt myself with them? Btw, Anybody should be able to marry anybody. Love is all ya need. :cool:
  8. immortalitylost

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Bone of quality Structurally sound enough But about the price...
  9. immortalitylost

    There is no such thing as 'Free Will'

    Only if you are a Christian who believes in eternal hell... The two, shocking as it may seem, do not necessarily have to go hand in hand. Oh yeah, and God created everything, yes? So would he not have also created Satan? And is he not all knowing? So would he not know what Satan would be before...
  10. immortalitylost

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Just watched 10 Inch Hero. Great great story. I don't wanna say total chick flick, but... Well, a hippie beats the crap outta someone. So, not a total chick flick I suppose. But it's awesome. I'd recommend it. :D Too many enemy tampons, I'm bailing! :p
  11. immortalitylost

    The Gallery...

    Lol, Check and mate.
  12. immortalitylost

    Television Series.

    Lol, no no no, I've earned the right to badmouth trek. My name is based on Trek. I had to take my second grade school pic in a star Trek uniform top that my dad bought me at a convention where I was traumatized by drunken Klingons. So... yea, lol. I've earned certain privileges. And about...
  13. immortalitylost

    Television Series.

    Oh, man. Bad memories. My dad's a total trekkie and made me sit through the whole origional series with him because they were airing it remastered or something. Ummm... And it wasn't meant to be. Spock looked like a drag queen, let's just leave it at that, lol. I know I should appreciate black...
  14. immortalitylost

    Anne Rice is leaving Christianity

    Hmm, for me her whole uber christian thing was weird. I thought that maybe writing the Christ the lord books had got her interested in the faith of her childhood again or something. Meh, I don't care. I mean, lol, she wrote something on her facebook page and everyone just goes crazy. Makes me...
  15. immortalitylost

    Television Series.

    Yeah, I know, But lol, I'm doin the best I can. I've watched the whole of the third Doctor's episodes, so I've just deluded myself into believing that the show starts with him... It's a talent delusion. Anyway, I'm not that big on black and white, and that's like the only way to see the first...
  16. immortalitylost

    There is no such thing as 'Free Will'

    I love that the answer to something as big as free will doesn't even really matter. I mean, if we ever did find the answer, it wouldn't change anything, so why must we know? This makes me giggle. Oh and rodgertutt, what your talking about sounds pretty much like causal determinism. I don't...
  17. immortalitylost

    Television Series.

    I decided to watch the Doctor again. Starting from the third Doc, because I haven't watched the older ones before. Watched a bit of the first Doctor, and one episode with the second, but I'm goin from what's on youtube, so I'm limited there. The new series I can just watch instantly on netflix...
  18. immortalitylost

    Television Series.

    Watching Torchwood now. Contemplating rewatching Dr. Who. Hmm, what can I say... Captain Jack Harkness... That'll do. Just Captain Jack Harkness. What's not to love about that?
  19. immortalitylost

    Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

    tempus fugit
  20. immortalitylost

    Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

    insomnia sucks