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  1. J

    Why would Jesus save?

  2. J

    Why would Jesus save?

    Millions of people receive the law, a hand full receive truth.
  3. J

    Why would Jesus save?

    Shallow? I think not.
  4. J

    Why would Jesus save?

    Where in Scripture does it say 'test'? From here on, you're into your own assumptions and ill-informed speculation. If Eve had not been beguiled, and inturn not beguiled Adam, the two would have remained in the garden. However, Adam and Eve failed so they were expelled from paradise because...
  5. J

    Why would Jesus save?

    According to the bible man was made by God, in his image, and placed in paradise. After man failed the test as given by the god who is all knowing, he was banished from paradise. Man worked and toiled to live for generations until the law was given. This law was given supposedly to show man the...
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    know the truth?

    I feel as if it was a misunderstanding. Nor do i have opponents, i do seek compatriots. I do not nave debate on my mind. However it seems you may have singled out a couple of opponents yourself. I do not want to argue. I just want to say my thoughts, and if in the process of doing this i seem to...
  7. J

    Are all Scriptures divinely inspired?

    I was on my way to canceling my account or what ever it is you do. I figured if i was offending as many people as it seems ive offended, that it would be best if i just went away. Not in defeat however. But instead to a victory somewhere else. You are strange to me in a good way. I like you. Ill...
  8. J

    What did you do to get to the afterlife?

    Its ok for me ill just go back to talking to people in person. Thanks to everyone that i havent offended, and for those i have i am sorry. See you all on bended knee. May ALL of you be blessed in your life by the Light of Love.
  9. J

    Hey how did you end up in heaven?

    You will stand before the All. However the spirit will bare record for you. You will be held accountable for your deeds of deficit if you are found without the covering. If the covering is found then all your deeds of deficiancy will be cast into the sea of forgetfullness never to be remembered...
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    Hey how did you end up in heaven?

    " If you love Me, then do as i say" for the Fathers laws are not a burden, and what is this law? To love.
  11. J

    Hey how did you end up in heaven?

    Is it not written " yee are gods"?
  12. J

    know the truth?

    and hope and love.
  13. J

    What did you do to get to the afterlife?

    When one walks in darkness for him there is no light.
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    What did you do to get to the afterlife?

    Again i say remove the cyniscisim and sarcasm. Look instead with love. Is it in you to be saved? Do you say to the one that created you it is not you who moves me but i that move myself? Read all that i have posted. I might be worth being regarded with love, instead of contempt. If you wish i...
  15. J

    Hey how did you end up in heaven?

    Your understanding of all knowing is apparent. Most would not have the wisdom to answer this way. However, what would you say to you? Do you know why or why not? Try not to be cynical or sarcastic, be instead honest. Is there a bar? Do you have it within yourself to be counted worthy?
  16. J

    What did you do to get to heaven?

    The soul that sinneth dies. When the flesh dies physical life ends. When the soul dies spiritual life ends. Would it not then leave the kingdom, being therefore dead? Ezekiel makes it clear what must happen to live. Ezekiel makes it clear if a man being righteous in his actions, then takes to...
  17. J

    Hey how did you end up in heaven?

    If when dead we stand before a God or gods, and he or they ask Why should i or we allow you in to my kingdom? what would you say?
  18. J

    Are all Scriptures divinely inspired?

    God is not changing. He will never change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorow. We are changing. Our ability to think of god is changing. Many of us are becoming saviours, and many are unbecoming. Before god seemed to us a hard task master, but only because this is how we thought of...
  19. J

    Jesus Taught It Too

    This one i have read, however, these principles are plainly given by the Christ over and over in the gospels and they are spoken of in the ancient writings as well. They have always been free for any that would look for them. They have been hidden, or strategically placed in the field. It is...
  20. J

    What did you do to get to the afterlife?

    If, when dead, you stand before the all, and from it a question comes "why should i allow you to tarry here for eternity?" what would you reply?