Plethora of pointless posts

Oh, I think I see. I realize the two of you are pretty seriously invested in that thread, but to be honest I was turned off by the title.

What little I saw though, looked to me like a progression of dialogue or conversation. Such things tend to wander over time, it's the nature of the critter.

I wish I could fix the problem, but I'm not really seeing a problem to fix. Allowing that I am a little dense and sometimes miss those subtle cues, is there something specific I should be looking for?
I think it has pretty much fnord!ed itself out. ;)
Such things tend to wander over time, it's the nature of the critter.
Sure is. Discussions will go off on a tangent. But shouldn't an effort be made to get back to the topic rather than continue on with a full-scale hijack?

Hey, if Resigned wants to hijack his own are free to call him on it.
The person who does the hijack would seem to be irrelevant if you see a hijack for what it is: a derailment of the topic. It's not about whether to blame the hijacker; it's about ensuring coherence.

I know you guys aren't new to the Internet ! :) Codes of conduct are not designed so that a poster has assurance of impunity to explore the farthest reaches of obnoxious conduct. The underlying principle is to protect other people in the online community from others' behavior. Kind of like laws.
Sure is. Discussions will go off on a tangent. But shouldn't an effort be made to get back to the topic rather than continue on with a full-scale hijack?

The person who does the hijack would seem to be irrelevant if you see a hijack for what it is: a derailment of the topic. It's not about whether to blame the hijacker; it's about ensuring coherence.

I know you guys aren't new to the Internet ! :) Codes of conduct are not designed so that a poster has assurance of impunity to explore the farthest reaches of obnoxious conduct. The underlying principle is to protect other people in the online community from others' behavior. Kind of like laws.

Maybe I'm just dense, and I *am* trying really hard to understand. I just reviewed the CoC, and I just don't see where it says "Thou shalt not go off on a tangent."

I see where Brian does not want flame wars and inflamatory language, self-promotion, proselytizing, bashing of any particular faith or off-color language. I didn't see any of that in the thread in question (I only looked at the last page). So I am just a bit confused here as to what the issue is. It is already a long standing complaint against the mods about heavy handed censorship, so what is it you are asking the mods to do? Are we damned if we do and damned if we don't???

Not everybody here is of the calibur of a PhD. Even those among us who are still go off the path a little from time to time. If it helps, ask the person in question how what they have to say relates to the OP, and could the discussion go back on point. I've done that in the past myself, as have others, and generally if the participants are sincere that usually gets things steered a little closer to the OP. If not, and the guilty party isn't being particularly offensive, its hard to fault for ignorance or lack of etiquette.

And there is always the alternative of beginning a new thread with the express desire to maintain the subject with a polite request to refrain from tangents. So there are some ways to work around the problem without invoking censorship or infractions.

I was not asked as a mod to be the fashion or etiquette police, and frankly I wouldn't if I were asked. My goal is to promote civil dialogue even in disagreement, not to hamstring dialogue with the Rules of Parliamentary Proceedure.

Now, that's my view on the matter. As always, the issue can be brought to Brian if you would like, and he may well have something entirely different to say about it. This is his site, and he gets to make the rules. I just do my best to interpret and apply those rules.
hey, we can't control outrselves, and our lives, so lets try to control other ppl by telling them what they can and can't post... then we will feel good about ourselves...

let's kid ourselves that we're all intellectuals...woo!

some ppl take themselves far too seriously round here... nobody's handing out oscars, ppl, so lighten up...

there's a million pointless posts here... but who shall decide what is pointless?

I want to ban all the *** haters for promoting hate crime, but you can't can you, as the bible backs them up... if all I can say to them is... may your mother abort you before you are born next lifetime, I am considered an evil doer... can I not say what I feel?

there is a faction here, like everywhere else, who survive only to tell other ppl what they can and cant do and can and can't think... that's why we have walls, so the facists and the bigots can have something to hide behind... if they were out in the open *** bashing they'd get the living daylights kicked out of them... but hey, they have a wall now, so I can't go in...

nobody said I couldn't tunnel under it...

it's often the pointless posts which make the most sense...

it's not a neat little world, after all...
All that is beautiful is a smile of the One that is all beauty.
~ Y.D Ahuja
Careful Juan, this is dangerously politically incorrect. you could be boiled in oil for asserting the intolerance of the tolerant speaking the virtues of toleration. It is intolerable regrdless of professed tolerance.

They don't call me Harry Tich at the "Heretics and Blasphemers" social group for nuttin'.
They don't call me Harry Tich at the "Heretics and Blasphemers" social group for nuttin'.
hey if they don't know the secret handshake don't tell them... we may have to give you the boot and change it...

And I have noticed...I do make pointless posts..

I just made one, not this one the one before it...and then was reading another thread and found two quite pointless posts by me.

I don't currently know how to respond that I've discovered this, but do believe it has probably gone on a long time.

But my name is wil. And I make pointless posts. I can't promise I'll quit yet, I don't know if it is really a problem. I'm not belittling those that think this is an issue or those that know they have a problem and are attempting to correct it. But I don't see where a few a day can hurt...I know they add up...

I'm torn, I've got to think about this.
They don't call me Harry Tich at the "Heretics and Blasphemers" social group for nuttin'.

It's true, I got the marks to prove it.....

Is there such a thing as pointless?

YouTube - No POINT

Excellent point.... I would just like to add to this valid post... Gobble gobble gobble. That is all.....

We do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us....
Francis, you have been convicted of thread assassination by white-spacing. Here is your blindfold. Report to the firing squad!

I agree with Netti that if the threads stay more on track, then they're much more enjoyable to read. Also you feel like your posts get a chance to be read instead of buried in banter. At the same time, I also like a sprinkling of banter, so long as its with sensitivity and a sense of humor. I have made some non-serious posts myself; but if somebody feels I'm messing up their thread then I prefer that they say something about it. Its not like my feelings are going to be hurt.
oh, but mindless banter is all i have to offer. lol

Originally Posted by Alex P
I just ate a packet of BBQ rib walkers crisps.

I propose a group be formed for those of us who
are clearly afflicted with RBN (Random By Nature) Syndrome!

We will Prevail!!!

me, me, pick me. i wanna join. lol(jumping up and down, waving her hands in the air like a lunatic...).

And so began the saga of the Random Posters Society!

... a day of days!

*Begins work on creating new social group*
Ironic... The RBN Society is based on no patterns no rules no ways but they were founded in quite a predictable way lol... :/ *writes a letter to the president of the society*

To whom it may concern......


Much respect and anxious to hear your reply
Col. Alex Mustard.