Shades of Reason
Is desire something that exists independently or is it dependent on other forces and factors?
If so, desire could also be affected by choices. And therefore, desire is not free and neither are choices. So, no free anything all round.
Sure, desire is dependent upon other factors, the choices we make. The experiences we experience because of those choices certainly play on our desires. Even our thoughts, new information, our knowledge, understanding, wisdom, etc. play a role when it comes to our desires.
As far as I can tell our only true freedom is our ability to make mistakes, being imperfect and able to fall short, but then that isn't so free either. I'm on board with you, OAT ... "No free anything all around".
If this is the case, then there must be certain methods, certain choices, certain knowledge, certain understandings that can ultimately help us reshape our desires and our retrain our thoughts, yes?
I suggest this because of our innate ability to learn, grow, and further develop as individuals and together as a collective body. Calculated choices determined by our experiences and our knowledge could possibly change our lives for the better.
If we truly desire something, then we will take the steps necessary to achieve that desire. Jesus (Sorry to bring religion into this) tells us that we individually are merely branches of a greater vine and that the Father (God) is the vine dresser and that we can do nothing apart from the Vine (Humanity).
When Jesus said ask, I think he was saying "desire" and your desires will be fulfilled. God (Life) is ultimately in control, but we being imperfect beings often have misguided desires. We will alway bring forth the "fruit" of our strongest desires, whether corrupt or good; our hearts desire ultimately determines the fruit we produce in life.
We are all the same, there are none inherently evil, so all are able to change their hearts desire if effectively nudged to do so. It's not necessarily life that will always determine our desire, but also what we know and understand about life, our fundamental equality, and those we share this world with.
In short, change your desires and your desires will change your life, or you can keep doing what you've always done and you'll keep getting what you always got. We can help one another desire "good" over "evil", or rather desire pro social behavior (Morality) over anti social behavior (Immorality).
I myself "Get by with a little help from my friends"