Purchased Bewilderment
Often when pointing at the moon....someone will look at your finger...
Yes the physical is not G!d, but a physical manifestation of G!d....the continuallly begotten of the only begotten.
You know, I was thinking about this today and it occurs to me that the question posed is, in itself, problematic. I mean, don't you think that to ask "who" is an attempt to compare the object under discussion to another identifiable object? What good is asking a question when we think we know part of the answer? Gatekeeper posits that the Ultimate Reality should be a topic of inquiry, and rightly so, from his perspective. However, I often think that the very methods we use to cognize and inquire affect the outcome.
Maybe we should be open to questioning how we are questioning, isn't that what Kant was trying to get at? Isn't that what Thomas means when he posits that our greatest sin and cause of our perceived separation from God is pride?