This is interesting now. When there is the life of seeing translation, God is doing something to cause them to understand continuously and therefore the environment and life around is caused to what is unification. With this, if there is the knowing that what is occurring is what the Entity of God is doing, there is nothing the seeing translator is saying and life around is understanding from the area that is providing both a state of being that is appreciated as well as full knowing that pertains to interests. A seeing translator is caused to be interested and understanding continuously when they can see what it is that the life around is interested with. The interest, of course, being one that is continuable. When there is this seeing occurring and the continuous conduction of knowing (by the way, the word transmitting is coming from computer language and that is not continuous), the Entity of God is NOT placing what is negative energy to separate areas of life, seen and unseen, from understanding themselves to be saying something to this life (understanding to their united attention span which incorporates a circulatory circumstance) which results in the return of seeing and continuous translation.
This is to life that is understanding something with me about the above and about what is occurring when God is causing a relflection of life (ascending areas of it that are understood as united and doing something different circumstances) in what is unification. During these moments, life is either understanding from what is the end of the spinning dowel rod that is unity or the end of the dowel rod that is terror. Areas of life that are not understanding a conduction to their existence to move over to an activity at those occasions that are continuable are receiving and doing what is terror, and terror, which is a separation, can be big or small, to humans, animals and land, and it is all the same process place. What is the removal of pressure existing as a ruptured aneurysm by way of the life disguised as human being information, threaded together with separated circumstances, is also an earthquake, a plane being flown into a building and suicide bomber moving into a mosque. Life is life and to God it is all human with some being reformed into presentations that do something different. There is only certain degrees of terror that an existence is allowed to experience aware, only what is able to be useful within the causation of knowledge around it that will be placed directly to them once they move over to the area that is participating in a continuous conduction.