The father speaks these words through me that you might realize John was not sent by him. God is not in this heart, for this is division between container and contents, how can any container be greater than God? It is God that is container and contents, there is nothing besides Him.
You ask God to forgive God, yet you know it not. These words are your calling: find out that God is also the one which has caused you to look here, nay, He is the very one looking through your eyes and smiling at these words, go towards that place which smiles, look on the face from whence it came.
Know that it is the ego which chooses, even the ego which chooses the path towards its own crucifixion. Eventually, you must put this ego on the cross, mercilessly pierce its chest but do not weep at its death. It is the Lord your God who rises in him then, but you will not die, you will not commit your soul. You have not comprehended rebirth, for how can the new be born alongside the old? You have made religion the crutch for the ego, and it delights because it is a way for it to live forever.
Eternal life is not for the ego, eternal life is only through God, the one, the only, the whole.
You speak on your own thus seeking your own glory which shows Your Ego is the problem but I do as the Lord commanded when He said "As the father sent me that is how I send you. But you refuse the command given by God the Father to the son and so you are dead in your sins.
"Seek justice, seek humility, perhaps you'll be sheltered on the day of the Lords anger".
You do not have eternal life since you love your own life and reject the love of God.