Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

Many people say that one can't be a Christian if you don't believe that Jesus is God.
I find that rather sad. Why should it matter?
Does the Muslim religion actually require Muslims to tell other people how to understand their own religion? Especially Muslims who do not understand or have even much basic knowledge of what they're talking about? Does Allah tell you to show your ignorance like this every day? Does Allah instruct you to make a fool of yourself on internet forums all the time?
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Does the Muslim religion actually require Muslims to tell other people how to understand their own religion?
I don't think I am..
As I say, I find it sad that the issue of Jesus being God or not causes such anger and division. :(

However, what is to be, is to be. Almighty God knows everything about us.
I don't think I am.
How can you even SAY that? It's all you do here, all the time.
As I say, I find it sad that the issue of Jesus being God or not causes such anger and division.
The only person doing that here is you @muhammad_isa
However, what is to be, is to be. Almighty God knows everything about us.
The first sensible thing you've said for a long time. So why don't you just heed your own words, get on with your own life, and let other believe and worship in their own way?
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Jeez guys! Can't we just accept that Islamic and Christian views differ and leave it at that?
I don't think it's that simple, myself.
There are many different creeds in both..
..the lines between them are not as distinct as one would have them, imo.

It is the devil that wishes to divide.
Should I be rejected from Christianity, just because I now believe in Muhammad as well?
satan only wishes to divide .. why let him?

Many atheists claim that "my god" is different from "your god" etc. :rolleyes:
There are many different creeds in both..
..the lines between them are not as distinct as one would have them, imo.
Indeed. My point is, this same argument has been presented and addressed multiple times on this thread and others. The Christian response is not going to change, regardless of how many times the argument is repeated. At some point you just have to say, I believe otherwise and move on.

As a Christian, I have a completely different take on what is said in the Quran then do most Muslims. However, I would not dream of cherry picking the Quran simply to support my own opinion. Especially not on the Islam board. The most I'd say is, to me it means this... and leave it at that. There is much to be learned from the various religious doctrines found in the world today. One just has to accept, doctrine will not always agree nor will individual interpretation. These, no it isn't, yes it is, arguments serve no purpose other than creating hard feelings and further division, IMO.
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So why do you keep doing it?
"The core of any genuine Christian denomination is the belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that anyone putting their trust and faith in him is forgiven by God."

By the above definition, I'm proud to say that I'm a Christian. :)
I'm proud to say that I'm a Christian.
Who are you looking to for acknowledgement?

You can be a Moonie if you want to. Who is handing out medals? The King of England?
Who are you looking to for acknowledgement?
Well, you seem to be moaning about my participation on the topic of Christianity..
I'm just explaining what I think it means to "be a Christian".

The insistence that one must believe "the son of God" to be God is not universal.

You can be a Moonie if you want to..
No, I can't. I don't believe that Jesus has appeared to any sectarian leaders. :)
The insistence that one must believe "the son of God" to be God is not universal.
It's called freedom of belief in the 21st century. Is that a new idea to you?

If I live on a flat page, I can't imagine up or down. The world for me is binary. I can't think of a circle as a three dimensional sphere, or beyond to four dimensions.
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God reveals to Isaiah to tell his people: “Come now, and let us reason together.” (Isaiah 1:18).
So, we doing this in this forum.

My friends, please let me know the definition of the term used as "biblical god". I think that it is only a term of expression (godly people).

1. PSALMS 82.6
I have said, Ye are gods.

2. 1 CORINTHIANS 8.5/6
Though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there are gods many and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, of whom all things are, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ.

And the Lord said unto Moses. See, I have made thee a god. EXODUS 7.1

Here saying of Jesus (in his own words about the word "god").

4. John 10; 34
Jesus replied, “It is written in your own Scriptures that God said to certain leaders of the people, ‘I say, you are gods!’

If Jesus was god, then why he was crying bloody tears and requesting another God.
(Luke 22:44)
And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground”.

This has all been addressed on numerous threads now. Please stop posting the same argument over and over. Further posts of this nature will be taken down and official warnings issued. MODERATOR
God reveals to Isaiah to tell his people: “Come now, and let us reason together.” (Isaiah 1:18).
So, we doing this in this forum.

My friends, please let me know the definition of the term used as "biblical god". I think that it is only a term of expression (godly people).

1. PSALMS 82.6
I have said, Ye are gods.

2. 1 CORINTHIANS 8.5/6
Though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there are gods many and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, of whom all things are, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ.

And the Lord said unto Moses. See, I have made thee a god. EXODUS 7.1

Here saying of Jesus (in his own words about the word "god").

4. John 10; 34
Jesus replied, “It is written in your own Scriptures that God said to certain leaders of the people, ‘I say, you are gods!’

If Jesus was god, then why he was crying bloody tears and requesting another God.
(Luke 22:44)
And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground”.
I don't believe you actually want to know how Christians understand it. You are just here to push your own over-simplification, repeating the same questions that have been answered repeatedly across multiple boards.
Jesus Christ is God AS MAN.
Christ is the bridge between God and Man.
Jesus Christ is Emmanuel -- God With Us

God is also a neutron star, and a fish, and a million whirling galaxies, and a humble blade of grass.

Christ did not come just to talk. He healed souls and forgave sin. He still does. His life and death and resurrection are His message.
You are here to try to tell Christians how to understand their own religion -- from the viewpoint of YOUR religion. You are only interested in proselytizing your own religion. Enough is enough now.
@Ijaz Ahmad Ahmadi
You need to meditate on the mysteries of the life of Christ, if you want to understand who Jesus really is. That requires an open mind and at least some knowledge of Christian scripture and thought.

He didn't come to fit your box. The Christ of the New Testament goes far beyond the box of the Quran Jesus that (many) Muslims try to squeeze Him into, imo

In the meantime do you not think it is rude to tell other people how to understand their own religion, that you know virtually nothing about?
If these answers do not satisfy you, they are still the answers you get. There isn't a simple answer. The fact a person cannot understand something, does not invalidate that thing. Repeating the same question across multiple boards will not change the fact.

Watch this:
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Reverence: deep respect for someone or something.

I think some people see discussion of creed as irreverent.
I do not.
It's only when people start disrespecting God or Moses/Jesus/Muhammad that I object.
I think some people see discussion of creed as irreverent.
I do not.
I think some people tire of answering the same questions repeatedly across multiple boards, and being ignored, then the same questions repeated.

Do you have any new questions?
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Do you have a new question?
Not really..

..but you said "Do you think being a Christian makes you a superior and better, more moral and caring person than someone who does not believe in God as you do?"

If not, then what value does our belief hold, exactly?
If not, then what value does our belief hold, exactly?
Do you think you are a superior and better, more moral and caring person than someone who does not believe in God in the same (Muslim) way that you do?