Follow Christ but not Christian

If Christianity is a Judaic/Gnostic-inspired Paulian device (as I believe it to be) and someone gets something beneficial from it then good for them.

Paul didn't invent Christianity, Paul highlighted a legal misunderstanding...I would think a Satanist would comprehend that, seeing as to the Jews Satan is just another angel, with a specific job. He is the accuser, the angelic equivalent of a prostituting attorney.

I'm not altogether unfamiliar...Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley, Dion Fortune, William Wynn Westcott, Gerald Gardner, all of whom put their own twist on the time honored Jewish tradition of Kabala.

Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, "Superman,"...I have a passing understanding there too. I lean more towards Ayn Rand, and even she goes off the rails a bit sometimes. Nietzsche dying from syphilis isn't a promotional bell ringer either, that ranks right up there with gangrene and leprosy.

The difference I see is Selfish vs Selfless. A selfish person has no capacity for love. A selfish person cannot live / experience / grasp / comprehend in a meaningful, experiential way what love is, or to place another above one's own interests - even to give their life for another. That is unthinkable for a selfish person.

I recently wrote the major world faiths have at their core something very like the Golden Rule, and this is the research, or I can point you to the ancient thread I did here. I did not include the "alternate paths," because "Do what thou wilt" is a misquote of St Augustine.

"Love, and what thou wilt, do." - St Augustine

Crowley forgot love.

G!d Is Love

So if laughter offends Nietzsche, that's his problem.
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Paul didn't invent Christianity, Paul highlighted a legal misunderstanding...I would think a Satanist would comprehend that, seeing as to the Jews Satan is just another angel, with a specific job. He is the accuser, the angelic equivalent of a prostituting attorney.

I'm not altogether unfamiliar...Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley, Dion Fortune, William Wynn Westcott, Gerald Gardner, all of whom put their own twist on the time honored Jewish tradition of Kabala.

Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, "Superman,"...I have a passing understanding there too. I lean more towards Ayn Rand, and even she goes off the rails a bit sometimes. Nietzsche dying from syphilis isn't a promotional bell ringer either, that ranks right up there with gangrene and leprosy.

The difference I see is Selfish vs Selfless. A selfish person has no capacity for love. A selfish person cannot live / experience / grasp / comprehend in a meaningful, experiential way what love is, or to place another above one's own interests - even to give their life for another. That is unthinkable for a selfish person.

I recently wrote the major world faiths have at their core something very like the Golden Rule, and this is the research, or I can point you to the ancient thread I did here. I did not include the "alternate paths," because "Do what thou wilt" is a misquote of St Augustine.

"Love, and what thou wilt, do." - St Augustine

Crowley forgot love.

G!d Is Love

So if laughter offends Nietzsche, that's his problem.
Great! Now that I know how ignorant you are regarding Occult Traditions I have a much better understanding of where you're coming from.
All of the names I listed have zero or sketchy evidence from their lives to prove their existence. According to you, many historical figures didn't exist (by your logic). If we don't have writings proven to be from them from their lifetime, then they obviously didn't exist. Other posters here have mentioned other names as well. Sad to say, I guess these guys never existed.... according to you.
I guess you for some reason ASSume all the names you shat out of your mouth, I for some reason believe existed. Kudos for being almost as ignorant as juantoo3 . . .
An excerpt from a census long after Jesus is NOT what I am talking about. Supposedly there are some immaculate records that can be found that show the complete censuses and crucifixions from the time of Jesus. So YOU need to back up your claim. That means YOU need to do your homework. So do YOUR work and prove your claim. You will be the first. Yes, there are records of certain famous executions and some random excerpts of census records. Complete concise records from the land of Judea that would back up your claim? Nope. Do your work and prove your claim. Or stop making the claim. It's a common "Google expert" claim that has never been proven.
You Funny . . . I don't need to do shit, because I am not the one insisting Yeshua the Failed Messiah Nazarene existed, it is YOU. So why don't YOU show the PROOF that this mythological person existed?
I guess you for some reason ASSume all the names you shat out of your mouth, I for some reason believe existed. Kudos for being almost as ignorant as juantoo3 . . .
You just said that all of the people I mentioned were "well documented" throughout history. Forgive me for assuming that meant you believed in them.
You Funny . . . I don't need to do shit, because I am not the one insisting Yeshua the Failed Messiah Nazarene existed, it is YOU. So why don't YOU show the PROOF that this mythological person existed?
Caught in a lie again huh? This is where the insults and swearing always follow. You made a claim. I simply asked you to back it up. You can't. No need to get testy. I never claimed that "Yeshua the Failed..." ever existed. Back up your claim or please stop lying.
Caught in a lie again huh? This is where the insults and swearing always follow. You made a claim. I simply asked you to back it up. You can't. No need to get testy. I never claimed that "Yeshua the Failed..." ever existed. Back up your claim or please stop lying.
Nah . . . it is you that has no proof and little evidence of this fable . . . and it is you who needs to prove this same fable . . . pissing you off? Sorry . . .
Nah . . . it is you that has no proof and little evidence of this fable . . . and it is you who needs to prove this same fable . . . pissing you off? Sorry . . .
So if you tell me that bigfoot doesn't exist and that you have evidence, it's not your job to prove it? I have to prove that he does exist even though I'm not even making that claim? Weird. You claimed that these census records exist, immaculate records no less, and there isn't any Yeshua who existed or who was executed. I just want to see these records. That's all. Very simple. So simple. I really really really really really want to see these records! So just back up your claim, maybe read up on the concept of burden of proof, and get back to me. I'm pretty sure everyone here would love to see these records too!
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So if you tell me that bigfoot doesn't exist and that you have evidence, it's not your job to prove it? I have to prove that he does exist even though I'm not even making that claim? Weird. You claimed that these census records exist, immaculate records no less, and there isn't any Yeshua who existed or who was executed. I just want to see these records. That's all. Very simple. So simple. I really really really really really want to see these records! So just back up your claim, maybe read up on the concept of burden of proof, and get back to me. I'm pretty sure everyone here would love to see these records too!
Exactly . . . you can't prove a negative, duh!
Exactly . . . you can't prove a negative, duh!
Explain to me what is negative about records that you claim to exist? That's what I'm asking about. I'm working on an ancestry project and if you could just get me access to those records I would be extremely happy!!!!! Nothing to even do with Jesus. Just let me know where they are. YOU claim these records exist. That is NOT a negative claim. Prove they exist or stop wasting my time.