Can you relate?

So what are you doing here? "atheist" is not a Faith based religion. It means that you believe in nothing except yourself. After all, the forum is called "interfaith"
If you read around a bit, you will find your question answered in multiple threads - but that would mean for you to actually engage with what we are doing here, rather than using our forums as a cheap soap-box to proclaim your views and poop on everybody else's.

I repeat: You should really read our code of conduct and take it to heart.
Then you need to find a different book, yes, they were forced. That word can have a few different meaning applied to it.
It stares you right in the face and yet you deny it. Verses 22-24 Why didn't Pilate release Him????? Verse 22 Who was in charge????? Why would Pilate kill an innocent man?????
You need to read a history book.
The Romans were not squeamish at all.
You need to read a history book.
The Romans were not squeamish at all.
It's strange how people believe the things they do believe -- truly strange, imo

But is your problem with the gospel narratives, or with the historical truth of them? The gospels say what they say?

EDIT: The factors involved in Pilate's sentencing of the Christ are nuanced, to say the least?
But is your problem with the gospel narratives, or with the historical truth of them? The gospels say what they say?

My problem is when someone insists loudly and categorically that only a literal reading of some text is valid, only to then go all nuanced to accomodate a traditional interpretation which contradicts what the text actually reports.

That said tradition is also responsible for a lot of prejudice, suffering, and murder, is just the cherry on top.

The factors involved in Pilate's sentencing of the Christ are nuanced, to say the least?

Yes, but the question was not "who wanted Jesus dead", but "who killed Jesus".

I may want certain people dead - totalitarian dictators for example - but if they do get murdered, that doesn't mean I pulled the trigger.
The Jewish leaders wanted Jesus out of the way. Pilate didn't see the need, but went along with the death of one man to avoid civil problems, is the gospel narrative, imo
Judea was a fractious province and Pilate didn't need more problems, imo
All you say is in line with the Gospel narratives. I have no issues.

So why the resistance to "the Romans killed Jesus", which is what the Gospel narratives actually report?
So what are you doing here? "atheist" is not a Faith based religion. It means that you believe in nothing except yourself. After all, the forum is called "interfaith".
I am an atheist Hindu. I follow Advaita (non-duality). What you said above (and underlined by me), is not true. I do not believe in what does not have evidence - God, ideas that are connected to God (soul, heaven, hell, end of days, judgement, salvation), people supposed to be the representatives of God and myths in scriptures. Otherwise, my beliefs are not any different from other people.
All you say is in line with the Gospel narratives. I have no issues.
So why the resistance to "the Romans killed Jesus", which is what the Gospel narratives actually report?
Yeah, it were the Roman soldiers who put Jesus on the cross and the soldiers pricked him with their spears and made him drink vinegar (as I remember). Jews had no part in that. No one wanted mischief by rebels; neither the Jews, nor the Romans. If the Romans wanted, they could have set Jesus free, Jews could have done nothing about it. The Romans were the rulers at that time.
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Then why make a comment like this at all? You immediately bracket the entire Jewish race?
Wake up! It is the entire Nation of Israel that God is mad with. Care to read the Prophets, especially the book of Isaiah. They are still set aside until the "fullness of the gentiles" are brought in. Why do you think that Israel is still and always has been the most hated nation in the East.
As you bracket all Muslims as hating Jews:
The Islamic nations do hate the Jews. You seem to be a smart person. Do all Muslims hate Jews, certainly not. It's the radical Muslims who have one mission in mind, Death to Israel and death to America.
By their fruits they are known ...
So, if they are producing "bad fruit" am I to just keep my mouth shut?
I wasn't. You are asked to clean up your act in general, if you want to continue posting here.
I am still not sure as to why you are here. What do you have to offer to the dialogues. You have no religion. You believe in no God, you believe in no "book".
It might help.. it's all about the intentions of those involved.
eg. their sincerity
That is what every "religion" believes other than Christianity.
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Can you cite a passage of the Quran that supports your claim?
If I cite it, first will you believe it and second it will make no different to your belief. The entire Quran is riddled with problems. Two different gardens (but you don't find that out until you are more than half way through the Quran, the first half never talks about two only one. One garden for the elite and another for the poor dumb people.
If I cite it, first will you believe it and second it will make no different to your belief. The entire Quran is riddled with problems. Two different gardens (but you don't find that out until you are more than half way through the Quran, the first half never talks about two only one. One garden for the elite and another for the poor dumb people.
Come on. Be honest and say that you don't know it.
Zekharia was killed. John was killed by Herod (not really a Jew). Which other prophet before Jesus was killed?
14 Then he said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.”
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), 1 Ki 19:14.
29 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous,
30 and say, ‘If we had been living in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’
31 “So you testify against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets.
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Mt 23:29–31.