Absolute Truth

Thank you for quoting 2 Peter, another great scripture. Great thing is, these scripture only inspire me to be a better loving person.

O see you need to quote all the verses before verse 14 and it tells a story that Supports the Day of God is like a thousand years and that this day will come like a thief in the Night, which gives verses 14 to 18 an entirely different frame of reference to consider.
Interesting that you should point that one out.. The Day of the Lord.. I was going to add that part but I felt it was a rather lengthy bit of scripture on its own. I love the ending to this chapter.

but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

Who is The Lord? And whose day is it? Whose glory is it? And who is the one that can receive glory?
Interesting that you should point that one out.. The Day of the Lord.. I was going to add that part but I felt it was a rather lengthy bit of scripture on its own. I love the ending to this chapter.
I personally think we are living in that 'Day of the Lord'.

I wish you only peace and happiness. The years to come will be a challenge to us all, the conflict is hard on our souls.

Regards Tony
I personally think we are living in that 'Day of the Lord'.

I wish you only peace and happiness. The years to come will be a challenge to us all, the conflict is hard on our souls.

Regards Tony
I would have to disagree since my Lord Jesus has not yet returned as promised.

The Day of the LORD” is a biblical term and theme used in both the Hebrew Bible (יֹום יְהוָה Yom Yahweh) and the New Testament (ἡμέρα κυρίου, hēmera Kyriou), as in "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come" (Joel 2:31, cited in Acts 2:20).

Oh, I was only teasing with the word flawless there. What prompts do you use to help with your writing when using ChatGPT? For example, do you ask it to rewrite what you wrote in a certain way?

I have used it before, but I have never used it to edit my writing.
Yeah, I've asked to rewrite what I wrote in a certain way (more clearly explained), sometimes I use it to ask me questions to stimulate my thinking. Sometimes I can get it to explain more than I had originally thought of, but I have to look over it, so I know it's accurate (because its made plenty of errors before).
I would have to disagree since my Lord Jesus has not yet returned as promised.

The Day of the LORD” is a biblical term and theme used in both the Hebrew Bible (יֹום יְהוָה Yom Yahweh) and the New Testament (ἡμέρα κυρίου, hēmera Kyriou), as in "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come" (Joel 2:31, cited in Acts 2:20).

Another great prophecy, thanks for posting. Notice the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord, can also be considered as a Woe.

I found some interesting thoughts on that passage in the Book "Thief in the Night".

The research was on the Dark Day of 1780 and I quote a section by William Sears.

"The event was so unique that it was placed in the 1883 edition of Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, as follows: “The Dark Day, 19 May 1780—so called on account of a remarkable darkness on that day extending all over New England … The true cause of this remarkable phenomenon is not known.” In his Collections for the Massachusetts Historical Society 1792, Samuel Tenny writes: “This gross darkness held till about one o’clock, although the moon had filled but the day before.”
Uriah Smith, writing of Tenny’s statement says: “This statement respecting the phase of the moon proves the impossibility of an eclipse of the sun at that time. Whenever on this memorable night the moon did appear, as at times it did, it had … the appearance of blood.” Many of the scholars made much of the uniqueness of this event, pointing out that it was not a natural eclipse of the sun—but a sudden darkening of the sky, with the moon having the appearance of blood. The more conservative scholars explained that it did not matter whether the happening was a natural one or a mysterious one. The important thing was that the sun was darkened and the moon turned into blood. What caused it was of no importance they said. Many explanations were advanced for this phenomenon, but the millennial scholars were at least agreed that it was the fulfilment of the prophecy which was important, and not the manner it which it came to pass. Some protested that the ‘dark day’ was not seen by the whole world. Others replied that the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ was seen only in the Middle East, and that half the world is dark each day—how could all see it at once? The excitement and debates were vigorous. Excitement over Christ’s return grew in ratio to the intensity of the disputes..."

Another interesting fact is that in Persia there was already Scholars who were teaching that the promises were about to be fulfilled. In America William Miller prediction for 1844 was also just about to be realised.

There is much, much more. Happy to keep linking these back to scripture.

Regards Tony
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This is becoming just another @Tony Bristow-Stagg Bahai proselytising thread, using IO as his own personal soapbox, imo
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This is becoming just another @Tony Bristow-Stagg Bahai proselytising thread, using IO as his own personal soapbox, imo
Have you any ideas to exchange, is this OP not about absolute truth? Why is it that there are so many Prophecies that can be seen to fulfilled? What other claims in the past 200 have shown that they have fulfiled even a handful of these Prophecies?

No matter what RJM, no accusations from me against you and your position in Faith.

Regards Tony
Have you any ideas to exchange, is this OP not about absolute truth? Why is it that there are so many Prophecies that can be seen to fulfilled? What other claims in the past 200 have shown that they have fulfiled even a handful of these Prophecies?

No matter what RJM, no accusations from me against you and your position in Faith.

Regards Tony
So many words. So many posts, across so many threads. It's proselytising, Tony
There is no absolute truth; there is no ultimate light, and it is certainly not contained in the hundreds of thousands of words written by Baha'u'lla and his family binding upon the entire human race for the next 800 years, imo
Have you any ideas to exchange, is this OP not about absolute truth? Why is it that there are so many Prophecies that can be seen to fulfilled? What other claims in the past 200 have shown that they have fulfiled even a handful of these Prophecies?
Vague prophecies and claims that they have been fulfilled depends on who is analyzing them. You say that the claim is true, Faithfulservant says that the claim is false. Atheists like me do not believe in prophecies at all. They think that it involves a double scam. First scam was to make a prophecy, the second scam is to say that they have been fulfilled.
No matter what RJM, no accusations from me against you and your position in Faith.
But there most certainly are.

You accuse Christian faith of being outdated, and the trinity as being false, because the Quran or Baha'u'llah say so. (Almost) every post you make openly accuses Christians of being misguided and in need of correction. You take the holy scripture of the Christian faith and manipulate it around to give the opposite meaning, etc.

Adding 'regards' at the end of your countless proselytizing posts does not make them any less offensive to Christians, to whom it's not a game and whom you actually seem to enjoy baiting, and then play the victim martyr card when you achieve your object of finally getting a reaction.

Just my own opinion.

I'm not going to respond to any more of your comments and recommend that @Faithfulservant saves herself the heartbreak too
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There is no absolute truth; there is no ultimate light, and it is certainly not contained in the hundreds of thousands of words written by Baha'u'lla and his family binding upon the entire human race for the next 800 years, imo
Why pick up that 19th Century uneducated Iranian alone who claimed to be a manifestation of Allah? There were others too who made similar claims. The absolute truth is that the universe arose from a high temperature, high pressure opaque plasma.

"In Big Bang cosmology, the Planck epoch or Planck era is the earliest stage of the Big Bang, before the time passed was equal to the Planck time, or approximately 10−43 seconds. There is no currently available physical theory to describe such short times, and it is not clear in what sense the concept of time is meaningful for values smaller than the Planck time. It is generally assumed that quantum effects of gravity dominate physical interactions at this time scale. At this scale, the unified force of the Standard Model is assumed to be unified with gravitation. Immeasurably hot and dense, the state of the Planck epoch was succeeded by the grand unification epoch, where gravitation is separated from the unified force of the Standard Model, in turn followed by the inflationary epoch, which ended after about 10−32 seconds."
The absolute truth is that the universe arose from a high temperature, high pressure opaque plasma.
That's not absolute truth, Aup.

It's the latest and most popular theory. It does not explain what the BB originated from and it does not explain dark matter or dark energy and does not explain quantum gravity. It explains only 4% of the universe, and is bound to be superseded in time by theories that do explain those issues. It is also coming into question by the James Webb discovery of 'old' galaxies' in the young universe, etc.

It's not the only theory either. There are others around, though the BB model is the most popular one that makes usable predictions, imo
Adding 'regards' at the end of your countless proselytizing posts does not make them any less offensive to Christians, to whom it's not a game and whom you actually seem to enjoy baiting, and then play the victim martyr card when you achieve your object of finally getting a reaction.
Not just Christians, but every religion other than his own. They include Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Zoroastrians, Confucianism, Daoism, Shinto and many other. Actually, with their purported number of 5-7 million believers, they are aginst the 8 billion people of the world. And he has no evidence to offer for his Allah or his manifestation other than the visit of a 'heavenly maiden'. What the ....
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Vague prophecies and claims that they have been fulfilled depends on who is analyzing them. You say that the claim is true, Faithfulservant says that the claim is false. Atheists like me do not believe in prophecies at all. They think that it involves a double scam. First scam was to make a prophecy, the second scam is to say that they have been fulfilled.
That is the nature of truth and our relative capacity.

Hope all is well in your part of the world.

Regards Tony
I'm not going to respond to any more of your comments and recommend that @Faithfulservant saves herself the heartbreak too
Most likely time to dust off the sandals.

One can live in much hope.

All the best in life. Regards Tony
It's the latest and most popular theory. It does not explain what the BB originated from and it does not explain dark matter or dark energy and does not explain quantum gravity. It explains only 4% of the universe, and is bound to be superseded in time by theories that do explain those issues. It is also coming into question by the James Webb discovery of 'old' galaxies' in the young universe, etc.
You are correct there. I think the best theory was given by Buddha. Skandhas (parts). "When the necessary parts are there, things seem to arise".
There is no absolute truth;
I politely disagree. If absolute truth as reality does not exist, how are we able to have this conversation?

I do agree some of us believe they "have it all figured out," and the next generation will challenge and amend that understanding, and so on and so on...

But reality exists, whether or not we understand, or pretend to understand it.

What is being called here "absolute truth" in any other context is not absolute truth, it is subjective truth. ALL religions present subjective truths that help us as inquisitive beings to understand reality. Claims by every religion to hold "THE Truth, and the ONLY Truth!," do not.

There is more to reality than meets the eye.
Not just Christians, but every religion other than his own. They include Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Zoroastrians, Confucianism, Daoism, Shinto and many other. Actually, with their purported number of 5-7 million believers, they are aginst the 8 billion people of the world. And he has no evidence to offer for his Allah or his manifestation other than the visit of a 'heavenly maiden'. What the ....
They are all educated, literate and computer savvy folks amusing themselves trying to make a new religion, imo