What do you look like?

Hey all new members feel free to "show your face!" :D Oh and all old members feel free to update us on your appearance! Anyone changed radically from their previous images?

No image to show, but I recently grew a goatee. At my wife's request. Not sure how to interpret that???
She's experiencing your mid-life crisis for you. Next she's going to make you buy a fancy new car for yourself and get into a hobby that is usually associated with much younger people.
She's experiencing your mid-life crisis for you. Next she's going to make you buy a fancy new car for yourself and get into a hobby that is usually associated with much younger people.

Fancy new car? As much as I would love such a thing, my budget won't even allow for the skateboard.

Will I enjoy the hobby, or is it just for the scenary? Can I change a 40 for two twenties? Think I'll take up bird watching... :D Just gotta be careful the stalking laws...
I was talking about 'street kings' in the movie thread? Here is a recent picture of me! And two of my boys we kind of 'gate crashed' the premire of the movie... Yes, we are loving it, but the others do not look best pleased...

lets see if this works..

here is my lurker self.. guess I'm more of a shadow than anything..


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lol, I started refering to myself as a shadow cause that's what my best friend says about how I used to be.. always quiet, never knew I was there, just watching (learn lots of stuff about people they don't want you to know about them that way btw).

When I start to get quiet and "observing" she tells me I'm turning into a shadow - its' how I'll probably be on here
Shadows can't respond when asked to explain why they are a shadow :) You are an amazing being, a human... :D

Learn alot from being observant of course, naturally, but stuff they don't wish for you to learn? You have to a bit of digging for that :p
Learn alot from being observant of course, naturally, but stuff they don't wish for you to learn? You have to a bit of digging for that :p

LOL, show's how little you watch.. you learn about the affair between 2 co-workers when you catch the look that passes between them .... you learn that the girl who is always relatively happy is going through something painful when she turns away from the group to walk away and the saddness fills her eyes.. you learn when someone is putting on a false face of friendship when their mask slips behind their friends back and you see the contemptuous sneer...

I am by no means a voyeur. I am just comfortable letting others take center stage and I enjoy people so I observe. Of course if you get me with the very very select few that truly know me.. they have a very different image of me! :D
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that my dear i feel is the essence of human nature.
we sit, bserve and say nothing
i can rarely say nothing, hence the predicaments i find myself in....
but you are a watcher........... and there is nothing wrong with that.
keep us informed