I wanted to add a few short comments, since so many of my favorite topics have been touched upon in this thread ... and I'll try to do so within context:
- Relevant to George Harrison's comments, and the mystical experiences of the Beatles in general, I would like to suggest that indeed, LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs can & do afford a glimpse of the blissful, Divine consciousness which Christians call `God.' I have no hesitation in stating this, nor am I the least bit uncertain about what I am saying. However, the experience which is tapped during drug usage comes at a cost - and the results are impermanent, whereas those gained as Gifts of the Spirit are (at least potentially) permanent.
- Further, the cost of mystical experience gained from drugs such as LSD, other hallucinogenics, or even the milder narcotics - far outweighs the fleeting benefit gained. Anyone with a sincere interest should perhaps talk to Pohwaikahine, since she will be able to tell you all you need to know about the pineal gland and pituitary body. These are the organs connected with psychic sense (in the material organism, or human body) - although this could really only be associated with the least `Gifts of the Spirit,' at best.
- The Bible is not without its reference to the energy body - or `nephesh' ... which houses the seven energy centers (chakras) to which you referred, Path. The familiar `silver cord' so often spoken of in relation to `astral projection' is also plainly referenced in the Bible. Consult Ecclesiastes 12:6-7.
- When it comes to the energy of the chakras, it's best to let things take their course naturally, as you discovered, Path. Only upon the wise & direct counsel of a truly Enlightened Spiritual Guide (I take the Master JESUS to be a prime example) - should ANY student ever meditate upon the energy centers. The one exception is the Heart Center, if one feels comfortable ... visualizing LOVE has never done anyone harm. And this is surely the Greatest `Gift of the Spirit.'
- One of the consequences (though not the worst) of premature awakening to the `astral plane' (the psychic world to which you refer, Path, from direct experience) ... is indeed the possibility of contact with lower elemental spirits, as well as the shades or shells of human beings who have passed on. This can be very unpleasant, and I'm not surprised that many Christians would tend to call these "evil spirits." They aren't actually evil, although shells & shades can be seized upon and used for evil purposes. Path, your sharing of your experiences really helps put all this into context, I think. Those who are serious about spiritual development, and who wish to develop the true, Higher `Gifts of the Spirit' (and not simple psychic abilities) - should not dabble in the astral world. As an aspiring esotericist, I can think of no greater advice than the adage - "Fools rush in, where Angels fear to tread!"
- All of this notwithstanding, since this thread is about `Gifts of the Spirit,' I would add that one of the Greatest Gifts ... is surely the ability to spiritually "hear," Discern, and respond to - the Voice, Call and prompting of one's own Innermost Spiritual Guide, whomever & however we choose to so regard Him/Her. The Christian who has any doubt or questions can always safely seek refuge in the spiritual Presence of Christed Jesus ... yet I would also like to state, for the record, that additional Wise, Loving & equally competent Guides exist. I would AGAIN second everything that Path has said (et al) - when it comes to the importance of DISCERNMENT. But let me assure you (`whoever' "you" ARE - ) .... there are Teachers within the `Higher, spiritual worlds' - who DO exist for the same, selfless, Loving reason(s) as Christ Jesus. That we may come to acknowledge Them, seek Them, and learn to Serve alongside Them is the whole purpose of St. Paul's Epistle to the people of Ephesus (Ch.4,v.13). He was simply affirming what he himself had already proven, in certain measure, through CHRIST IN HIM ...
- And so, finally - again keeping things in context, I'd like to summarize what I've learned in 16+ years of studying - and experiencing - psychic abilities ("lesser" `Gifts of the Spirit'), plus those Greater `Gifts of the Spirit' - which I think we ALL have undoubtedly experienced from time to time (else I dare say any of us would BE here, at CR). The bottom line, as I've discovered, is that we should understand the distinction I've just made. The correspondence is mostly between our "psychological-psychic" nature and LESSER `Gifts,' and our Spiritual Nature and GREATER `Gifts.' There is nothing wrong with the former, but without the latter - we lack the Wisdom and the Foundation for their proper usage. EVERY book on Esotericism (`White Magic') emphasizes this. The Spiritual Masters to Whom I refer do not operate on the astral plane, save through the loving aura of Their disciples - yet Their VOICE (the `WORD') can be heard right here, within the physical - in each moment, in any place, in any set of circumstances. This has ALWAYS been true, and ever it shall be.
One Voice, One Word, One Plan, One Purpose - And the surest way to
hear and follow ... no matter what the need of the moment, is to seek the Sanctuary of the Temple within (HEART) ...
On a personal note, I've grown up with a clairvoyant sister (5 years younger, so she's 29) all my life. I've experienced
clear, direct, verbal telepathy on several occasions - as well as shared dreams, with
virtual strangers, which were later verified as being "beyond a shadow of a doubt," if you will. I can walk outside, look up, and see the LIFE of God (`prana,' or CHI) any sunny day of the year - and so can most of us here, I should imagine. We are simply used to believing that "it's a trick of the eyes," or "it's dead skin cells," or whatever else we've grown accustomed to saying.
I've certainly had lucid dreams, and found myself stepping through my
kitchen when I know good & well my body was/is in bed upstairs. I've been
"yanked back" and
jerked awake more times than I can count, as most folks here have ALSO experienced. That's nature - GOD, if you prefer - but the point is, our Soul (Spirit, etc.) has things pretty well in hand, even for those who like to
dabble. But we are
always advised against that ... a simple prayer to be of service in the dream-world is all we need say or do.
I've experienced ONEness with everything from an apple (ohhh, taboo!!!
lol) ... to my own spiritual Guru/Guide (or at least, the one with Whom I'd come to aspire & associate) ... to the glowing, radiant, loving,
and powerful network of
Servers who are far, far beyond me on the Spiritual Path (the Greater `Ashram'). I've known since I was TWO that there was much, much more to
`Jesus' than I was hearing in church (Lutheran, and a well-grounded congregation at that, not the least bit pontifical,
or unpleasant!). And I haven't been afraid to explore,
if, perhaps, I may have often been hasty to
offer up the fruits of my experiences here at CR.
But then, I have my parents to thank, for being open-minded and
intellectual -
strong in their faith, yet equally strong in their powers of reason, and of
healthy skepticism. I have said before that I walked away from Christianity by about age 13, because it was easier to sleep in on Sunday mornings. And I am
GLAD that I was free of what would
otherwise have been for me - shackles - so that I could explore the worlds of religion(s), spirituality(ies), faith and philosophy ... with as little bias or prejudice as possible. My only regret, is that somewhere along the way I have perhaps
balked at the recognition of some of my
own karma, which I regard as part of our collective HUMAN karma (meaning that we
all have a stake in Christianity, and
vice versa ... though this will also apply to
every other religion, ideology and philosophy). Yes indeed!
sighhhhh ....
If this makes no sense, then please forgive my babbling. I simply wish sometimes, that people would just take me at my word - such that if I say,
There are Guides (Loving Guides, as Christ Jesus), nothing more need be said. And if I say,
These Guides are examples of Ephesians 4:13, again - no more need be said. NO MAN (or woman) comes to that fullness if or while s/he still seeks the
lesser gifts (`psychic abilities'), thus
evil has its boundaries - and the worlds of Spirit transcend and encompass all that is below, both of the earth - and of our human psychology (including dreams, save where these penetrate to
Spirit Itself). Nevermind - if I were to say, I was a Christian
after Christ ... I suppose it were blasphemy, for that was then,
and this is now.
Actions make the man ...
Love and Light,