What Movies Have You Seen Recently?


that's not it. It was a more straightforward story for most of it, set in China I think, in a little village. At the end Jackie's finally encouraged everyone who's holed up in some building that they can resist and fight back against the enemy. He convinces them all and the bad guys come in with guns to plow everyone down. The movie ends with all of the good guys dead.

Sorry Dauer, its not ringing any bells...there are probably at least half of Jackie Chan's movies I have not seen. There is probably some place on the web with a brief for each movie...might start with wiki?
Let the wife pick out a couple movies the other day...she has a habit of starting them and getting me involved and then walking out a while later, she seldom sits through an entire movie.

I mentioned Christmas coming, so she wanted Christmas movie...the animated Grinch who stole Christmas! along with Horton hears a Who. Love the theme song from the Grinch, its a classic (it kept getting requests on the radio last year).

You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
Author: Dr. Seuss

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
You're as charming as an eel.
Mr. Grinch.

You're a bad banana
With a greasy black peel.

You're a monster, Mr. Grinch.
Your heart's an empty hole.
Your brain is full of spiders,
You've got garlic in your soul.
Mr. Grinch.

I wouldn't touch you, with a
thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.

You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch.
You have termites in your smile.
You have all the tender sweetness
Of a seasick crocodile.
Mr. Grinch.

Given the choice between the two of you
I'd take the seasick crockodile.

You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch.
You're a nasty, wasty skunk.
Your heart is full of unwashed socks
Your soul is full of gunk.
Mr. Grinch.

The three words that best describe you,
are, and I quote: "Stink. Stank. Stunk."

You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch.
You're the king of sinful sots.
Your heart's a dead tomato splot
With moldy purple spots,
Mr. Grinch.

Your soul is an apalling dump heap overflowing
with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable
rubbish imaginable,
Mangled up in tangled up knots.

You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch.
With a nauseaus super-naus.
You're a crooked jerky jockey
And you drive a crooked horse.
Mr. Grinch.

You're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool
With arsenic sauce.

Copyright © 1957, Dr. Seuss.​

After that, Home Alone. I still laugh MAO.
Dont mess with the Zohan.......
I dont normally like Adam Sandler movies, (my boys do, tho, of course)
But this one was funny. real funny. However, I did have to remove myself from the room on occassion, ther are still things i cant watch. (maybe im just an old girl...)LOL
The new Horton hears a who sucks... Bad... Once/if you see the original..... There can be no comparision.... The original hits home on the key points and makes a big impact getting those messages across the new one is just... meh....
The new Horton hears a who sucks... Bad... Once/if you see the original..... There can be no comparision.... The original hits home on the key points and makes a big impact getting those messages across the new one is just... meh....

That's how I feel about the Grinch movie too. As much as I like Jim Carrey, it wasn't enough to carry that excuse for a movie. Thanks for the tip about Horton.
I am hopeing that a film is going to come out soon called MARLEY AND ME i have read the book and heard that they are bringing a film out in march :) dog lovers will like it
*softly chuckles to himself*

For those of you that haven't seen Horton hears a who.... (The real one) Here is an interesting lol review I've dug out and I would like to share with ya ;)

-: Horton hears a Who. :-
-: By Dr Seuss :-
-: Reviewed by a lunatic. :-
Spoilers, (high light to view): SO! The film/Cartoon was written in 1954 by Dr Seuss; the cartoon version I have and watched was created in 1970 and directed by Chuck Jones & Ben Washam. There is also a computer animated version of the story being released now. (2008) which should be a good un, anyway, I am focusing on the original 1970’s version. Where to begin, Horton? Yes, Horton, Horton is an elephant, and he isn’t that highly thought of by the others in the Jungle of Nool, to begin with, but once this tale begins, the kangaroo, “Sour, Makes sure they all rise up against Horton, because he makes claims they wish not to hear, and instead of thinking it though and looking to his evidence, they instantly set out to destroy his claim anyway they can and punish him...

So it begins with Horton, Sorry I have no idea who did the voices for the characters, however you may find it interesting to know that the narrator is Dustin Hoffman. Oh and another fact about this version “The Grinch” Another of Dr Seuss’s characters makes an appearance in the film, in Woodville. SO BACK to the start haha sorry, Horton comes across a speck of dust which speaks to him, It claims that within the dust there is a world, a world of who's and their world is called, Whoville. There is a large speaker system that comes from within the realm of Whoville... This is owned and operated by Dr. Hoovey. Who is in contact with Horton, who can only hear them because of his giant ears.

Now Dr. Hoovey is in the same situation as Horton he is disrespected and laughed at because he believes there is life beyond their world... Out there in space... Horton many times has to struggle against his own people to save the fate of the Who’s, and he states every time. “A person is a person, no matter how small.” They get to the point of no return... Where the animals of the Jungle of Nool, cage Horton and take the dust speck to throw into boiling water....
By this time they had been thrown from a great height by a bird that was commanded to get rid of the speck of dust... And from this shake up the Who’s begin to listen to Dr. Hoovey and this is when he becomes their leading foot.... “Sound off! Sound off! It’s time to be heard! You’re times running out! It’s time to be heard!!!!” – Dr Hoovey.

The nation of Whosville Scream and scream “WE ARE HERE!” Horton continues hard to try and get his people to hear the Who’s... Every Who in Whosville screams “WE ARE HERE!!” They bang things, blow things make as much noise as possible, and Dr. Hoovey continues to round up his people... Yet the animals of the Jungle of Nool remain angry and fail to hear the Who’s and continue to cage Horton and move the boiling pot into place.

Dr Hoovey rushes from east to west to make sure everyone was making noise and they were, but he continued to run around trying to find people to help... Then in the Fairbanks apartment, apartment 12 J, behind an umbrella stand he finds a very small Who named Jojo, just standing and silently bouncing a yoyo, He grabs the Who and rushes to the highest point in town telling the child it is his worlds hour of need....

He reaches his arms holding Jojo up high and pleas for him to help make noise... Jojo says that he has never tried and is unsure what noise to make, He thinks perhaps a yip, then decides to go with a yopp...

“Make a yip! Make a Yopp! Can’t you yip?? Can’t you yopp??” Dr. Hoovey.

“I just don’t know sir, I’ve never tired...” Jojo.

“You best try soon, or you’ll going to be fried....” Dr Hoovey...

And so The child shouts out a “YOPP!!!!!” and this breaks through the dust speck barrier and then thousands and thousands of “WE ARE HERE!!!”’s and other random noises rushed out behind it like a back draft.. Now I quote the entire ending.... by the narrator.

That Yopp, that one small extra yopp, put it over.... finally, at last from that speck, on that clover their voices were heard, ringing clear through the air. The people had spoken. No matter how small, and their whole world, was saved..... By the smallest of all.......
Then at the very end, in the dust speck, Whoville, a tiny speck of dust floats down on to Dr Hoovey, and he hears the word..... “Help....”

Now What I love from this it shows, there are so many in the world, that struggle and strive to save the world, and just that extra bit could be all it takes to be heard, and I find it amazing that out of nowhere, this no hope, this chance in hell, saves the day, I just found that so suiting our world, and what a great message to send to children...

Also the other thought, it makes you ponder, fathom on the thought, how small are we? Great film, great message, and remember a person is a person.... No matter how small.. Help your fellow man stand." /Spoilers maybe.
Narnia, Prince Caspian,,,,,(very good)
Felon, gritty, action movie,,,,,,,,also outstanding......
The x files movie............ ok, it was more like an episode of criminal minds than x files.
Saw the new 007 with my dad on Friday. Can't say I really liked it but I'm not a big fan of Bond films. Just went to have a little bonding time with my dad. It broke with convention a bit. No Q. The climactic action scene was pretty subdued. James didn't sleep with the main Bond girl on screen. Not even a fade-out-to-morning scene with her.
Saw the new 007 with my dad on Friday. Can't say I really liked it but I'm not a big fan of Bond films. Just went to have a little bonding time with my dad. It broke with convention a bit. No Q. The climactic action scene was pretty subdued. James didn't sleep with the main Bond girl on screen. Not even a fade-out-to-morning scene with her.
Try watching "Casino Royalle", then you'll understand why...this is a take off from that original, where Bond's wife dies.
Ohhhhhh. That explains it. xD I haven't watched many of the more recent Bond films.
Ohhhhhh. That explains it. xD I haven't watched many of the more recent Bond films.

Before "Casino Royale" (1969), there was "On her majesty's Secret Service".

In the movie, James Bond gets Married at the end, but unfortunately his wife dies very soon thereafter when the bad guys shoot her while trying to gun down James. Her name was "Contessa Teresa 'Tracy' Di Vicenzo Bond", she was played by Diana Rigg.

After that, he was the bond we all know...
AAAaah, you see i also wasnt aware of this. I have always refused to watch entire James Bond movies, as the highlights are always so.... "blokey".. I am offended by the fact that he is such a "tart", hes a good guy uo to a point but then.... he ruins it for me by sleeping around... (LOL). I know its fiction.
Now I know the reasons, i guess I wont judge him so harshly. (LOL).
(Im sure James bond would be relieved to know that. too. LOL).
OK, I looked through about a dozen pages of posts and can't seem to find Alex's post about the movie "300." Finally found a copy at at price I was willing to pay (there are a few benefits to black friday...), and I have watched it twice now since my purchase. There is a quality about the film that engrosses me. I appreciate the storyline (honor, courage, never surrender...), and I suppose for the more faint of heart it could be considered quite gory (I have seen far worse...still I wouldn't let a small child watch). Some elements seemed even cartoonish, yet still captivating. I think it has made the lower end of my favorites list.

Speaking of which, had some family visiting for a day, and I learned of her interest in Native American movies and stories. I was pleased to learn she also had some of the same movies in her own collection like: "Fish Hawk" (with Will Sampson, better known for One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and the Outlaw Josey Wales) and "The Education of Little Tree" (written, coincidentally by the grandson of the real Josey Wales, with James Cromwell better known as a character actor from a wide range of films). Both of these are pretty obscure films, so it was quite a surprise to me.

So, upon learning she had not seen "Smoke Signals," that is the film we watched. Mine is a bootleg made for me years ago by a friend, but I tend to watch it once or twice a year anyway, so this made for a great opportunity to share what I feel is a truly artistic film that speaks profoundly on many levels. It came out in 1998 or 99, I don't recall, but it won at the Sundance festival that year. I cannot recommend this particular film more highly, it has ranked among my favorites ever since I first watched.

OK, I looked through about a dozen pages of posts and can't seem to find Alex's post about the movie "300." Finally found a copy at at price I was willing to pay (there are a few benefits to black friday...), and I have watched it twice now since my purchase. There is a quality about the film that engrosses me. I appreciate the storyline (honor, courage, never surrender...), and I suppose for the more faint of heart it could be considered quite gory (I have seen far worse...still I wouldn't let a small child watch). Some elements seemed even cartoonish, yet still captivating. I think it has made the lower end of my favorites list.

Speaking of which, had some family visiting for a day, and I learned of her interest in Native American movies and stories. I was pleased to learn she also had some of the same movies in her own collection like: "Fish Hawk" (with Will Sampson, better known for One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and the Outlaw Josey Wales) and "The Education of Little Tree" (written, coincidentally by the grandson of the real Josey Wales, with James Cromwell better known as a character actor from a wide range of films). Both of these are pretty obscure films, so it was quite a surprise to me.

So, upon learning she had not seen "Smoke Signals," that is the film we watched. Mine is a bootleg made for me years ago by a friend, but I tend to watch it once or twice a year anyway, so this made for a great opportunity to share what I feel is a truly artistic film that speaks profoundly on many levels. It came out in 1998 or 99, I don't recall, but it won at the Sundance festival that year. I cannot recommend this particular film more highly, it has ranked among my favorites ever since I first watched.


I love Millers work.... That combined with Leonidas I (Whom I also love!) We got an awesome start :D Of course it will seem "cartoonish" it is based on a graphic novel.. I love the camera work and the colours, the tone of the footage is really awesome and captivating... The way they worked and editing the backgrounds (most will of not picked up on that) I thought was sweet... Like the part where Leonidas departs from his Wife and Queen and of course his son! For battle... The slow motiony breeze in the fields.... The slow floating crops... The haze like aura to it.. Sweet! :D A bit of an exagerated tale with alot of added fantasy but that makes it even more awesome..!

I love the way they kind of put your eyes into the eyes of a Spartan warrior... You are there for the first time seeing all these new and strange and wonderful creatures and soldiers and weapons and tools and what not coming from distant lands combining to defeat you!!!! :O:O:O:O

Awesome quotes in this one and an excellent ending... And now I am in the mood to watch some miller so I am going to go watch Sin Cities :D!